US Presidents ranked from best to worst by academia


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

#1. George Washington. He is ranked first on their list because.............well..............he always has been. He was the first President after all, so what are ya gonna do? We do this even knowing that the bastard was white or that he owned slaves and would have objected to such things as the genital mutilation of children that we embrace today. The bottom line is, this first pick is just mindless tradition is all.

#2. FDR. Now your talk'in!! Sure, we still have the white guy, a fact we begrudgingly overlooked, but hey, he was one of the fathers of all this Progressive crap, so again, what are ya gonna do? We really wanted to pick President Wilson since he really started this Progressive shit show, but hey, he basically ran the KKK all by himself and was President during a time when more black folk were lynched during his Presidency than any other President, so that would have been a hard sell. Wilson is thus better ignored, for obvious reasons. This is because you don't want to praise him too much because of the racist thingy but you don't want to destroy his Progressive legacy that we absolutely love!!!😍😍😍😍😍

#3 Barack Obama. We desperately wanted to pick him #1, but could not for the reasons already provided. He was not just a man, he was a god. All ye who are not racist, or white and don't know you are a racist, bow down and worship!!! He has both the skin color and politics to match being the picture of perfection!! A true Marxist.

#4. Joe Biden. Again, we only had one black Marxist we really liked, so we have to continue to compromise and pick another white guy, preferably a Marxists. Although Joe is more of a walking vegetable than a Marxist, we give him a high rating because Obama pulls his strings. It's as if Obama never left us. Well done Joe. Also, we don't want to put Joe to far down on the list cuz we have an election to win people!! But if we had put him higher we could not have endured the laughter and endless mocking that would have followed. As it is, we are pushing it.

And now moving on to the President who is rated dead last!

That would be Donald Trump. The man who was impeached around 200 times, convicted around 400 times, and who has consistently been ranked as being dead last on every academic Presidential poll in existence since he became President. I mean just look at the horrible things he accomplished!! A peace deal with genocidal Israel and her Arab neighbors? That made us puke! Obama showed us why he earned a Nobel Peace prize by destroying the entire country of Libya, a true peace maker. By comparison, Trump failed to start so much as one war help bring peace to the world. Pathetic. And we don't want to hear questions as to why Trump can be ranked dead last but still leading Biden in the current Presidential polls even though we ranked Biden #4.. Enough Putin Propaganda!! And trust us, if Trump wins it will only be because of Putin interference, which should be good for another 300 impeachments to follow if Trump wins.
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#1. George Washington. He is ranked first on their list because.............well..............he always has been. He was the first President after all, so what are ya gonna do? We do this even knowing that the bastard was white or that he owned slaves and would have objected to such things as the genital mutilation of children that we embrace today. The bottom line is, this first pick is just mindless tradition is all.

#2. FDR. Now your talk'in!! Sure, we still have the white guy, a fact we begrudgingly overlooked, but hey, he was one of the fathers of all this Progressive crap, so again, what are ya gonna do? We really wanted to pick President Wilson since he really started this Progressive shit show, but hey, he basically ran the KKK all by himself and was President during a time when more black folk were lynched during his Presidency than any other President, so that would have been a hard sell. Wilson is thus better ignored, for obvious reasons. This is because you don't want to praise him too much because of the racist thingy but you don't want to destroy his Progressive legacy that we absolutely love!!!😍😍😍😍😍

#3 Barack Obama. We desperately wanted to pick him #1, but could not for the reasons already provided. He was not just a man, he was a god. All ye who are not racist, or white and don't know you are a racist, bow down and worship!!! He has both the skin color and politics to match being the picture of perfection!! A true Marxist.

#4. Joe Biden. Again, we only had one black Marxist we really liked, so we have to continue to compromise and pick another white guy, preferably a Marxists. Although Joe is more of a walking vegetable than a Marxist, we give him a high rating because Obama pulls his strings. It's as if Obama never left us. Well done Joe. Also, we don't want to put Joe to far down on the list cuz we have an election to win people!!

And now moving on to the President who is rated dead last!

That would be Donald Trump. The man who was impeached around 200 times, convicted around 400 times, and who has consistently been ranked as being dead last on every academic Presidential poll in existence since he became President. I mean just look at the horrible things he accomplished!! A peace deal with genocidal Israel and her Arab neighbors? That made us puke! Obama showed us why he earned a Nobel Peace prize by destroying the entire country of Libya, a true peace maker. By comparison, Trump failed to start so much as one war help bring peace to the world. Pathetic. And we don't want to hear questions as to why Trump can be ranked dead last but still leading Biden in the current Presidential polls even though we ranked Biden #4.. Enough Putin Propaganda!! And trust us, if Trump wins it will only be because of Putin interference, which should be good for another 300 impeachments to follow if Trump wins.

Poor Votto
Twice Impeached Trump, whose presidency was marked by his flouting of historical norms

Trump was seen as "by far the most polarizing of the ranked presidents, selected by 170 respondents," according to a summary of the survey.

And Trump appears to be romping his way to another Republican nomination to lead the U.S. despite facing 91 felony criminal counts and lingering disapproval over his one-term presidency.

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#1. George Washington. He is ranked first on their list because.............well..............he always has been. He was the first President after all, so what are ya gonna do? We do this even knowing that the bastard was white or that he owned slaves and would have objected to such things as the genital mutilation of children that we embrace today. The bottom line is, this first pick is just mindless tradition is all.

#2. FDR. Now your talk'in!! Sure, we still have the white guy, a fact we begrudgingly overlooked, but hey, he was one of the fathers of all this Progressive crap, so again, what are ya gonna do? We really wanted to pick President Wilson since he really started this Progressive shit show, but hey, he basically ran the KKK all by himself and was President during a time when more black folk were lynched during his Presidency than any other President, so that would have been a hard sell. Wilson is thus better ignored, for obvious reasons. This is because you don't want to praise him too much because of the racist thingy but you don't want to destroy his Progressive legacy that we absolutely love!!!😍😍😍😍😍

#3 Barack Obama. We desperately wanted to pick him #1, but could not for the reasons already provided. He was not just a man, he was a god. All ye who are not racist, or white and don't know you are a racist, bow down and worship!!! He has both the skin color and politics to match being the picture of perfection!! A true Marxist.

#4. Joe Biden. Again, we only had one black Marxist we really liked, so we have to continue to compromise and pick another white guy, preferably a Marxists. Although Joe is more of a walking vegetable than a Marxist, we give him a high rating because Obama pulls his strings. It's as if Obama never left us. Well done Joe. Also, we don't want to put Joe to far down on the list cuz we have an election to win people!! But if we had put him higher we could not have endured the laughter and endless mocking that would have followed. As it is, we are pushing it.

And now moving on to the President who is rated dead last!

That would be Donald Trump. The man who was impeached around 200 times, convicted around 400 times, and who has consistently been ranked as being dead last on every academic Presidential poll in existence since he became President. I mean just look at the horrible things he accomplished!! A peace deal with genocidal Israel and her Arab neighbors? That made us puke! Obama showed us why he earned a Nobel Peace prize by destroying the entire country of Libya, a true peace maker. By comparison, Trump failed to start so much as one war help bring peace to the world. Pathetic. And we don't want to hear questions as to why Trump can be ranked dead last but still leading Biden in the current Presidential polls even though we ranked Biden #4.. Enough Putin Propaganda!! And trust us, if Trump wins it will only be because of Putin interference, which should be good for another 300 impeachments to follow if Trump wins.
I get it.... you want to laugh and point at those subhuman parasites... like the rest of the planet is doing.

Robert L Peters has always been dumber than fuck, whether he was molesting his 11-year old daughter in the shower or screaming at black people in the senate like a KKK grand wizard. But NOW? OMG, the material writes itself. :laughing0301:

That fucking spectacle (or its crackhead spawn) gives generously to us, EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Big shoutout to that stuttering shit clown!

Did you check to see if that list was accruate?


I know people like you despise fact checking -p as it exposes your lies, but...

The opinions of professional historians, well respected academics is not open to fact checking. Their arguments may be, but...

Mr. Trump has been impeached twice. He has been indicted and is a criminal defendant out of bond. There are indictments listing the crimes alleged. You can choose to ignore realities all you want -- they will not go away.

And the Trump campaign's dealings with Russia?
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#1. George Washington. He is ranked first on their list because.............well..............he always has been. He was the first President after all, so what are ya gonna do? We do this even knowing that the bastard was white or that he owned slaves and would have objected to such things as the genital mutilation of children that we embrace today. The bottom line is, this first pick is just mindless tradition is all.

#2. FDR. Now your talk'in!! Sure, we still have the white guy, a fact we begrudgingly overlooked, but hey, he was one of the fathers of all this Progressive crap, so again, what are ya gonna do? We really wanted to pick President Wilson since he really started this Progressive shit show, but hey, he basically ran the KKK all by himself and was President during a time when more black folk were lynched during his Presidency than any other President, so that would have been a hard sell. Wilson is thus better ignored, for obvious reasons. This is because you don't want to praise him too much because of the racist thingy but you don't want to destroy his Progressive legacy that we absolutely love!!!😍😍😍😍😍

#3 Barack Obama. We desperately wanted to pick him #1, but could not for the reasons already provided. He was not just a man, he was a god. All ye who are not racist, or white and don't know you are a racist, bow down and worship!!! He has both the skin color and politics to match being the picture of perfection!! A true Marxist.

#4. Joe Biden. Again, we only had one black Marxist we really liked, so we have to continue to compromise and pick another white guy, preferably a Marxists. Although Joe is more of a walking vegetable than a Marxist, we give him a high rating because Obama pulls his strings. It's as if Obama never left us. Well done Joe. Also, we don't want to put Joe to far down on the list cuz we have an election to win people!! But if we had put him higher we could not have endured the laughter and endless mocking that would have followed. As it is, we are pushing it.

And now moving on to the President who is rated dead last!

That would be Donald Trump. The man who was impeached around 200 times, convicted around 400 times, and who has consistently been ranked as being dead last on every academic Presidential poll in existence since he became President. I mean just look at the horrible things he accomplished!! A peace deal with genocidal Israel and her Arab neighbors? That made us puke! Obama showed us why he earned a Nobel Peace prize by destroying the entire country of Libya, a true peace maker. By comparison, Trump failed to start so much as one war help bring peace to the world. Pathetic. And we don't want to hear questions as to why Trump can be ranked dead last but still leading Biden in the current Presidential polls even though we ranked Biden #4.. Enough Putin Propaganda!! And trust us, if Trump wins it will only be because of Putin interference, which should be good for another 300 impeachments to follow if Trump wins.
I'm guessing that in this case "academia" is a couple of pencil neck Democrat boot lickers who hate Trump.

I know people like you despise fact checking -p as it exposes your lies, but...

The opinions of professional historians, well respected academics is not open to fact checking. Their arguments may be, but...

Mr. Trump has been impeached twice. He has been indicted and is a criminal defendant out of bond. There are indictments listing the crimes alleged. You can choose to ignore realities all you want -- they will not go away.

And the Trump campaign's dealings with Russia?
You disagree with my ratings?

Update: Lincoln now #1!!!!!!!!!!

Academia would like to amend their previous list of best Presidents by adding Lincoln. After all, Lincoln was one of the cool war time Presidents that all got a monument in DC to commemorate them because war is just cool is all. You have the Washington monument, Lincoln monument, and the FDR monument that glorifies war that Progressives love to create or fund around the world. In fact, every major war in US history had a democrat President that started it. But as we said before regarding President Wilson, even though he was a war time president as well and we would love him at #1 if we could get away with it, we are forced to concede that Wilson is just better off left out of sight and out of mind which is why he has no monument with all the cool Presidents in DC. Yea, he was just that bad. We thought about modifying the history, but the attempt was deemed way too much of an effort, even for the best of propagandists. At the same time, we demand some understanding here for leaving Lincoln off our list. After all, Lincoln was the first Republican President, and he freed all the slaves, and he was a white man, which kills all our talking points about the evil systemically racist GOP. So, what to do? But we soon realized that Lincoln did a great deal to destroy state rights and help create the oligarchic Federal Leviathan that now controls every aspect of our being, which we have all come to love, so we then agreed to allow him on the list and place him at #2. However, later we realized Lincoln was also shot dead, which is prime real estate for the anti-gun cult to get their talking points out which is a major plus, earning him the overall #1 spot on our little meaningless Presidential contest.

Thanks again for your understanding for having to modify our previous list.
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#1. George Washington. He is ranked first on their list because.............well..............he always has been. He was the first President after all, so what are ya gonna do? We do this even knowing that the bastard was white or that he owned slaves and would have objected to such things as the genital mutilation of children that we embrace today. The bottom line is, this first pick is just mindless tradition is all.

#2. FDR. Now your talk'in!! Sure, we still have the white guy, a fact we begrudgingly overlooked, but hey, he was one of the fathers of all this Progressive crap, so again, what are ya gonna do? We really wanted to pick President Wilson since he really started this Progressive shit show, but hey, he basically ran the KKK all by himself and was President during a time when more black folk were lynched during his Presidency than any other President, so that would have been a hard sell. Wilson is thus better ignored, for obvious reasons. This is because you don't want to praise him too much because of the racist thingy but you don't want to destroy his Progressive legacy that we absolutely love!!!😍😍😍😍😍

#3 Barack Obama. We desperately wanted to pick him #1, but could not for the reasons already provided. He was not just a man, he was a god. All ye who are not racist, or white and don't know you are a racist, bow down and worship!!! He has both the skin color and politics to match being the picture of perfection!! A true Marxist.

#4. Joe Biden. Again, we only had one black Marxist we really liked, so we have to continue to compromise and pick another white guy, preferably a Marxists. Although Joe is more of a walking vegetable than a Marxist, we give him a high rating because Obama pulls his strings. It's as if Obama never left us. Well done Joe. Also, we don't want to put Joe to far down on the list cuz we have an election to win people!! But if we had put him higher we could not have endured the laughter and endless mocking that would have followed. As it is, we are pushing it.

And now moving on to the President who is rated dead last!

That would be Donald Trump. The man who was impeached around 200 times, convicted around 400 times, and who has consistently been ranked as being dead last on every academic Presidential poll in existence since he became President. I mean just look at the horrible things he accomplished!! A peace deal with genocidal Israel and her Arab neighbors? That made us puke! Obama showed us why he earned a Nobel Peace prize by destroying the entire country of Libya, a true peace maker. By comparison, Trump failed to start so much as one war help bring peace to the world. Pathetic. And we don't want to hear questions as to why Trump can be ranked dead last but still leading Biden in the current Presidential polls even though we ranked Biden #4.. Enough Putin Propaganda!! And trust us, if Trump wins it will only be because of Putin interference, which should be good for another 300 impeachments to follow if Trump wins.
…and here I thought you were throwing away your credibility. 😧

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