USMB Republicans......Are you ready to admit you are worried?

Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


Yes, sweetie, I am worried. I can't fathom the future of America being in the hands of socialists and the demise of the U.S. Constitution, later to be replaced with Sharia Law.

Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years



The election was rigged!

Illegals and the Dead were allow to vote!!

MSM shows like SNL and Family Guy rigged the election against the Glorious Orange Glowing Messiah!


Now attempting to be serious for a moment and the GOP will need to do deep soul searching if Trump loses in November...

The GOP will have to ask themselves if those that voted for Trump are worth appeasing anymore or should they dump those nutters while focusing on the Hispanic\Latino vote and the Asian vote instead?

Personally I would rather see someone like Rand Paul rise in the ranks and mold the GOP into his image of what he believe they are and move from the Trump type of GOP...

Finally, I believe Hillary will be a one term President and either her health or bad judgment will get her out of office by 2020...

So she might get those three nominations but she will be working with a GOP House and the Senate might not stay purple long seeing 2018 is around the corner...
Hispanics are nutters.
I see billions and billions of .... taco trucks .... in your future.
You will be very surprised.
Yes, sweetie, I am worried. I can't fathom the future of America being in the hands of socialists and the demise of the U.S. Constitution, later to be replaced with Sharia Law.

Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

Bullshit. They gave him all the "neutral" attention he could get during the primaries, and then turned on him when he was the nominee, waiting until October for the really juicy stuff.

The Republicans got played, and so did the American People, because the MSM knew 6 of the other 16 candidates would wipe the floor with Hillary, and the rest would have a 50-50 shot.

Most of the "antagonistic press" only replayed what Trump had said and asked....What the fuck are you talking about?

Yes, there were three or four Republicans capable of beating Hillary. It was not the Press. They constantly reminded Republicans what an ass Trump was. It was the "angry" Republicans that just had to show that they know best

In the Primaries, he was the "good ass", the "shake to the system". In the general election he's the "bad ass", the "ruiner of the system"

The MSM and DNC played this masterfully, too bad that you can't admit it because it would prove the point.
Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

Bullshit. They gave him all the "neutral" attention he could get during the primaries, and then turned on him when he was the nominee, waiting until October for the really juicy stuff.

The Republicans got played, and so did the American People, because the MSM knew 6 of the other 16 candidates would wipe the floor with Hillary, and the rest would have a 50-50 shot.

they didn't "turn on him". he didn't know when to shut up and got more and more insane as he got more and more desperate. but whatever makes you feel better.

It's painfully obvious to anyone that isn't a progressive hack, like you are.

you mean it's made up in the deluded, conspiracy driven minds of trumpsters.


again, how dare they quote him. :rofl:

No, in the calculated mind of a Republican who say a con-man get the nomination over far better candidates. First they propped him up, and then they cut off his legs.

Again, masterful on the part of the MSM/DNC combo.
Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

Bullshit. They gave him all the "neutral" attention he could get during the primaries, and then turned on him when he was the nominee, waiting until October for the really juicy stuff.

The Republicans got played, and so did the American People, because the MSM knew 6 of the other 16 candidates would wipe the floor with Hillary, and the rest would have a 50-50 shot.

Most of the "antagonistic press" only replayed what Trump had said and asked....What the fuck are you talking about?

Yes, there were three or four Republicans capable of beating Hillary. It was not the Press. They constantly reminded Republicans what an ass Trump was. It was the "angry" Republicans that just had to show that they know best

they don't want to take responsibility for their bigoted angry, racially aggrieved uneducated males. we kept telling them you can't alienate everyone else in the country. now they're blaming us because normal people don't want that disgusting orange bigoted, misogynist in office.

How many buzz words can a person fit in a useless sentence? JILLIAN KNOWS THE ANSWER.
Yes, sweetie, I am worried. I can't fathom the future of America being in the hands of socialists and the demise of the U.S. Constitution, later to be replaced with Sharia Law.

Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not complicity. They gave the masses what they wanted. It's just that there are different masses in the primary and general. Although for us mainstreet gopers, who were watching Kasich and even Rubio (too young) go down, it was seeing the trainwreck setting up, and now it's just ..... an epic disaster.

The media is biased of course, but their first master is mammon, and they give advertisers what viewers want to see.
Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not complicity. They gave the masses what they wanted. It's just that there are different masses in the primary and general. Although for us mainstreet gopers, who were watching Kasich and even Rubio (too young) go down, it was seeing the trainwreck setting up, and now it's just ..... an epic disaster.

The media is biased of course, but their first master is mammon, and they give advertisers what viewers want to see.

When 92% of them donate to Democratic causes, methinks their loyalties are more to politics as long as it doesn't impact their bottom line.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


Yes, sweetie, I am worried. I can't fathom the future of America being in the hands of socialists and the demise of the U.S. Constitution, later to be replaced with Sharia Law.

Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

the primary votes selected these two flawed candidates. Whats at stake in November is the future of the USA. We will either become a large version of failed European socialism with an arrogant dictator in the white house, or we will return to the constitution, freedom, and opportunity for everyone.

This election will determine whether this country remains a free democratic representative republic or a socialist dictatorship where all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a tiny band to super elites, where education becomes indoctrination and the media becomes an arm of the government.

Its up to the voters.
Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

Bullshit. They gave him all the "neutral" attention he could get during the primaries, and then turned on him when he was the nominee, waiting until October for the really juicy stuff.

The Republicans got played, and so did the American People, because the MSM knew 6 of the other 16 candidates would wipe the floor with Hillary, and the rest would have a 50-50 shot.

they didn't "turn on him". he didn't know when to shut up and got more and more insane as he got more and more desperate. but whatever makes you feel better.

It's painfully obvious to anyone that isn't a progressive hack, like you are.

you mean it's made up in the deluded, conspiracy driven minds of trumpsters.


again, how dare they quote him. :rofl:

No, in the calculated mind of a Republican who say a con-man get the nomination over far better candidates. First they propped him up, and then they cut off his legs.

Again, masterful on the part of the MSM/DNC combo.
Every MSM site besides Moring Joe (that was going OMFG Cassandra) and maybe Faux was saying Trump cannot get the nomination. The party will band together and take him out.
Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not complicity. They gave the masses what they wanted. It's just that there are different masses in the primary and general. Although for us mainstreet gopers, who were watching Kasich and even Rubio (too young) go down, it was seeing the trainwreck setting up, and now it's just ..... an epic disaster.

The media is biased of course, but their first master is mammon, and they give advertisers what viewers want to see.

When 92% of them donate to Democratic causes, methinks their loyalties are more to politics as long as it doesn't impact their bottom line.
Reporters sure .... but they are all owned by multinationals. .... And that should scare us more then dems/gop.
Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not complicity. They gave the masses what they wanted. It's just that there are different masses in the primary and general. Although for us mainstreet gopers, who were watching Kasich and even Rubio (too young) go down, it was seeing the trainwreck setting up, and now it's just ..... an epic disaster.

The media is biased of course, but their first master is mammon, and they give advertisers what viewers want to see.

the media and the dem machine would be doing exactly the same things to Kasich or Rubio. The dems are very good at slinging mud and the politics of personal destruction.

In addition, if you vote for the very sick Clinton, you are actually voting to put the idiot Kaine in charge of your country. THINK AMERICA, THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE.
Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not complicity. They gave the masses what they wanted. It's just that there are different masses in the primary and general. Although for us mainstreet gopers, who were watching Kasich and even Rubio (too young) go down, it was seeing the trainwreck setting up, and now it's just ..... an epic disaster.

The media is biased of course, but their first master is mammon, and they give advertisers what viewers want to see.

the media and the dem machine would be doing exactly the same things to Kasich or Rubio. The dems are very good at slinging mud and the politics of personal destruction.

In addition, if you vote for the very sick Clinton, you are actually voting to put the idiot Kaine in charge of your country. THINK AMERICA, THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE.
The MSM hate the Clintons. For good reason.
Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not complicity. They gave the masses what they wanted. It's just that there are different masses in the primary and general. Although for us mainstreet gopers, who were watching Kasich and even Rubio (too young) go down, it was seeing the trainwreck setting up, and now it's just ..... an epic disaster.

The media is biased of course, but their first master is mammon, and they give advertisers what viewers want to see.

the media and the dem machine would be doing exactly the same things to Kasich or Rubio. The dems are very good at slinging mud and the politics of personal destruction.

In addition, if you vote for the very sick Clinton, you are actually voting to put the idiot Kaine in charge of your country. THINK AMERICA, THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE.
The MSM hate the Clintons. For good reason.

are you kidding? the MSM has been up the Clintons asses for the last 30 years.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years

If she wins, America will be such a mess by 2020, there will be mass libtard suicides. So for the long run...lookin good.
When Trumped turned on the press and tried to use it on the Birther announcement refusing to answer "why" was all Donny dum dum. He crossed the line that day, and the press became his enemy. Dis the press at one's own peril.

I'm voting for Hillary but will vote Republican down ballot.

I don't want the Dems to control everything.
If Hillary wins she will select 2 x USSC Justices...and then they will control everything.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years

Well the Dems are gonna need a shitload of wins in the Senate because John MC Cain is on the record saying
that the Senate will not do anything to appoint a Judge to the Supreme Court if Hillary is elected.....
So already we are off to a great start....
Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

Ask the MSM, who were all Trump, all the Time during the primaries, and now seem to have found all sorts of dirt on him the month before the election.

I wouldn't call it rigged, but skewed is a good term.

Trumps biggest enemy was not the press........but his mouth and his Twitter account

Bullshit. They gave him all the "neutral" attention he could get during the primaries, and then turned on him when he was the nominee, waiting until October for the really juicy stuff.

The Republicans got played, and so did the American People, because the MSM knew 6 of the other 16 candidates would wipe the floor with Hillary, and the rest would have a 50-50 shot.

Most of the "antagonistic press" only replayed what Trump had said and asked....What the fuck are you talking about?

Yes, there were three or four Republicans capable of beating Hillary. It was not the Press. They constantly reminded Republicans what an ass Trump was. It was the "angry" Republicans that just had to show that they know best
Your post is about has honest as your Avatar.

Don't be diss'n Guido
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


Your question presupposes that we can actually change anything, we can't.
The elections are indeed rigged, but not the way Trump imagines.
For more than a century we've been given false choices, we've been allowed the illusion of having a say in the things of this Nation. We do not.

“Government is the Entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.”
Frank Zappa

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