US Senate in all night session to approve Obama nominees


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

U.S. Senate in around-the-clock session to confirm Obama nominees | Reuters

"The Democratic-led U.S. Senate on Thursday approved six of President Barack Obama's nominees, including four judges, on the second day of its around-the-clock confirmation marathon that Republicans were unable to stop because of a rule change.

The Democratic show of force is expected to come to a close on Saturday with the anticipated confirmation of an 11th Obama nominee in three days - Jeh Johnson to serve as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

"Every one of them will be confirmed," said Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid.

At about 1 a.m. EST on Thursday, the Senate capped hours of debate and confirmed the first nominee in its non-stop session - Nina Pillard to the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Columbia, on a vote of 51-44.

By late in the day, it approved five more:

* Chai Rachel Feldblum, of Washington, D.C., on a 54-41 vote, to be a member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

* Elizabeth Wolford, of New York, on a 70-29 vote, to be a U.S. district judge for New York's western district.

* Landya McCafferty, of New Hampshire, on a 79-19 vote, to be a U.S. district judge for the district of New Hampshire.

* Patricia Wald, of Washington, D.C., to be a member of the U.S. Privacy and Civil Rights Oversight Board, on a 57-41 vote.

* Brian Morris of Montana, on a 75-20 vote, to be a U.S. district court judge in his state.

Democrats cleared the way by stripping Republicans last month of their power to block nominees with a procedural roadblock known as a filibuster.

Democrats, who hold the Senate 55-45, reduced from 60 to a simple majority the number of votes needed to end filibusters against all nominees except those for the Supreme Court.

And today:

Deborah Lee James Confirmed As Secretary Of The Air Force

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has confirmed President Barack Obama's pick to serve as Secretary of the Air Force, continuing a series of round-the-clock confirmation votes.

Deborah Lee James was confirmed by a 79-6 vote Friday morning, one of several votes scheduled throughout the day. She is the second woman to lead the Air Force.

James is president of the Technical and Engineering Sector at Science Applications International Corp., a major federal government contractor.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has kept the Senate in session throughout the week as Democrats push through 11, mostly noncontroversial nominations. The session could culminate in a possible vote on Jeh Johnson (jay JAHN'-suhn) to head the Department of Homeland Security.

If Republicans keep their allotted debate time, the Senate could be in session continuously into Saturday.

More nominations to come.

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