US Says It Won't Join Global Effort To Find COVID-19 Vaccine


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
First trump refuses the WHO tests which put us behind in testing and we've not been able to do proper testing since.

Now he is refusing to join the rest of the world in a search for a vaccine.

This is just irresponsible.

The only reason trump refused the tests and now refuses to join the search for a vaccine is because there won't be as much profit in it for private companies.

This garbage about constrains of working with the rest of the world doesn't work with me and probably won't with a lot of people. I see it is totally irresponsible and greedy. Some things are more important than money.

I hope trump is voted out in November.

First trump refuses the WHO tests which put us behind in testing and we've not been able to do proper testing since.

Now he is refusing to join the rest of the world in a search for a vaccine.

This is just irresponsible.

The only reason trump refused the tests and now refuses to join the search for a vaccine is because there won't be as much profit in it for private companies.

This garbage about constrains of working with the rest of the world doesn't work with me and probably won't with a lot of people. I see it is totally irresponsible and greedy. Some things are more important than money.

I hope trump is voted out in November.

my god youre a stupid fuck,,,trump isnt the one working in a lab trying to find a vaccine,,,

mostly its the free market doing it,,,

what you should concern yourself with is if they can find a cure or vaccine for TDS cause you got it bad,,,
First trump refuses the WHO tests which put us behind in testing and we've not been able to do proper testing since.

Now he is refusing to join the rest of the world in a search for a vaccine.

This is just irresponsible.

The only reason trump refused the tests and now refuses to join the search for a vaccine is because there won't be as much profit in it for private companies.

This garbage about constrains of working with the rest of the world doesn't work with me and probably won't with a lot of people. I see it is totally irresponsible and greedy. Some things are more important than money.

I hope trump is voted out in November.

So the US won't partner with China and the WHO, the two entities responsible for the covid pandemic.
I don't see a problem.

Btw....your thread title is misleading and a lie. This thread should be terminated.
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America, no longer wants to be great.... ?? :(

I sure hope we are not cutting off our nose, to spite our face.... And our vaccine creations end up working well enough, and we don't end up with another dud or two, and need the world's help with getting a vaccine that works, like we did with testing.... that did not work out all....
America, no longer wants to be great.... ?? :(

I sure hope we are not cutting off our nose, to spite our face.... And our vaccine creations end up working well enough, and we don't end up with another dud or two, and need the world's help with getting a vaccine that works, like we did with testing.... that did not work out all....

trump has isolated us even with scientific development.

It's a disgrace.

No president who loves our nation would have taken the totally irresponsible actions trump has taken from day one of this virus.

His irresponsible actions have caused this to be much worse than it should have been and for over 180 thousand needless deaths.

This is their idea of making American great?
America, no longer wants to be great.... ?? :(

I sure hope we are not cutting off our nose, to spite our face.... And our vaccine creations end up working well enough, and we don't end up with another dud or two, and need the world's help with getting a vaccine that works, like we did with testing.... that did not work out all....

trump has isolated us even with scientific development.

It's a disgrace.

No president who loves our nation would have taken the totally irresponsible actions trump has taken from day one of this virus.

His irresponsible actions have caused this to be much worse than it should have been and for over 180 thousand needless deaths.

This is their idea of making American great?
You got to love crazy. We had a speaker of the house walking downtown asking people to come join. Trump was called xenophobic when he and Fauci tried to shut down travel. Virus Positive people were shoved into homes with the most vulnerable. Subways were touted as being safe then cars were taken out of service thereby packing people closer together. Riots and looting with no separation and few to no masks.
Democrats have done their very best to up the body count from this virus all because of politics.
we are in the final trials of three vaccines but the crazy Democrats would rather we give China and the WHO that were responsible for creating a lot of the problem with the virus more money.
Why not just allow them to annex our country then they can do what they want with our money? Seems that’s what dems want to do.
America, no longer wants to be great.... ?? :(

I sure hope we are not cutting off our nose, to spite our face.... And our vaccine creations end up working well enough, and we don't end up with another dud or two, and need the world's help with getting a vaccine that works, like we did with testing.... that did not work out all....

trump has isolated us even with scientific development.

It's a disgrace.

No president who loves our nation would have taken the totally irresponsible actions trump has taken from day one of this virus.

His irresponsible actions have caused this to be much worse than it should have been and for over 180 thousand needless deaths.

This is their idea of making American great?
You got to love crazy. We had a speaker of the house walking downtown asking people to come join. Trump was called xenophobic when he and Fauci tried to shut down travel. Virus Positive people were shoved into homes with the most vulnerable. Subways were touted as being safe then cars were taken out of service thereby packing people closer together. Riots and looting with no separation and few to no masks.
Democrats have done their very best to up the body count from this virus all because of politics.
we are in the final trials of three vaccines but the crazy Democrats would rather we give China and the WHO that were responsible for creating a lot of the problem with the virus more money.
Why not just allow them to annex our country then they can do what they want with our money? Seems that’s what dems want to do.
They have been in that process for over 50 years... When Hillary didn't win we found out what it was they were up too...
We went to the moon on our own I know the Progs movies have a United Nations flag in movies instead of the American one because they are traitors. We built the space station and it cost us more to have the Russians involved.
First trump refuses the WHO tests which put us behind in testing and we've not been able to do proper testing since.

Now he is refusing to join the rest of the world in a search for a vaccine.

This is just irresponsible.

The only reason trump refused the tests and now refuses to join the search for a vaccine is because there won't be as much profit in it for private companies.

This garbage about constrains of working with the rest of the world doesn't work with me and probably won't with a lot of people. I see it is totally irresponsible and greedy. Some things are more important than money.

I hope trump is voted out in November.

It is irresponsible and yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
We went to the moon on our own I know the Progs movies have a United Nations flag in movies instead of the American one because they are traitors. We built the space station and it cost us more to have the Russians involved.
We hired a bunch of German Scientists to help, didn't we?
First trump refuses the WHO tests which put us behind in testing and we've not been able to do proper testing since.

Now he is refusing to join the rest of the world in a search for a vaccine.

This is just irresponsible.

The only reason trump refused the tests and now refuses to join the search for a vaccine is because there won't be as much profit in it for private companies.

This garbage about constrains of working with the rest of the world doesn't work with me and probably won't with a lot of people. I see it is totally irresponsible and greedy. Some things are more important than money.

I hope trump is voted out in November.

The WHO is just an offshoot of the U.N and COVID-19 has already been exposed for the fraud that it is and why is that? Global depopulation via vaccine and that was a plan the elites put in plain sight via the Rockefeller foundation in 2010. Only a stupid fuck like yourself would believe that the cure for a virus that was intentionally created at a bio lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland and then shipped off to the Chi-coms courtesy of the barrypuppet and Fausci that self-mutates could POSSIBLY have a vaccine ready in less than a year. Make sure you are first in line to take the experimental shot that should have been put through rigorous trials. You will simply have to excuse me for refusing to take it. But why should you fret? After all, you will be taking the vaccine and thus protected...after all, wasn't that the purpose of the vaccine to begin with???

America, no longer wants to be great.... ?? :(

I sure hope we are not cutting off our nose, to spite our face.... And our vaccine creations end up working well enough, and we don't end up with another dud or two, and need the world's help with getting a vaccine that works, like we did with testing.... that did not work out all....

trump has isolated us even with scientific development.

It's a disgrace.

No president who loves our nation would have taken the totally irresponsible actions trump has taken from day one of this virus.

His irresponsible actions have caused this to be much worse than it should have been and for over 180 thousand needless deaths.

This is their idea of making American great?
You got to love crazy. We had a speaker of the house walking downtown asking people to come join. Trump was called xenophobic when he and Fauci tried to shut down travel. Virus Positive people were shoved into homes with the most vulnerable. Subways were touted as being safe then cars were taken out of service thereby packing people closer together. Riots and looting with no separation and few to no masks.
Democrats have done their very best to up the body count from this virus all because of politics.
we are in the final trials of three vaccines but the crazy Democrats would rather we give China and the WHO that were responsible for creating a lot of the problem with the virus more money.
Why not just allow them to annex our country then they can do what they want with our money? Seems that’s what dems want to do.
WOW! That was a real load of Trump Dump, and deceiving garbage...
It plays well with his base (covidiots) so of course he will do it.
In other news he is fast tracking the UK vaccine.

He is all over the place. Idiot.
America, no longer wants to be great.... ?? :(

I sure hope we are not cutting off our nose, to spite our face.... And our vaccine creations end up working well enough, and we don't end up with another dud or two, and need the world's help with getting a vaccine that works, like we did with testing.... that did not work out all....

trump has isolated us even with scientific development.

It's a disgrace.

No president who loves our nation would have taken the totally irresponsible actions trump has taken from day one of this virus.

His irresponsible actions have caused this to be much worse than it should have been and for over 180 thousand needless deaths.

This is their idea of making American great?
You got to love crazy. We had a speaker of the house walking downtown asking people to come join. Trump was called xenophobic when he and Fauci tried to shut down travel. Virus Positive people were shoved into homes with the most vulnerable. Subways were touted as being safe then cars were taken out of service thereby packing people closer together. Riots and looting with no separation and few to no masks.
Democrats have done their very best to up the body count from this virus all because of politics.
we are in the final trials of three vaccines but the crazy Democrats would rather we give China and the WHO that were responsible for creating a lot of the problem with the virus more money.
Why not just allow them to annex our country then they can do what they want with our money? Seems that’s what dems want to do.
WOW! That was a real load of Trump Dump, and deceiving garbage...
Oh I do love how you defeated everything. But I would expect no less.
First trump refuses the WHO tests which put us behind in testing and we've not been able to do proper testing since.

Now he is refusing to join the rest of the world in a search for a vaccine.

This is just irresponsible.

The only reason trump refused the tests and now refuses to join the search for a vaccine is because there won't be as much profit in it for private companies.

This garbage about constrains of working with the rest of the world doesn't work with me and probably won't with a lot of people. I see it is totally irresponsible and greedy. Some things are more important than money.

I hope trump is voted out in November.

Anything that the US does - we by default are the leader in -

(It saddens me that three (3) of the least informed people and least likely to do any critical thinking identify as female here.)
We went to the moon on our own I know the Progs movies have a United Nations flag in movies instead of the American one because they are traitors. We built the space station and it cost us more to have the Russians involved.
We hired a bunch of German Scientists to help, didn't we?
A "bunch" of German scientists? No!

And we didn't work with the Soviet government. The WHO and the Chinese government are responsible for
the release and spread of the covid virus.
The left has deceitfully called this not working with the rest of the world.

Why is their instinct always to lie?

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