USA's biggest secret- Dems were filibuster proof for only FIVE months

If you're gonna blame the other party even when your own party has a Super Majority,there's pretty much no reasoning with you. A logical and rational discussion with you will be impossible. So I wont exhaust anymore energy trying to.
A Rep congress helped Clinton get his so called Surplus before Bush was in office.. Remember it was a full REP congress and senate back then . Humph

That's false. PAYGO was still in effect in the 90's. The Republican Congress showed their true colors once they got a GOP president elected; they let PAYGO expire.

The Nancy came in 2007 and stated quite clearly the end of deficit spending was upon us.

Go ahead what the fuck is your excuse now.

Ok, so you're admitting that Pelosi's House was no different than the Republican House that preceded it.

Good for you. lolol
That's false. PAYGO was still in effect in the 90's. The Republican Congress showed their true colors once they got a GOP president elected; they let PAYGO expire.

The Nancy came in 2007 and stated quite clearly the end of deficit spending was upon us.

Go ahead what the fuck is your excuse now.

Ok, so you're admitting that Pelosi's House was no different than the Republican House that preceded it.

Good for you. lolol

Not, but Pelosi was the one who told us 'her' congress would be transparent. It wasn't. Obama claimed he was gonna 'clean up Washington'. He didn't. In short, new boss, same as the old boss. You might accept that but many of us do not... and it has jack shit to do with party.

I'm sick of both. You, on the other hand, consider it fine from the Dems but abhorrent from the GOP. Hypocrite.
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

That congress managed to pass the first comprehensive healthcare plan in our history, TARP, Economic Stimulus, Repealed DADT, ratified START, financial reforms....all with Republicans whining and dragging their feet all the way

Significant legislative accomplishment

What has the John Boehner Congress accomplished?
When any member of your party can vote with the other party any time he or she chooses and there's no way to stop it,

that is not filibuster proof.
Pubs couldn't filibuster ONLY from 7/8/2009 ( Al Franken seated) till 1/2010 (Scott Brown seated). Amazing Pubs get away with saying two years ALL the time. Granted ALL pubs are either liars or brainwashed, but what is wrong with Dems and the media?

Attention stupid!!!

So What.... Your side used bribery to pass the health bill moron................

The health care industry used bribery to get a health care bill that benefitted them the most.

I can agree with that then once those funds were secure began bribing there own member for passage.

You dont mind picking up the tab for another state do you?
Oh that excuses all the damage done.. And the arrogance of passing bills that no one read and no one wanted.

I strongly doubt there was a single bill passed that no one read.

I also strongly doubt this is America's biggest secret.

Damn, I'm being pedantic today.

Short memory or too much Simpsons --- which is it?

You don't remember Pelosi saying that "we have to pass this Bill to see what's in it?"

OR even more ARROGANT ---


Montana Democrat Senator Max Baucus is often called the “author” of the ObamaCare bill. But it says a lot about how Washington, DC works when the “author” of a piece of legislation admits that he never actually read his own bill because, in his words, “we hire experts” for those menial tasks.

“I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” Baucus said. “We hire experts.”

How many more facts do want Homer? -- I've got a million of them...
Yeah they had half a year to prove themselves, and then America told them to fuck off.

Whats the point?
Here we go again. That's why this country is doomed. It's the "your party did it too" election strategy.

With only 2 parties -- you don't have to show Great Governance.. You only need to show that you screwed up less than the other guys. Hence ALL this debate doesn't pivot on policies and solutions, it simply vomits excuses.
How did the Republicans in the Senate manage to set filibuster records in those years that supposedly the Democrats had filibuster-PROOF majorities?
Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

That congress managed to pass the first comprehensive healthcare plan in our history, TARP, Economic Stimulus, Repealed DADT, ratified START, financial reforms....all with Republicans whining and dragging their feet all the way

Significant legislative accomplishment

What has the John Boehner Congress accomplished?

Quite a bit, actually.

Too bad none of it will ever see the light of day as it all continues to stack up on Harry Reid's desk

Sorry but they did have a Super Majority and did preside over the worst U.S. Congress in History. That's just fact. Not liking fact doesn't mean it's not fact. The Democrats were a horrific failure. I understand a fellow Democrat is never going to admit this but it is true.

That congress managed to pass the first comprehensive healthcare plan in our history, TARP, Economic Stimulus, Repealed DADT, ratified START, financial reforms....all with Republicans whining and dragging their feet all the way

Significant legislative accomplishment

What has the John Boehner Congress accomplished?

Quite a bit, actually.

Too bad none of it will ever see the light of day as it all continues to stack up on Harry Reid's desk


A true leader knows how to get legislation passed. You do not do it by loading legislation with poison pills designed to play to the radical right

Boehner is a failure as speaker. His record pales by comparison to Nancy Pelosi. His legacy will be....I accomplished nothing
Short memory or too much Simpsons --- which is it?

A bit of both. What are we talking about again?

You don't remember Pelosi saying that "we have to pass this Bill to see what's in it?"

OR even more ARROGANT ---


Tons of staff members from both parties have read all those bills.

Montana Democrat Senator Max Baucus is often called the “author” of the ObamaCare bill. But it says a lot about how Washington, DC works when the “author” of a piece of legislation admits that he never actually read his own bill because, in his words, “we hire experts” for those menial tasks.

“I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” Baucus said. “We hire experts.”

See? They hire experts. Ergo someone has read the bills.

I did say I was being pedantic, right? You got that part?
Republicans vote in a block. They are 90% white. They follow leaders who work for the top 1%. They cheer executions. They will believe what they want to believe. Evidence, data and facts have no influence.
Five months- NOT 2 years....ANOTHER Pub big lie that's "Truth"...
Short memory or too much Simpsons --- which is it?

A bit of both. What are we talking about again?

You don't remember Pelosi saying that "we have to pass this Bill to see what's in it?"

OR even more ARROGANT ---


Tons of staff members from both parties have read all those bills.

Montana Democrat Senator Max Baucus is often called the “author” of the ObamaCare bill. But it says a lot about how Washington, DC works when the “author” of a piece of legislation admits that he never actually read his own bill because, in his words, “we hire experts” for those menial tasks.

“I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the health care bill. You know why? It’s statutory language,” Baucus said. “We hire experts.”

See? They hire experts. Ergo someone has read the bills.

I did say I was being pedantic, right? You got that part?

Us simple Southern boys don't do pedantic. We just recognize horseshit when we see it..
That congress managed to pass the first comprehensive healthcare plan in our history, TARP, Economic Stimulus, Repealed DADT, ratified START, financial reforms....all with Republicans whining and dragging their feet all the way

Significant legislative accomplishment

What has the John Boehner Congress accomplished?

Quite a bit, actually.

Too bad none of it will ever see the light of day as it all continues to stack up on Harry Reid's desk


A true leader knows how to get legislation passed. You do not do it by loading legislation with poison pills designed to play to the radical right

Boehner is a failure as speaker. His record pales by comparison to Nancy Pelosi. His legacy will be....I accomplished nothing

Then tell Harry Reid to put them up for a vote, if he's a "true leader".

It's not Boehner's fault there's not enough in unabated spending in the House bills
Yeah but the Democrats do not walk in Lock Step like the other party does. Look no further than the Blue Dog Democrats to see why, even when they had 60, they couldn't pass shit.
The Dems were never filibuster proof. The Blue Dogs and Lieberman WOULD NEVER support things like the public option or the expiration of tax cuts for the 250K+ crowd.

The dems have several senators who are fiscally to the Right of most of the Republican senators from the Nixon era (before the far right took over the GOP and the centrists and centrist-right took over the Democratic party)

The notion that dems had a filibuster proof majority is talk radio garbage. The only people who buy it are low-information Republican voters. If the Dems had a filibuster proof majority, we would have a public option, and the 250K+ job shippers would be paying Clinton era tax rates.

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