It's on! US Supreme Court allows Texas to arrest illegals

If you were stationing police on the border, I could understand. If you made arrests and determined RS they were not legally processed refugees I could understand. I don't see how such a law works otherwise.
If you were stationing police on the border, I could understand. If you made arrests and determined RS they were not legally processed refugees I could understand. I don't see how such a law works otherwise.
You don't understand securing our borders? What part is not clear to you? How are millions of illegal aliens, about whom we know nothing, good for America?

"Republicans in February scuttled a bipartisan Senate deal that would have bolstered border security and tightened immigration laws after Trump pushed members of his party to reject it. Biden said blame for the bill's failure lay with Republican lawmakers who bowed to political pressure from Trump who "thinks it's bad for him politically."
An analysis of exit polls conducted by Edison Research following primary election voting in early March showed alarm among many voters over the situation along the border. Many called it their top voting issue. Reuters/Ipsos polling showed Biden's public approval level at 37% as of Feb. 28."

Democrat Neo-Marxist Heads
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/---/ The Irish know how to make their opinion heard.
Breaking: People in Newtownmountkennedy, Ireland are rioting after they learned that their community would host a migrant center. The people set the under-construction building on fire. Riot police have mobilized to shut it down.
Where in the Constitution does it say states can assume Federal power if they are not happy with it?

Does the Court support our Constitution or not?
When it comes to immigration, states and cities have advertised their willingness to ignore the federal government's authority. Where have you been all this time?
Then why isn't the federal government doing their responsibilities?

Oh, that's right: Democrats.
They weren't doing them under Trump, either.

Trump dismantled the whole process for sorting through Asylum claims thinking that if people couldn't get hearings, they'd stop coming.

They kept coming. Except now it takes 7 years to sort out an asylum claim.
States and cities have no mission to spend local tax dollars to address immigration
That is a federal responsibility
And they’ve not only ignored that responsibility, they actually are enabling illegal aliens to swarm into the country. The Dems are so intent on lowering the caliber of the country that they are intentionally bringing in as many uneducated, semi-literate foreigners - and won’t even deport the CRIMINAL aliens!
States and cities have no mission to spend local tax dollars to address immigration
That is a federal responsibility
Using that standard, should your ilk get your wish and abortion became enshrined in federal law, states could declare themselves to have no obligation to enforce federal medical standards in, provide police or fire protection for, or supply infrastructure to abortion mills. That would be a federal responsibility.
They weren't doing them under Trump, either.

Trump dismantled the whole process for sorting through Asylum claims thinking that if people couldn't get hearings, they'd stop coming.

They kept coming. Except now it takes 7 years to sort out an asylum claim.
Fewer came before Quid Pro. More came during Quid Pro. It's pretty simple, really, and it's all on him.
Using that standard, should your ilk get your wish and abortion became enshrined in federal law, states could declare themselves to have no obligation to enforce federal medical standards in, provide police or fire protection for, or supply infrastructure to abortion mills. That would be a federal responsibility.
They dont
Where in the Constitution does it say states can assume Federal power if they are not happy with it?

Does the Court support our Constitution or not?
Crimes can be illegal on several levels, federal, state and local. Why would we not want to arrest people breaking the law? Why is it a problem to enforce the law.
They dont
And you would be front and center, insisting that the states have to enforce federal law on abortion, that it's too much of a burden for the federal government to post troops at every door to keep protestors away, to provide fire suppression services should a fire suddenly and inexplicably erupt, to enforce medical standards in all the abortion mills all over the state. I do not believe you would be nearly as ho-hum about it as you are about immigration.
Crimes can be illegal on several levels, federal, state and local. Why would we not want to arrest people breaking the law? Why is it a problem to enforce the law.
Not only that, but they believe a state CANNOT write their own laws if the federal government already has laws in place. This is where the wheels fall off their tricycles, because, if they followed through on that, states could simply close down all their schools to save untold sums of money and state that they cannot write their own and will not enforce federal education laws. Naturally, that's not what they want. ONLY in immigration do they take that stance.
States and cities have no mission to spend local tax dollars to address immigration
That is a federal responsibility

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