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USA - Divide & Conquer

Originally posted by InfiniteSpirit
Not exactly the response I was looking for, but yeah the Predator series was cool .. those infrared special effects for the Predator's eyes are still unmatched today :D .

Or the ways his cloaking device subtely distorted the background. Genius.
Originally posted by InfiniteSpirit
Not exactly the response I was looking for, but yeah the Predator series was cool .. those infrared special effects for the Predator's eyes are still unmatched today :D .

It was either this or a 500 page post I just don't have the energy to write!:D
Originally posted by winston churchi
This country or the world for that matter should never be made of one mind that all agree. Everyone is different and that is what makes the world go around.
You say Bush is a Puppet, of course he is, just as any president is really. Bush/Clinton/Kennedy, you name them all. They don't make a dec. without the backup of the senate and congress...They are the true choice makers here..so it makes no difference who holds office in that reguard.

Uh...Given the past performance of Congress, particularly during Dubbyuh's administration, it seems to have been more of a rubberstamp for Dubbyuh's policies.

But now that the Republicans are seeing what a pathetic loser they have leading the party and country, they are staring to dis him on a few issues. Nothing really important, mind you...But the blood is in the water, and the sharks are circling.
That picture of the monkey is hilarious - just had to say that ..
Originally posted by InfiniteSpirit
That picture of the monkey is hilarious - just had to say that ..

I thought he was funny at first too. He's starting to scare me now though. I've had bad luck ever since I changed to him, :(
Originally posted by InfiniteSpirit
--a little questioning is all thats required--

Murder and rape arent going to end even though they are Illegal. [who said they would?] Should we just legalize them all? [i doubt going to jail dissuades a lot of would-be killers/rapists to commit their acts. if you are that sick as to take another life, i don't think you care much about the consequence anyway] do away with law completely and watch people go nuts. [who's going to "go nuts" i for one wouldn't] Entire post is nothing but a contradiction.[life is contradictory - christians killing people - its crazy] In the beginning you said:

yet you support the institutional practice of killing children [no, i support the right of other people to make that choice - its called freedom, remember] and argue that someone because they arent born their life is of no worth compared to a woman being irresponsible [don't EVER remember arguing that, but thanks for putting entirely ridiculous words in my mouth] after her choices have produced consequences she didnt like [and is she were raped? this coming from someone who probably supports the carpet bombing of another country, but i won't assume or put words in your mouth] It doesnt matter that the Childs life liberty and the pursuit of happiness have been taken away from them. Abortion is one of the few things in the world worse than slavery [hmm, thanks for the opinion, by the way thats all it is]. Atleast slaves had a chance to escape [hmm, i'd like to see some eye witness acounts of when you were in there with the slaves and know how it is to be a slave] and become free or live in somewhat comfort [are you talking of the times when good old master had his way with you or when your bak was bleeding from the whipping?]. The child doesnt get a choice in any of it. [ok, but is it a child? really? or maybe its a bunch of cells trying to multiply. where does this end? is a sperm a half baby? in the immortal words of bill hicks, i've killed entire civlizations in my underpants..]

First, you can atleast respond in a way that is easy to read. like the rest of the people do.

as for the rest. If you refuse to notice your inconsistancies in saying that not treading on other peoples freedom for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and then supporting abortion, an act that violates all three freedoms for someone, its not my problem. It just points out your own hypocrisy.

And slavery is better than abortion. id rather take a whippin and have a chance to escape, then to bed dead before i had a chance to live. And atleast Slaves could organize and fight back. babies cant.
wheww...tough thread...!

With abortion.....the obvious to me FOR is when the mothers life is endangered. But I can see it no further. The problem seems to be determining WHEN life actually begins. Since there is no consences on the issue, shouldn't we give the beneift of doubt to the unborn child?

Patriot Act....Anytime congress passes a law, you lose freedoms. The partriot act is a means to ensure our freedoms, though it does restrict some. In times of this war on terror, I can understand, appreciate and accept this act. It should be timed and reaffirmed periodically.

Gay Marriage....no such thing. Oxymoronic. If you allow homosexuals to "marry", you no longer have marriage. You have something else, but not marriage. Now, if civil unions are allowed, fine. Corporations can then decide on whether to extend the same benefits to civil unions. States may decide state to state whether to recognize these benefits. If your state does and you dont agree, move. Its a free country, basically. Or lead the charge to change the law.
Welcome infinite, you and I agree on this issue, that's for sure. I have always defined the boundaries of liberty as anything that does not interfere with another person's free exercise of their liberty.

Uhmm, I kind of like my style of responding, point for point .. but I will try to make it more read-able :^) ...


as for the rest. If you refuse to notice your inconsistancies [i am sure i am full of inconsistencies, i am NOT a robot and don't claim to be one - for only a robot is consistent] in saying that not treading on other peoples freedom for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and then supporting abortion
[like i said before i support the women's right to have that choice, i.e. freedom. if abortion is made illegal, then the women are going to find coathangers and pipings to carry out the task at hand. it ain't pretty and puts them in danger too. when it comes to the issue of abortion its a very close judgmenet call all depending on if you think its a child or not. only god knows the truth and i think it should be in the mother's hands whether she thinks it is one way or another. its their choice.], an act that violates all three freedoms for someone, its not my problem [ EXACTLY - its not your problem, it is the problem that faces the mother who can make that choice on her own - if you believe it to be immoral, fine, but it is her choice whether its legal or otherwise]. It just points out your own hypocrisy [i don't think it does, but it may. not like everyone on this planet, including you are hypocrisy-free, but we'll just let that slide].

And slavery is better than abortion. id rather take a whippin and have a chance to escape, then to be dead before i had a chance to live [well if multiplying cells had all your ideas on life, then yeah it would be a tragedy. you still haven't answered my question of whether a sperm is a half baby?]. And at least Slaves could organize and fight back. babies cant. [again only God knows if this mass of multiplying cells is a "baby" or not. You are not God, thus you do not know. This makes it a choice, albeit a very DIFFICULT choice, for the mother to make. If its wrong - let her deal with the consequences, and lets keep freedom in our hands.]
InfiniteSpirit, when you are replying, there is a quote feature just above the text box. This will separate the original text from yours. It's also helpful if you hit 'quote' instead of reply. Simply separating the words with different colors makes reading your posts difficult. I have no clue who you're replying to.
Hmm, I guess I will conform (just this once) I will be back later to fix it ..
Originally posted by InfiniteSpirit
Hmm, I guess I will conform (just this once) I will be back later to fix it ..

No need to go back and fix your posts. Was just a helpful hint for the future. :)
Hi Infinite,

Welcome to boards

I guess for us pro-lifers out there I see a real hypocrisy in some of your statements. You started out saying that you believe in doing whatever you want to do as long as it doesn't infringe on one's persuit of life liberty and happiness. My question is do you not believe that that is exactley what you are doing if you have an abortion? The only possible conclusion I can come to is that you don't believe an unborn baby is a human life. If that is the case I suppose that will forever have to be a difference of opinion.

We have also had the patriot act discussion a few times. For those who say we are losing freedoms due to it I ask: What are you not free to do today that you could do before the patriot act?

again welcome

looking forward to respons
"True freedom is the freedom to do anything as long as it doesn't impose upon others that right."

I'm not sure where you got the impression that your concept of freedom is applicable to our society or, for that matter, to any society. Freedom in this country is not and has never been what you seem to perceive. Society has the right to set rules of conduct. You don't have to like them, but if you intend to live here, you do have to abide by them. We have limits on our freedoms. You can't go as fast as you want to on the public roads - even in the middle of the night with no other traffic. If you want to experience the "freedom" of travelling 200 mph, you can rent time at a speedway. Duelling and gunfights don't do physical harm to any but the participants, yet they are still illegal.

Your view of freedom places you at the pinnacle of the hierarchy. That view is self-centered and egocentric. We are free because our founding fathers established a society which has empowered us. We are free thanks to the collective struggle of our citizenry, not because of our individual efforts. To live within a free society necessarily constrains individual freedom of action to some degree, otherwise there would be no society, only chaos.

The only advice I can offer you is that you need to start saving your money to buy an island. Then you can practice the kind of freedom you seem to desire. Good luck & have a ball.
Originally posted by Merlin1047
"True freedom is the freedom to do anything as long as it doesn't impose upon others that right."

I'm not sure where you got the impression that your concept of freedom is applicable to our society or, for that matter, to any society. Freedom in this country is not and has never been what you seem to perceive. Society has the right to set rules of conduct. You don't have to like them, but if you intend to live here, you do have to abide by them. We have limits on our freedoms. You can't go as fast as you want to on the public roads - even in the middle of the night with no other traffic. If you want to experience the "freedom" of travelling 200 mph, you can rent time at a speedway. Duelling and gunfights don't do physical harm to any but the participants, yet they are still illegal.

Your view of freedom places you at the pinnacle of the hierarchy. That view is self-centered and egocentric. We are free because our founding fathers established a society which has empowered us. We are free thanks to the collective struggle of our citizenry, not because of our individual efforts. To live within a free society necessarily constrains individual freedom of action to some degree, otherwise there would be no society, only chaos.

The only advice I can offer you is that you need to start saving your money to buy an island. Then you can practice the kind of freedom you seem to desire. Good luck & have a ball.

Never looked at quite like that.......good pt

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