US Supreme Court: Texas Abortion Clinics Can Re-Open

Nope look at what the far left want the women in Texas to go through. Typical far left wants to harm women and make sure that the abortion clinics are not up to hospital standards.

Your claim wasn't 'hospital standard'. But Kermit Gosnell standards. You seem to be backpedalling a bit now.

Exactly! What part of that did you miss? But I gues to the far left Kermit Gosnell was up to the far left standards for women to use.

Why does the far left hate women? Make them go to clinics that are not up to hospital standards? The far left claims they are for women's rights yet denies them hospital standards..
I'll bet your dentist's office isn't up to hospital standards.
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Fook me are the pro-lifers around here, stupid.

You want more of your stupid little kids running around. No thank you.

Mandatory abortions for low IQ Tea Baggers.

Well wenow know hazel's alter ego:
hey a nazi reference in an abortion thread....Good for you
Nope look at what the far left want the women in Texas to go through. Typical far left wants to harm women and make sure that the abortion clinics are not up to hospital standards.

Your claim wasn't 'hospital standard'. But Kermit Gosnell standards. You seem to be backpedalling a bit now.

Exactly! What part of that did you miss? But I gues to the far left Kermit Gosnell was up to the far left standards for women to use.

Why does the far left hate women? Make them go to clinics that are not up to hospital standards? The far left claims they are for women's rights yet denies them hospital standards..
I'll bet your dentist's office isn't up to hospital standards.

My the far left compares an abortion like going to a dentist!

More proof that the far left hate women.
And yet women keep using the safe, affordable, low cost services you insist they don't want. What do these women know about their own needs that you don't?

Yes we know the far left use fear mongering tactics on women, and then in practice makes sure that they do not have clinics that meets hospital standards.
Um, what fearmongering tactics? You're the one making these baseless accusations about texas abortion clinics having the conditions of Kermit Gosnel's. There's nothing to support such nonsense.

These women clearly want the safe, low cost and local services that are offered at the clinics. And have been for 30 years without significant incident. The 'hospital standards' are a solution in search of a problem. A solution which predictably closes most of the clinics and robs the very women they claim to serve of the services they were receiving safely, affordable and locally....before state government stuck its dick in an predictably fucked the situation.

Its just plain old big government trying to 'fix' a local issue that isn't broken. And causing orders of magnitude more harm in the process.
Skylar, perhaps I should break the news to you. Planned Parenthood did receive half a billion dollars in government grants and reimbursements, aka taxpayer money. All you need to do is assimilate their 2012-2013 annual report:

$540.6 million in government grants (note the word government) and reimbursements were given to Planned Parenthood. It says so on page 20 of the report.


The issue wasn't whether or not Planned Parenthood received federal funds. They receive hundreds of millions a year for women's health issues. The claim was that they received 540 million dollars from the federal government to perform abortions.

Which, if you'll check page 20......there's no evidence to support. Next time acquaint yourself with the discussion before commenting. It saves us both time.

It's logical to assume that they use a portion of that money to in fact perform abortions. How does an organization such as Planned Parenthood receive so much money yet not use it for abortion? Are you telling me none of that money was allocated for such a purpose? You must be dumber than I thought. When that much money is being given to someone, naturally it can be used for a purpose for which it was not intended.

No its not logical because you are using your opinion that it happens. Thats not how life works. You need to show evidence, Not " i think this is logical, so it must be true".
I'll bet your dentist's office isn't up to hospital standards.

Wait....dentists hate women?

Yes can making such a comparison shows that the far left really hates women.

Another far left drone trying up show that getting an abortion is the same as going to the dentist..

Another far left poster showing that the far left truly hates women.
And yet women keep using the safe, affordable, low cost services you insist they don't want. What do these women know about their own needs that you don't?

Yes we know the far left use fear mongering tactics on women, and then in practice makes sure that they do not have clinics that meets hospital standards.
Um, what fearmongering tactics? You're the one making these baseless accusations about texas abortion clinics having the conditions of Kermit Gosnel's. There's nothing to support such nonsense.

These women clearly want the safe, low cost and local services that are offered at the clinics. And have been for 30 years without significant incident. The 'hospital standards' are a solution in search of a problem. A solution which predictably closes most of the clinics and robs the very women they claim to serve of the services they were receiving safely, affordable and locally....before state government stuck its dick in an predictably fucked the situation.

Its just plain old big government trying to 'fix' a local issue that isn't broken. And causing orders of magnitude more harm in the process.

Sorry you just supported that getting an abortion is the same as going to the dentist..

Once again the far left shows they will deflect all they can to try and hide the fact that they truly hate women.
Nope look at what the far left want the women in Texas to go through. Typical far left wants to harm women and make sure that the abortion clinics are not up to hospital standards.

Your claim wasn't 'hospital standard'. But Kermit Gosnell standards. You seem to be backpedalling a bit now.

Exactly! What part of that did you miss? But I gues to the far left Kermit Gosnell was up to the far left standards for women to use.

Why does the far left hate women? Make them go to clinics that are not up to hospital standards? The far left claims they are for women's rights yet denies them hospital standards..
I'll bet your dentist's office isn't up to hospital standards.

My the far left compares an abortion like going to a dentist!

More proof that the far left hate women.

they could care less about women and the guilt they suffer after an abortion or the children that are being wiped out by it. as long as they can act like how they CARE MORE for women.
No its not logical because you are using your opinion that it happens. Thats not how life works. You need to show evidence, Not " i think this is logical, so it must be true".

Logically, PP knows that religious right conservatives are gunning for them and just looking for an excuse to cut federal funding to women's health issues. Logically, they would do everything in their power to keep conservatives from having such a justification. Logically, they would be fastidious in their use of federal funding for women's health issues.

I mean c'mon. On this thread alone we've had conservatives shitting all over themselves in slack jawed outrages because a woman's health clinic and an abortion facility were simply in the same building. Do you with religious right conservatives on THAT much a hair trigger, primed to go absolultely hysteric at the first hint of federal funds used for abortions....

......that PP is going to give the religious right everything they want and actually use the funds directly for abortions?

Um, that's illogical. Why would PP ever do this?
Apparently Chief Justice Roberts hates women, he voted to keep the clinics open.

Wow. Chief Roberts AND dentists. Those sneaky bastards. Next thing you know you'll see a blonde with tartar free teeth being strapped to rail road tracks by a USSC justice.
Apparently Chief Justice Roberts hates women, he voted to keep the clinics open.

Yes the far left shows they do not read the articles they post..

They wanted a lower court to rule it.. However I guess you missed that part of your own article in your far left programmed narrative.
No its not logical because you are using your opinion that it happens. Thats not how life works. You need to show evidence, Not " i think this is logical, so it must be true".

Logically, PP knows that religious right conservatives are gunning for them and just looking for an excuse to cut federal funding to women's health issues. Logically, they would do everything in their power to keep conservatives from having such a justification. Logically, they would be fastidious in their use of federal funding for women's health issues.

I mean c'mon. On this thread alone we've had conservatives shitting all over themselves in slack jawed outrages because a woman's health clinic and an abortion facility were simply in the same building. Do you with religious right conservatives on THAT much a hair trigger, primed to go absolultely hysteric at the first hint of federal funds used for abortions....

......that PP is going to give the religious right everything they want and actually use the funds directly for abortions?

Um, that's illogical. Why would PP ever do this?

And the far left narrative comes to light as they support abortions like going to a dentist.
Apparently Chief Justice Roberts hates women, he voted to keep the clinics open.

Wow. Chief Roberts AND dentists. Those sneaky bastards. Next thing you know you'll see a blonde with tartar free teeth being strapped to rail road tracks by a USSC justice.

Yep the far left claims that going to get an abortion is the same as going to the dentist.

But once again the far left shows they do not read or understand anything beyond the far left programmed narrative.
Hypocrisy......Advocating the government control of women's bodies to try stopping abortions even in the case of incest or rape, and claiming it's to protect children and the minute they are born, you don't give a damn about them.

Your name should be BULLSHIT instead of BULLDOG! PROVE the right doesn't care about children!

You're kidding ....right? Food stamp and welfare cuts disproportionally hurt little kids, and hundreds of school districts here in Texas have sued the state over unconstitutional funding scams. I won't bother going any further, because you are either intentionally feigning ignorance, or you're just too dumb to keep up with what your teabagger politicians are actually doing to our country.
Hypocrisy......Advocating the government control of women's bodies to try stopping abortions even in the case of incest or rape, and claiming it's to protect children and the minute they are born, you don't give a damn about them.

Your name should be BULLSHIT instead of BULLDOG! PROVE the right doesn't care about children!

You're kidding ....right? Food stamp and welfare cuts disproportionally hurt little kids, and hundreds of school districts here in Texas have sued the state over unconstitutional funding scams. I won't bother going any further, because you are either intentionally feigning ignorance, or you're just too dumb to keep up with what your teabagger politicians are actually doing to our country.

What cuts, dummy, you mean increasing these entitlements by 10% instead of the 20% asked for?.... Yes, that's the old ploy of you subversives...NEVER tell the REAL TRUTH, a CUT in an increase is STILL AN INCREASE!
Women know who represents their interests. Who is looking out for them. Who is fighting to provide safe, affordable and accessible birth control, women's health and abortion services.

You can tell women that reproductive freedom is 'hatred'. That the freedom to choose safe, low cost clinics is 'enslavement'. But election after election proves that the majority of women aren't buying that blithering nonsense. As they so consistently vote democrat.

And so consistently shun republicans.


You've gone beyond factual in your hubris.

40% is far from shunning.

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