USC University of Spoiled Children. Laughlin daughter on billionaire yacht when found out mother arr


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

This typical no good rotten typical hollywood left wing spoiled fucking loser actually posted on Facebook how she hated school and mainly went there for the parties.....

Is there anything worse than hollywood and that fucking cesspool of shit?
Btw, how many dirty fucking scumbags have risen spoiled fucking rotten children from that fucking liberal godless piece of shit town?

Think about it. A long fucking list.

Then compare the Trump that shit liberal town kids.

Why are conservatives so much better than liberals?

Any theories?
Not to mention that daughter is ugly as fuck.

Other than liberal women, the most annoying thing on this planet are liberal women thinking they are hot while being ugly.

Completely self unaware about everything.
That show that comes on after the Entertainment Tonight show, it was asked on there "Should the kids be expelled?" To me, if they didn't know about their parents getting them into the schools in such a way and have been doing well in their classes, they should be allowed to stay. If they knew how they got in, then they should be expelled. What I would like to know is if any of the kids are actually done with their educations at the schools now. If any of them are done and were well aware of how they got in there, then in my opinion, they should be wearing the handcuffs just like their parents.

God bless you and those who are innocent always!!!

All I can say is that I've never been so happy, happy, HAPPY, that I've never been to these cult-like, college-poison; I didn't just dodge a bullet, I dodged an anti-matter bomb.

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