US War Making: What's In It For You?...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
So many Americans cheer this Permanent War Agenda on. But why? What are they really getting out of it?

Great article by Robert Higgs

If you are an American, have you asked yourself these questions?

1. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Iraq?
2. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Afghanistan?
3. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Syria?
4. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Yemen?
5. What purpose of mine is served by the US government’s making war in Africa?
6. What purpose of mine would be served by the US government’s making war in Iran?

Unless you are an unusual American, and if you are honest, your answer in each case would be, No purpose of mine is served by such war making.

Yet US forces continue to make war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Africa with no prospect of discontinuation in sight, and the probability is substantial that US forces will attack Iran and that US actions in Syria will provoke direct fighting with the Russians...

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US War Making: What’s in It for You?
Lots of people have jobs building bombs.

I made a shit ton of money in Afghanistan playing with weapons.

Overall however I'm at a point where I think we need to back out of some places and let the chips fall where they may.

Let the mooselimbs kill each other and let the chinks and ruskies fight over the oil.

Cause it’s cool! The rubes love it when they see whiz jets and rockets on the nightly news .
'Well, although relatively few Americans have any real interest served by these wars, a small minority does have an interest. The leading figures in this power elite are politicos beholden to the Israel lobby, plus some people who thrive on any and all wars by virtue of their positions in the military-industrial-congressional complex.

Chances are that these people are complete strangers to you. Their only connection with you is (a) to profit from funds extracted from you by the government, and (b) to keep you ideologically befuddled and factually misinformed so that you will not cause any major difficulty for them in their conduct of perpetual war.'

US War Making: What’s in It for You?

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