USA National Debt will be $13 Trillion in less than 2 weeks !!!

Naah in my county 600K will get you a nice little house and barn and maybe 100 acres with a pond with fish in it.
In my opinion some places are not worth living in for the rat race. You really gain nothing in the end.

That all depends upon what one's preferences are.

The weather here is the best in the country, imho - and I enjoy the variety of urban living.

The variety of urban living? hmmm.........

I have lived in urban settings found little variety.
Ohh yeah that house is a different color :)
The subdivision I lived in in FL had 3,000 houses, a golf course and 2 shopping centers in it.

You know variety

I imagine there's a wider variety of handguns per capita than 90% of the country.
I have freedom.
I can go out back and take a leak and not go to jail.
Park a car on my lawn without getting a ticket.
Play loud music at night if I want without cops showing up.
Target shoot in my back yard.
Have as many dogs/critters as I want.
Raise much of my own food.
Fish in my own pond.
Go shopping in the city when I want.
I have 3gb net access.
I have a screened in inground heated pool.
And my entire farm is maybe worth 500K
Good neighbors, Whom I know all of.
I can feel safe with letting the grandchildren roam the farm. As long as they stay away from the bull :eek:
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I have freedom.
I can go out back and take a leak and not go to jail.

I'm so jealous.:(

Yeah I would not go to jail for that even if someone saw me.
A bit more reasonable people around here.
In the urban zone everyone wants to run everyone elses life.

Around here If you have car trouble virtually everyone stops to help you.

but we do not allow people to move here from NYC or Southern CA. Part of the new immigration reform law.
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In the 8 years Bush was in office, the debt rose about 4.5 trillion.

I thought THAT was insane.

Obama's working on presiding over that in less than 2.

Wow, if only that were true.

Cost of two wars - 3 trillion.

Tax cut for the rich - 2.5 trillion.

Well, there's 5.5 trillion. Shall we keep going?

The Bush/Republican drug "give-a-way" costs anywhere from 2 trillion to 15 trillion depending on who you listen to and how far out you are looking.

Then there is the rebuilding of Iraq. Bush signed agreements, treaties and contracts that make us responsible for rebuilding that country. We don't know how much that's going to cost.

Then there are the military who served in the Iraqi fiasco that will strain the VA for years to come for everything from crippling injuries to mental health issues. The number is certainly in the tens of thousands.

Then there are the tens of thousands who lived in carcinogenic trailers after Katrina bought by Bush from cronies. Who knows how much that will cost the nation.

I think I could continue. There is so much more I haven't mentioned.

The right is quickly forgetting the disaster of the country being controlled by the right wing. We will be paying for that for generations.
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The right is quickly forgetting the disaster of the country being controlled by the right wing. We will be paying for that for generations.



I thought Obama promised CHANGE?
Change happens, no one has to promise it.

See a few seconds ago this post was not on this thread.
The right is quickly forgetting the disaster of the country being controlled by the right wing. We will be paying for that for generations.



I thought Obama promised CHANGE?

The economy is improving.

The Stock Market has gone from 6,000 to 10,000.

The rest of the world doesn't hate our guts.

People will be able to put their collage age kids on their insurance plans.

More people will have less expensive health care over very expensive "emergency room" care.

So much of the al Qaeda leadership has been taken out, all they can send are incompetents.

Considering the enormous MESS Obama was handed, I think he's doing a bang up job.

You do know he was handed a mess? Right? You know that, right?
Change happens, no one has to promise it.

See a few seconds ago this post was not on this thread.

a few seconds isn't GENERATIONS.

I though Obama ran on a slogan of "Hope and Change"

Are we now not supposed to expect anything for GENERATIONS? For Christssakes???!! I'd be happy to see ONE FUCKING THING "Change"
Change happens, no one has to promise it.

See a few seconds ago this post was not on this thread.

a few seconds isn't GENERATIONS.

I though Obama ran on a slogan of "Hope and Change"

Are we now not supposed to expect anything for GENERATIONS? For Christssakes???!! I'd be happy to see ONE FUCKING THING "Change"

Oops, I'm sorry.

You only wanted one and I named six.

My bad.
Change happens, no one has to promise it.

See a few seconds ago this post was not on this thread.

a few seconds isn't GENERATIONS.

I though Obama ran on a slogan of "Hope and Change"

Are we now not supposed to expect anything for GENERATIONS? For Christssakes???!! I'd be happy to see ONE FUCKING THING "Change"

Oops, I'm sorry.

You only wanted one and I named six.

My bad.

You forgot to add "Obama has caused the sun to Rise."
National Defense is an appropriate role for government. To claim that all of the Iraq War went against the debt is nonsense. Defense as a percent of federal spending is around 20% of total Federal Spending. The real problems are growth in entitlements, expanded federal bureaucracies at all levels, and fairly soon, a pop in interest payments on the debt when rates rise. There are certainly plenty of opportunities to reduce defense spending - there is a lot of wastefulness there. But it is specious to blame the debt on the Iraq War.


Reality has a way of confusing ideologues. The invasion of Iraq was a choice, it was not necessary. The Bush Administration cut taxes and increased spending enormously, after 9/11; but (in not only my opinion, but many others), the plan to invade Iraq was a hidden agenda of the original RW Fringe well before GWB was even nominated (google and read PNAC if you have any doubts).
The point of this thread is to place blame on Obama for the problems created and ignored by the Bush (yes, Boooooooooooooosh) Administration. I don't understand why so many on this MB are unable to see the consequences had Obama ignored the fiscal crisis he inherited from Boooooooooooosh.
Well, actually I do.

The facts is that rather than trying to lower the deficit, Obama had grown the size of govt, added an hugh entitlement program in the HC bill and continues to spend. Obama did not cause this mess but definitely has not done much in ways to fix it.

As long as you are talking "hidden agendas", the dems crafted the stimulus bill which was nothing more than a payback for those that put Obama in office. It has been a failure as it was never intended to do the one thing it should....create jobs.

It is easy to state that the consequences would have been worse without the stimulus because we will never know what would have happened without it.

I don't understand why so many on USMB are not willing to admit that Obama has greatly increased the deficit without adding any substantial jobs. We can't keep printing money and we can't keep blaming past administrations. At some point, Obama has to accept his position. I have no great admiration for Bush but am sick of reading partisan idealogues defend Obama in everything he has done.
I don't know about that....Obama has cut the regular budget since he has been in office....even the health care entitlement cuts 10 year spending according to the CBO....

the spending on TARP and the spending on other bailouts and the spending on the stimulus which are all one time shots, is what put 2009 $1.4 trillion in deficit, but not the normal spending.

AND the 1.4 trillion deficit is attributed to the Bush administration fiscal year 2009 which began on October 1st 2008.

In addition to this, we are NOT collecting as much in taxes due to so many unemployed which causes deficits to be bigger.

and ALSO during every year of the bush budgets, he used ALL OF OUR ss SURPLUS to reduce his budget deficit and from 2009 onward, THERE ARE NO ss SURPLUS there is no SS to use to ballance the budgets of obama while president bush and his congresses used OVER 2 TRILLION in SS surplus money to pay for what income taxes should have been paying.

NO MATTER who took the presidential position after president bush, even if it was mccain, the deficits would be the same, would be this huge.
I predict the debt will hit $13 Trillion on Monday May 17th 2010.

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