USA Future if Conservative's Wet Dreams Come True: British currency falls

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
USA Future if Conservative's Wet Dreams Come True on the Sequester: British currency falls

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound
Sterling falls below $1.515 following loss of Moody’s triple-A rating

British currency falls following U.K.’s loss of coveted triple-A rating from Moody’s and country’s determination to stand by current economic recovery measures.

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound -

When conservatives want to punish people in a time of distress this is the end result. This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity
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A Brit Conservative: U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said the Moody’s downgrade will not deter the country’s current economic strategy as he faced criticism that he fell short of his 2010 vow to retain the country’s AAA rating.
USA Future if Conservative's Wet Dreams Come True on the Sequester: British currency falls

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound
Sterling falls below $1.515 following loss of Moody’s triple-A rating

British currency falls following U.K.’s loss of coveted triple-A rating from Moody’s and country’s determination to stand by current economic recovery measures.

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound -

When conservatives want to punish people in a time of distress this is the end result. This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

You would prefer we spend until there is no way to recover, and society collapses into anarchy?
This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

too stupid!! we're $16 trillion in debt with $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. When is the time for budget cuts?? When we're like Greece??

See why we say a liberal will be slow??

If you are not smart enough to be here why are you here???
This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

too stupid!! we're $16 trillion in debt with $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. When is the time for budget cuts?? When we're like Greece??

See why we say a liberal will be slow??

If you are not smart enough to be here why are you here???

Well when you have economists that run the Democrat party like Paul Krugman
the biggest reason we are so in debt is because we just didn't spend enough.

This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

too stupid!! we're $16 trillion in debt with $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. When is the time for budget cuts?? When we're like Greece??

See why we say a liberal will be slow??

If you are not smart enough to be here why are you here???

Well when you have economists that run the Democrat party like Paul Krugman
the biggest reason we are so in debt is because we just didn't spend enough.


You must be truly happy about the Sequestor, then.

Unless, of course, you think it doesn't CUT deeply enough.

FWIW, if that's you POV, you're right.

the Sequestor cuts won't be doing all that much to limit the growth of the national debt evn if they go through to their logical conclusion.

I'm coming to the opinion that neither CUTS to SPENDING, NOR Kynesian spending is going to fix the problem of the economy.

The problem, is really too systemic for either of those to solve much.

And the real solutions are politically impossible, too.

Those solutions would involve a radical rethink about government, property and wealth.

And NOBODY in power is going to sign onto such fixes.

In fact I doubt the fixes that are really necessary would pass constiutional muster even if they did sign onto them.

No I suspect that the world economy is going to have to crash so completely that everybody is prepared for the kinds of changes necessary, and even then, I doubt we have the balls to do it.
Hey you know what? If a Gov't prints and controls it's own money supply then they don't have to worry about a Credit Rating from some Mafia Controlled Bank.

See, me not having credit cards means I don't have to worry about Mafia Controlled Credit Agencies downgrading my Credit Score or jacking up the Interest Rates.

Funny how that works.
Hey you know what? If a Gov't prints and controls it's own money supply then they don't have to worry about a Credit Rating from some Mafia Controlled Bank.

yes but the temptation to inflate is too much for most countries so its better to have a Euro, for example.
USA Future if Conservative's Wet Dreams Come True on the Sequester: British currency falls

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound
Sterling falls below $1.515 following loss of Moody’s triple-A rating

British currency falls following U.K.’s loss of coveted triple-A rating from Moody’s and country’s determination to stand by current economic recovery measures.

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound -

When conservatives want to punish people in a time of distress this is the end result. This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

Well it won't happen that way because the Democrat Party is in control and might gain more control in 2014. The US Currency will fail on obama's watch, and rightly so.
USA Future if Conservative's Wet Dreams Come True on the Sequester: British currency falls

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound
Sterling falls below $1.515 following loss of Moody’s triple-A rating

British currency falls following U.K.’s loss of coveted triple-A rating from Moody’s and country’s determination to stand by current economic recovery measures.

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound -

When conservatives want to punish people in a time of distress this is the end result. This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

You would prefer we spend until there is no way to recover, and society collapses into anarchy?

False dilemma
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A false dilemma (also called false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of false choice, black-and/or-white thinking, or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as when there are shades of grey) or may be completely different alternatives. The opposite of this fallacy is argument to moderation.

False dilemma can arise intentionally, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice (such as, in some contexts, the assertion that "if you are not with us, you are against us"). But the fallacy can also arise simply by accidental omission of additional options rather than by deliberate deception.

This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

too stupid, as if there is a time when liberals will want to cut welfare dependency and budgets and lose their voting constituency!!

The liberals mounted a near genocide against American blacks with their welfare programs and to this day insist it was and is a good thing!!
USA Future if Conservative's Wet Dreams Come True on the Sequester: British currency falls

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound
Sterling falls below $1.515 following loss of Moody’s triple-A rating

British currency falls following U.K.’s loss of coveted triple-A rating from Moody’s and country’s determination to stand by current economic recovery measures.

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound -

When conservatives want to punish people in a time of distress this is the end result. This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

You would prefer we spend until there is no way to recover, and society collapses into anarchy?
No, you spend on projects that make sense. Like reagan did. Like Clinton did. Like FDR did. You do not cut taxes, like reagan did in the beginning, creating his own economic disaster.
But, maybe you can show a time when cutting taxes in this country, during a bad economy with high unemployment, actually HELPED. Or, to shorten it, when cutting gov spending during such an economy helped. Then, and only then, will you be worth listening to.
But, maybe you can show a time when cutting taxes in this country, during a bad economy with high unemployment, actually HELPED.

too stupid!! Barry cut payroll taxes and it helped, he just raised them and it killed retail sales!! How can such obvious things be over your head??

Kennedy cut capital gains to get the bad economy moving and all agree, it worked! THe less government spends the more the economy can grow. THe more you take out of the private economy the more it shrinks!!!

Would you choke a man to help him breath?? Of course not; then you wouldn't tax an economy to help it grow!!
USA Future if Conservative's Wet Dreams Come True on the Sequester: British currency falls

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound
Sterling falls below $1.515 following loss of Moody’s triple-A rating

British currency falls following U.K.’s loss of coveted triple-A rating from Moody’s and country’s determination to stand by current economic recovery measures.

U.K. ratings downgrade to weigh on pound -

When conservatives want to punish people in a time of distress this is the end result. This is not the time to insist on irresponsible budget cuts and to push austerity

So what do we do? We just keep on spending and hope it makes things better?

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