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USA Today editorial board declares Trump unfit for Presidency

What podium-gate? It's a fact the little troll was intimidated and demanded a special stand be built to raise her short fat ass up so people would see and get a false perception of her.

She's SHORT...she couldn't handle that.
What podium-gate? It's a fact the little troll was intimidated and demanded a special stand be built to raise her short fat ass up so people would see and get a false perception of her.

She's SHORT...she couldn't handle that.

She's 5' 7", not short for a woman.

That's also not podiumgate.
Compared to Trump she's a midget...and she couldn't handle that.

When she gas to stanf face-to-face with taller foreign leaders will she have an official 'stool carrier' or 'Presidential Podium Stand Aide'?
What podium-gate? It's a fact the little troll was intimidated and demanded a special stand be built to raise her short fat ass up so people would see and get a false perception of her.

She's SHORT...she couldn't handle that.

It's not unusual for shorter candidates to be given something to step up on so they're the same height.

What are you afraid of - that she's going to intimidate The Donald if she's the same height?
The only one afraid was Hillary to be seen AS SHE TRULY IS...that has ALWAYS been one of her fears...why the Clintons always have to control the narrative, press, lies, etc...
Sometimes you have to just do what's right

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

He is erratic. Trump has been on so many sides of so many issues that attempting to assess his policy positions is like shooting at a moving target. A list prepared by NBC details 124 shifts by Trump on 20 major issues since shortly before he entered the race. He simply spouts slogans and outcomes (he’d replace Obamacare with “something terrific”) without any credible explanations of how he’d achieve them.

He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief. Trump’s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent. It’s not just Democrats who say this. Scores of Republican national security leaders have signed an extraordinary open letter calling Trump’s foreign policy vision “wildly inconsistent and unmoored in principle.” In a Wall Street Journal column this month, Robert Gates, the highly respected former Defense secretary who served presidents of both parties over a half-century, described Trump as “beyond repair.”

He traffics in prejudice. From the very beginning, Trump has built his campaign on appeals to bigotry and xenophobia, whipping up resentment against Mexicans, Muslims and migrants. His proposals for mass deportations and religious tests are unworkable and contrary to America’s ideals.

Trump has stirred racist sentiments in ways that can’t be erased by his belated and clumsy outreach to African Americans. His attacks on an Indiana-born federal judge of Mexican heritage fit “the textbook definition of a racist comment,” according to House Speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected official in the Republican Party. And for five years, Trump fanned the absurd “birther” movement that falsely questioned the legitimacy of the nation’s first black president.

His business career is checkered. Trump has built his candidacy on his achievements as a real estate developer and entrepreneur. It’s a shaky scaffold, starting with a 1973 Justice Department suit against Trump and his father for systematically discriminating against blacks in housing rentals. (The Trumps fought the suit but later settled on terms that were viewed as a government victory.) Trump’s companies have had some spectacular financial successes, but this track record is marred by six bankruptcy filings, apparent misuse of the family’s charitable foundation, and allegations by Trump University customers of fraud. A series of investigative articles published by the USA TODAY Network found that Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits over the past three decades, including at least 60 that involved small businesses and contract employees who said they were stiffed. So much for being a champion of the little guy.

He isn’t leveling with the American people. Is Trump as rich as he says? No one knows, in part because, alone among major party presidential candidates for the past four decades, he refuses to release his tax returns. Nor do we know whether he has paid his fair share of taxes, or the extent of his foreign financial entanglements.

He speaks recklessly. In the days after the Republican convention, Trump invited Russian hackers to interfere with an American election by releasing Hillary Clinton’s emails, and he raised the prospect of “Second Amendment people” preventing the Democratic nominee from appointing liberal justices. It’s hard to imagine two more irresponsible statements from one presidential candidate.

He has coarsened the national dialogue. Did you ever imagine that a presidential candidate would discuss the size of his genitalia during a nationally televised Republican debate? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine a presidential candidate, one who avoided service in the military, would criticize Gold Star parents who lost a son in Iraq? Neither did we. Did you ever imagine you’d see a presidential candidate mock a disabled reporter? Neither did we. Trump’s inability or unwillingness to ignore criticism raises the specter of a president who, like Richard Nixon, would create enemies’ lists and be consumed with getting even with his critics.

He’s a serial liar. Although polls show that Clinton is considered less honest and trustworthy than Trump, it’s not even a close contest. Trump is in a league of his own when it comes to the quality and quantity of his misstatements. When confronted with a falsehood, such as his assertion that he was always against the Iraq War, Trump’s reaction is to use the Big Lie technique of repeating it so often that people begin to believe it.

We are not unmindful of the issues that Trump’s campaign has exploited: the disappearance of working-class jobs; excessive political correctness; the direction of the Supreme Court; urban unrest and street violence; the rise of the Islamic State terrorist group; gridlock in Washington and the influence of moneyed interests. All are legitimate sources of concern.


BREAKING NEWS ALSO: The Arizona Republic, for the first time in their 126 YEAR history just endorsed a Democrat, Hillary Clinton for POTUS,
The Arizona Republic endorses Hillary Clinton

And a couple of weeks ago the Dallas Morning News for the first time in 75 years endorsed a democrat, Hillary Clinton, and they buried Trump before the first debate.
We recommend Hillary Clinton for president | Editorials | Dallas News

Arizona Republic and now USA TODAY condemn Trump

Two conservative bastions
What podium-gate? It's a fact the little troll was intimidated and demanded a special stand be built to raise her short fat ass up so people would see and get a false perception of her.

She's SHORT...she couldn't handle that.

It's not unusual for shorter candidates to be given something to step up on so they're the same height.

What are you afraid of - that she's going to intimidate The Donald if she's the same height?

Hillary Clinton was not standing on anything, wtf are you talking about?
Compared to Trump she's a midget...and she couldn't handle that.

When she gas to stanf face-to-face with taller foreign leaders will she have an official 'stool carrier' or 'Presidential Podium Stand Aide'?

After the debate I think Trump proved himself a midget in mental capacity. However we know how you twinks are sensitive about Trump's size.
What podium-gate? It's a fact the little troll was intimidated and demanded a special stand be built to raise her short fat ass up so people would see and get a false perception of her.

She's SHORT...she couldn't handle that.

She's not really that short it's just she's so fat it makes her look short
At some point Trump supporters, once you've called every other human on Earth an idiot for not supporting Trump, and you are the tiny minority who still thinks him sane you have to finally conclude it isn't everyone else. It's you.

All the rest of the human race is telling you, it's you.
After the debate Trump stayed around to talk to everyone - Hillary ran out to get away from the peasants.
At some point Trump supporters, once you've called every other human on Earth an idiot for not supporting Trump, and you are the tiny minority who still thinks him sane you have to finally conclude it isn't everyone else. It's you.

All the rest of the human race is telling you, it's you.

That "tiny little majority" has him in a virtual tie with Cankles...but thanks for playing

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