Useful Fool?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Lester Holt and NBC reached a new low by lapping up Obvious NK propaganda like the horse from Animal Farm.
Care to explain what you are talking about?
Try google. Use Lester Holt and North Korea

An NBC News host was reportedly duped by North Korean propaganda after he delivered an upbeat news report from a ghost town in the secretive state that had been transformed into a ’busy’ ski resort.

Lester Holt reported from the Masikryong resort on Monday, a facility that was personally ordered by Kim Jong Un and is typically empty.

On Monday, in an “NBC News exclusive,” anchorman Lester Holt effusively praised the tyrannical communist government of North Korea while reporting from a ski resort teeming with people. Holt told the Today Show audience that “we have been treated with respect here” and that the “busy” and “very modern” ski resort was a “source of immense pride for a country trying to present a new and modern face to the world.”
most leftards are tools at any rate

Useful Idiot
If you have never heard the term “useful idiot” it was the attitude held by Vladimir Lenin towards communist sympathizers in the West (America). While Lenin and the Soviets held them in utter contempt they also viewed them as tools for dispensing communist propaganda to other countries, thus infecting foreign cultures with their totalitarian tripe. After their mission was complete, they were no longer “useful.”
Most grown ups with measurable IQs don`t make up stupid words like leftards.
No, we don't make up stupid words like the lieftards do.

We don't make up words like...

Economic justice
Social justice
Flying spaghetti monster
Global Warming
Climate change
Lester Holt and NBC reached a new low by lapping up Obvious NK propaganda like the horse from Animal Farm.

Wow. At first I though your title was Useful Food.

For a second there I thought you were going really, really, REALLY, dark.

You would certainly be adding a fresh perspective, if you were actually advocating cannibalism as a valid political tactic.
Most grown ups with measurable IQs don`t make up stupid words like leftards.
No, we don't make up stupid words like the lieftards do.

We don't make up words like...

Economic justice
Social justice
Flying spaghetti monster
Global Warming
Climate change
Teabaggers lol

No. The teabaggers themselves chose that name.They proudly proclaimed that they were teabaggers, and even wrote songs about it.
You'd think with the size of Holt's forehead he'd have some gray matter....sadly he doesn't

Just another asshat loon

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