US said preparing strike to ‘utterly destroy’ N. Korean nuclear program

If we hit his nukes = North Korea will probably attack the south.
With what? :lmao:

Probably the artillery they have lined up on the border.
Agreed, but there may be some background discussion going on with China and China's relationship with the DPRK.

One scenario would be that we take out the nukes and China backs a NK coup against Kim.

China's two big concerns are having millions of starving North Korean refugees running north across the Yalu River and a large US presence on the Yalu River. If we can assure China we'd never cross the DMZ and that, in fact, we'd back China taking over the DPRK, then that crazy fat kid may be gone by Chinese New Year.
Probably the artillery they have lined up on the border.
The artillery that we could easily knock out of the sky? Do you really think that a non-nuclear nation would risk pissing off Donald Trump, South Korea, Japan, and even China? Not even Kim Jong-Un is that crazy.
Probably the artillery they have lined up on the border.
The artillery that we could easily knock out of the sky? Do you really think that a non-nuclear nation would risk pissing off Donald Trump, South Korea, Japan, and even China? Not even Kim Jong-Un is that crazy.
Shells can be knocked out of the sky?
That's seriously impressive!
Probably the artillery they have lined up on the border.
The artillery that we could easily knock out of the sky? Do you really think that a non-nuclear nation would risk pissing off Donald Trump, South Korea, Japan, and even China? Not even Kim Jong-Un is that crazy.

Sky artillery? :uhh:

On Sunday, the UK’s Sunday Times reported that top military advisers to US President Donald Trump have told their British counterparts that Washington was considering a preemptive strike against North Korea’s nuclear program, and believed it had the firepower to neutralize it.

Citing “senior sources” in the British government, the paper said the US believed it was able to “utterly destroy” the key installations required to remove the threat the program posed to North Korea’s neighbors and the US.

According to the paper, US Defense Secretary James Mattis discussed a US strike on North Korea with his British counterpart Michael Fallon some two weeks ago, and similar conversations have been held between British officials and Trump’s national security adviser H.R. McMaster.

“They’ll do anything it takes. Nothing is off the table. They think they’ve got the capabilities to target things and utterly destroy them. They are confident they know where everything is and can target it efficiently,” one British official is quoted as saying.

Another source told the Times that US officials “are getting to the point where they think they may have to take out the facilities preemptively…. They are much closer to taking military action than they were a year ago.”

US said preparing strike to ‘utterly destroy’ N. Korean nuclear program

It will be a hard sell to Japan and South Korea, maybe that's why Pence is visiting them now.
US missiles are not hard to sell, in fact they sell themselves once there is a man in charge able to use them
It's unacceptable for rouge regimes to threaten us with nuclear weapons. I'm all for a preemptive strike to destroy their nuclear capabilities.

Why is it acceptable for the US to threaten countries, but it's not okay for those countries to threaten the US?

Whom have threatened with nuclear weapons? It's not the act of the threat itself, it's the fact that you have to take a nuclear threat seriously

The US doesn't threaten with nuclear weapons, it threatens with invasion, bombing, sanctions and the like. It's still a threat, and it's still US arrogance that North Korea "threatening" something they can't even deliver is bad, but the US actually doing something is okay. How many countries has North Korea invaded in the last 20 years?

So because North Korea hasn't invaded anyone that means we should their nuke threats seriously?
Ever heard of a little thing called THE KOREAN WAR???????????
NK supported by the Chinese attempted to invade SK. NOT the other way around!
IF the US and it's allies decide to strike preemptively the NK rocket batteries, which have ALL been 'painted' will be vaporised by bombs delivered by B52s flying at 50K feet. The NK's will never know what happened.
The first MOAB will land on top of the Pervert's head.
That will destroy the country's C&C center.
Who the fuck liked kimchi anyway?

Reading the 'abundance of knowledge, thought and consideration' thrown into this thread is like reading a detailed discussion between Dumb and Dummer discussing the esoteric points of particle physics and string theory!!!!
Probably the artillery they have lined up on the border.
The artillery that we could easily knock out of the sky? Do you really think that a non-nuclear nation would risk pissing off Donald Trump, South Korea, Japan, and even China? Not even Kim Jong-Un is that crazy.
Personally, I do think Kim Jong-Un is that crazy and just one more reason for China to take him out.
One scenario would be that we take out the nukes and China backs a NK coup against Kim.
That is a great strategy. I just hope it would include uniting North and South Korea again into one Korea under the South Korean leadership.
While that would be good, I think the only way it would work is if China was not only involved, but assured no US forces would be stationed north of present DMZ
It's unacceptable for rouge regimes to threaten us with nuclear weapons. I'm all for a preemptive strike to destroy their nuclear capabilities.

Why is it acceptable for the US to threaten countries, but it's not okay for those countries to threaten the US?

For the same reason you wouldnt pick a fight with Conor're gonna get your ass whipped.
One scenario would be that we take out the nukes and China backs a NK coup against Kim.
That is a great strategy. I just hope it would include uniting North and South Korea again into one Korea under the South Korean leadership.

China doesnt want a united Korea under the rule of S. Korea.
Right now it appears that China is more interested in appeasing us than anything else. There is no way for anyone to know for sure - but that's how it seems.

Either way, we shouldn't give them a choice. Take out Kim Jong-Un and unite Korea under the South Korean government.
One scenario would be that we take out the nukes and China backs a NK coup against Kim.
That is a great strategy. I just hope it would include uniting North and South Korea again into one Korea under the South Korean leadership.

China doesnt want a united Korea under the rule of S. Korea.
Right now it appears that China is more interested in appeasing us than anything else. There is no way for anyone to know for sure - but that's how it seems.

Either way, we shouldn't give them a choice. Take out Kim Jong-Un and unite Korea under the South Korean government.
If the house is on fire, I don't recommend throwing gasoline on it just because the city fire department is fucked up.
One scenario would be that we take out the nukes and China backs a NK coup against Kim.
That is a great strategy. I just hope it would include uniting North and South Korea again into one Korea under the South Korean leadership.

China doesnt want a united Korea under the rule of S. Korea.
Right now it appears that China is more interested in appeasing us than anything else. There is no way for anyone to know for sure - but that's how it seems.

Either way, we shouldn't give them a choice. Take out Kim Jong-Un and unite Korea under the South Korean government.
If the house is on fire, I don't recommend throwing gasoline on it just because the city fire department is fucked up.

Thats a terrible analogy. The house isnt threatening to nuke you.
One scenario would be that we take out the nukes and China backs a NK coup against Kim.
That is a great strategy. I just hope it would include uniting North and South Korea again into one Korea under the South Korean leadership.

China doesnt want a united Korea under the rule of S. Korea.
Right now it appears that China is more interested in appeasing us than anything else. There is no way for anyone to know for sure - but that's how it seems.

Either way, we shouldn't give them a choice. Take out Kim Jong-Un and unite Korea under the South Korean government.
If the house is on fire, I don't recommend throwing gasoline on it just because the city fire department is fucked up.

Thats a terrible analogy. The house isnt threatening to nuke you.
Thats a terrible analogy. The house isnt threatening to nuke you.
No it's not when one considers the recent history of China in the fall of 1950 when the Chinese crossed the Yalu River and kicked the Allied forces back south! China does NOT want the US or an ally of the US on the Chinese border.
All the pro Trumpers creaming their jeans wanting to destroy N Korea...

Be prepared for the many dead in S Korea...

You guys find that acceptable??
All the pro Trumpers creaming their jeans wanting to destroy N Korea...

Be prepared for the many dead in S Korea...

You guys find that acceptable??

My father in law was wounded in the Korean War. I was stationed in San. Korea myself for a few months in the Marines. So, all of this is of great interest and concern to me. . . But I am far from excited about any military actions being taken when tensions are this high.
One scenario would be that we take out the nukes and China backs a NK coup against Kim.
That is a great strategy. I just hope it would include uniting North and South Korea again into one Korea under the South Korean leadership.

China doesnt want a united Korea under the rule of S. Korea.
Right now it appears that China is more interested in appeasing us than anything else. There is no way for anyone to know for sure - but that's how it seems.

Either way, we shouldn't give them a choice. Take out Kim Jong-Un and unite Korea under the South Korean government.
Who in their right mind thinks the population of SK wants to feed and house millions of the pervert's zombies??????????
Same with China. There's NO WAY China will take millions of starving NK zombies into China.
NK is one gigantic Rev. Jim Jones compound. The zombies actually believe the pervert is a literal GOD!
It's past time to lance the boil on the ass of the civilized/sane world.
Drop a fucking MOAB on the Pervert and in a week the entire military will have died of thirst and starvation and the zombies will too.
'Get rid!'

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