USMB: Which politcal party do you vote for?

What politcal party do you normally vote for?

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The Duopoly will never allow that. That is the one issue on which they cooperate with fluid and unbroken "bipartisanship".
---- If it can be called that, it's effectively a single party that dresses up in two different colors.

That's why they have complete control over the POTUS debates. Duopoly decides not only what the questions are but who gets to participate and who does not.

And this is how dishonest they are --- this massive collusion machine, called the Commission on Presidential Debates, masks itself on the internets as "" Doesn't that sound innocuous.
It's not up to them. If for instance, Bernie and Tulsi announced the formation of a new Independent Party for progressives, youth, greeners, anti war folks and everyone else who's fed up with the corporate-controlled Democrats and Republicans, they can't stop 40 million + voters. Sorry Libertarians---you have to pick (D) or (R), one or the other.

Don't tell me I have to choose the poor choices your parties are offering... If just 8 or 10 Libertarians or Independents landed on Capitol hill this Nov, there would be a HUGE CHANGE in the "tone of business" up there..

These 10 people braving the stink of swamp would immediately appear SMARTER and more ENGAGED than the other 525 members of Congress and would be INVITED on ALL of the Sunday political shows and be hounded for interviews... WHY YOU ASK????

Because right now, 531 members of Congress are TOTALLY irrelevant and mere puppet material to the FOUR "party bosses" that run the place.. Those "leaders" actually have those other members BOUND AND GAGGED and forced to toe the line.. And they are literally TORTURED -- if they don't ... 531 members have been made virtually IRRELEVANT by the nesting behavior of the 2 Brand Name parties.

There WOULD be "hope and change" when the DIALOGUE out of that putrid place the 2 parties have NESTED IN for TOO long changes and "grows up".. And Americans could SEE what "free expression" and problem solving REALLY looks like... Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Mcarthy would look like spoiled brats compared to the breath of fresh air permeating the Swamp...

My Libertarian or Independent vote counts.. Unlike OTHERS HERE who ADMIT they've given up and accept "voting against the other" have a 50/50 chance of THEIR votes "not counting"...

I LIKE my odds of making a difference....
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Correct, they can't stop VOTERS. But they'll collude with each other to marginalize that 3P, paint them as weirdos, plant fake stories, etc, and by the time Election Day gurgles up John Q Voter is gonna find him/herself thinking, "I'd LIKE to vote for the 3P people but if I do, Party (Blue/Red) will take the state, so I gotta vote (Red/Blue) to stop them". Which is what we already have now, yuge masses of voters not voting for X but against Y. Nothing more than a giant game of Hollywood Squares, Cliff Arquette to block.

And what helps them bring about that dichotomous Hobson's choice? The Electoral College WTA system, that's what.
Our new motto;
(We don't all have green hair)

Now only if America got used to some idiot stripping to his underwear on CSPAN live at the Libertarian convention, we'd have a GLORIOUS revolution... :biggrin:
Don't tell me I have to choose the poor choices your parties are offering... If just 8 or 10 Libertarians or Independents landed on Capitol hill this Nov, there would be a HUGE CHANGE in the "tone of business" up there..

These 10 people braving the stink of swamp would appear SMARTER and more ENGAGED than the other 521 members of Congress and would be INVITED on ALL of the Sunday political shows and be hounded for interviews... WHY YOU ASK????

Because right now, 531 members of Congress are TOTALLY irrelevant and mere puppet material to the FOUR "party bosses" that run the place.. Those "leaders" actually have those other members BOUND AND GAGGED and forced to toe the line.. And they are literally TORTURED -- if they don't ...

There would be "hope and change" when the DIALOGUE out of that putrid place the 2 parties have NESTED IN for TOO long.. And Americans could SEE what "free expression" and problem solving REALLY looks like... Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Macarthy would look like spoiled brats compared to the breath of fresh air permeating the Swamp...

My Libertarian or Independent counts.. Unlike OTHER HERE who ADMIT they've given up and accept "voting against the other" have a 50/50 chance of THEIR votes "not counting"...

I LIKE my odds of making a difference....
Don't blame me.
I voted for Ross Perot in 1992, before Clintonomics
and for Nader before Bushanomics nearly wiped us out.

They were the leaders who truly cared about our future before the neoliberal and neocon
vultures swept in and sold us out. ( Under Reagan the antitrust and tax laws changed and the private equity firms took Bain Capital)
Don't tell me I have to choose the poor choices your parties are offering... If just 8 or 10 Libertarians or Independents landed on Capitol hill this Nov, there would be a HUGE CHANGE in the "tone of business" up there..

These 10 people braving the stink of swamp would appear SMARTER and more ENGAGED than the other 521 members of Congress and would be INVITED on ALL of the Sunday political shows and be hounded for interviews... WHY YOU ASK????

Because right now, 531 members of Congress are TOTALLY irrelevant and mere puppet material to the FOUR "party bosses" that run the place.. Those "leaders" actually have those other members BOUND AND GAGGED and forced to toe the line.. And they are literally TORTURED -- if they don't ...

There would be "hope and change" when the DIALOGUE out of that putrid place the 2 parties have NESTED IN for TOO long.. And Americans could SEE what "free expression" and problem solving REALLY looks like... Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Macarthy would look like spoiled brats compared to the breath of fresh air permeating the Swamp...

My Libertarian or Independent counts.. Unlike OTHER HERE who ADMIT they've given up and accept "voting against the other" have a 50/50 chance of THEIR votes "not counting"...

I LIKE my odds of making a difference....
Don't blame me.
I voted for Ross Perot in 1992, before Clintonomics
and for Nader before Bushanomics nearly wiped us out.

They were the leaders who truly cared about our future before the neoliberal and neocon
vultures swept in.

What's gonna increase and IMPROVE the choices we're given is when MORE qualified talented people WANT to serve but don't want to go to Washington to be Pelosi's dummy or McConnell's bitch.. And the number of people out there that are well known and very accomplished (in govt or private biz) is actually quite high..

Having been active in ballot access issues (that the duopoly have roadblocked), I know that RUNNING INDEPENDENT is actually a LOT easier and less expensive.. You DONT have to waste money and volunteer time GETTING on ballot as an Independent (in the vast majority of states) Because the parties aren't scared of indies, just other new parties..

You don't have a costly, grueling PRIMARY season to endure or a convention.. SMART FOLKS KNOW THIS.. And I'd be surprised if you didn't see a few Mark Cuban or Tulsi Gabbard or Duvall Patrick types suddenly discover their POTENTIAL power as Independents to escape from the 2 party system that is WRECKING this country...

Maybe see this in 2022, because both the public and the politicians are exhausted from the DemRep polarization and horse shit...
Hi folks. I just wanted to post an unofficial poll into the voting habits of our fair political message board. This is totally unscientific poll, so please, don't be shy! No judging allowed, please.
Well, any party that truly believes in and supports the US written, embraces strong borders to at least make a good effort at trying to ensure that what comes across the borders are not criminals fleeing the law in their own nations, drug-cartel members, sex-traffickers, murderers, rapists, burglars, thieves or terrorist cells and in doing so, reduce the likelihood of our own citizens becoming victims. Reduced regulations that can help stimulate job growth and thus, improve employment opportunities.
So, what I see at this time, it sure as hell isn't the left, who are nothing more than unknowing George Soros puppets. That leaves, for me at this time, the Republicans.
Hi folks. I just wanted to post an unofficial poll into the voting habits of our fair political message board. This is totally unscientific poll, so please, don't be shy! No judging allowed, please.
Well, any party that truly believes in and supports the US written, embraces strong borders to at least make a good effort at trying to ensure that what comes across the borders are not criminals fleeing the law in their own nations, drug-cartel members, sex-traffickers, murderers, rapists, burglars, thieves or terrorist cells and in doing so, reduce the likelihood of our own citizens becoming victims. Reduced regulations that can help stimulate job growth and thus, improve employment opportunities.
So, what I see at this time, it sure as hell isn't the left, who are nothing more than unknowing George Soros puppets. That leaves, for me at this time, the Republicans.

So, you're basically a one-issue voter. Very common. Got it! Thanks for the reply.
What's gonna increase and IMPROVE the choices we're given is when MORE qualified talented people WANT to serve but don't want to go to Washington to be Pelosi's dummy or McConnell's bitch.. And the number of people out there that are well known and very accomplished (in govt or private biz) is actually quite high..

Having been active in ballot access issues (that the duopoly have roadblocked), I know that RUNNING INDEPENDENT is actually a LOT easier and less expensive.. You DONT have to waste money and volunteer time GETTING on ballot as an Independent (in the vast majority of states) Because the parties aren't scared of indies, just other new parties..

You don't have a costly, grueling PRIMARY season to endure or a convention.. SMART FOLKS KNOW THIS.. And I'd be surprised if you didn't see a few Mark Cuban or Tulsi Gabbard or Duvall Patrick types suddenly discover their POTENTIAL power as Independents to escape from the 2 party system that is WRECKING this country...

Maybe see this in 2022, because both the public and the politicians are exhausted from the DemRep polarization and horse shit...
Thanks to Citizens United, some billionaires from China could be Joe Biden's biggest donors and we will never know about it.

This Sunday's debate would be more interesting if Bernie
played hardball, but he probably won't. Or even matter.

I agree about the 2 party wrecking crew. For POTUS the only (D)'s I ever voted for were Carter in 1980 and
Obama in 2008. The others I voted for were Perot, Nader and Stein, but if the nominee is Biden I'll be voting (R) for the first time. If it's Bernie v Trump, I may have to flip a coin. I would vote for Tulsi also.

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