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Ah. You have no intention of showing the least bit of respect. What are you, five years old?

given the generalized shit you post what makes you think you deserve even the slightest iota of respect? To me, you are nothing less than a branch off the same tree that gave us nazis.

The land doesn't belong to anyone. Most settlements are in the middle of a desert.

yea yea yea.. we heard this "people without a land for land without a people" bullshit before, shlomo. those uncounted people sure have been around for the last 60 fucking years havent they?

Besides, this goes to the core of the conflict: jews taking land that is not theirs to take. Does it take a fucking norarized deed to validate arabs living on land for centuries? For real, you are no worse than those who disregarded native americans because they didnt wear shoes.

Yes, Israel, who controls less than 2 tenths of one percent of all the land in the middle east, is doing a massive 'land grab'.:lol:

"all the land in the middle east" didn't belong to palestinians. Why the hell should Iran take on palestinians when they HAD THEIR OWN FUCKING LAND before zionists dug in? Can Cuba take over FLORIDA because white people live in fucking CANADA? WOW, the length you people will go to rationalize...


I haven't accused you of that. Guilty conscience?

you've insinuated as much already, yes. Shall I quote you? Do you think anyone misses why you put "I wonder why" behind your standard issue deflections? Not so much a gulty conscience as i've dealt with your kind before many, many times. When it comes to dealing with zionists there truly is nothing new under the sun.

Most Americans are Aryan? No, most Americans during the revolution were of British descent.

who were, SAY IT WITH ME, WHITE CAUCASIANS. Do you want to point out who our jewish founding father was? By all means.. shoot me a name.

Why does it make a difference how many founding fathers were Jewish?

because you make the same arguement when defending your racism in zion as if jewish history invalidates arab history. If you can't accept the WHITE DOMINANCE in America than you have no reason to expect jewish dominance in israel.

How juvenile. really.

your opinion is noted and disregarded like an arab in zion.

Uh, no. Every Israeli citizen is equal under the law.

again, you are a fucking liar.

Inequality blights Israel's Arabs
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Inequality blights Israel's Arabs

Civil rights group: Israel has reached new heights of racism
Civil rights group: Israel has reached new heights of racism - Haaretz - Israel News

‘Marriage to an Arab is national treason’
Recent poll reveals steep rise in racist views against Arabs in Israel; many participants feel hatred, fear when overhearing Arabic, 75 percent don’t approve of shared apartment buildings

‘Marriage to an Arab is national treason’ - Israel News, Ynetnews

The Law of Return is Israeli legislation, enacted in 1950, that gives Jews, those of Jewish ancestry, and their spouses the right to migrate to and settle in Israel and gain citizenship.
Law of Return - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You see, jew, evidence goes a lot further than Scarlet A's.

True. So what?

It's an exmaple of RACIST STATE POLICIES that apply only to the preferred ethnic class. Kinda like white only water fountains and swimming pool in the US.

so what, indeed, jew. If only America had a Caucasian right of return here in America to dull your Aipac influence, eh? Oh, what?!?!? That would be RACIST!?!?!


One example of what?

State based racism. Keep up, shlomo.

Who have I killed? What are you babbling about?

You enable killings much in the way the German population enabled the holocaust. I look forward to when you people get marched into gaza to see what you've allowed to happen in the name of your racism.

Arabs in Israel have all the same rights as Jews.

I've already names one that they don't: The Law Of Return.. and what is your reply?


I don't see how my opinions have killed anybody.

of course you don't. You enjoy the favored status like a blond haired, blue eyed german circa 1945. And, here we are while you defend zion's killing of arabs for the sake of land with your last breath.

He's entitled to his opinion, too.

Sure he is. But that doesn't keep them from being racist as hell. Much like your opinons regarding zion.

Oh, so now I have to answer up for every Jew whose opinion differs from mine?

Why not? You seen to expect every arab toddler in gaza to answer for every kassam that managed to kill a sum total of 12 jews over 15 years.....

I would if I could.

I know I know.. antisemites are holding your keyboard hostage, right? Or is it arab toddlers this time?

Ah, this old canard.
So Iraq and Iran fought a war for 10 years because of Israel? Iraq invaded Kuwait because of Israel? What about Syria invading Lebanon? Or Egypt invading Libya.?

Those conflicts sure have remained the constant middle east drama like israel has since it's creation, haven't they? I know I know... don't mind what israel does because somewhere in the world there is someone else doing it too.. *yawn*

The region would not be at peace if Israel suddenly disappeared. Get over it.

Certainly, it wouldn't be the constant stone in the shoe of peace when it comes to palestine. I love how your only answer to criticism of israel is to blame muslim nations for something. hilarious! :lol:

Israel does not have state-based racism. There are black Israelis and white Israelis and even a few asian Israelis.

You mean black JEWS and white JEWS and *lol* token asian converts... Indeed, when you can offer a rebuttal a bit stronger than "so" to examples of state based racism then let me know.

given the generalized shit you post what makes you think you deserve even the slightest iota of respect? To me, you are nothing less than a branch off the same tree that gave us nazis.
I've been here all of 1 day. So I don't know what "generalized shit" I'm posting. But I'm going to have to defer to the veterans here and put you on ignore. Have a nice life.
When has Israel asked us to attack anyone?

Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran
White House Weighs Striking Iran's Nuclear Complex, Which Could Trigger 3rd War In Region

June 24, 2008
Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran - CBS News

Report: U.S. rejected Israeli plea to attack Iran
Report: U.S. rejected Israeli plea to attack Iran - CNN.com

Report: Israel pressuring U.S. over Iran attack

Report: Israel pressuring U.S. over Iran attack - Israel News, Ynetnews

If you bothered to read the articles, you would know that no where does it say that "Israel asked the US to attack Iran".




Token minorities? 16% of Israel is arab.

yes, token minorities. After all, we BOTH know what the demographics would look like if israel were forced to assimilate pali arabs instead of being able to put them in giant concentration camps, eh? Are you fucking retarded enough to think that no one knows why you people pay such attention to birth and death rates?


Lieberman is one person. And he is entitled to his opinions. He isn't advocating genocide like Hamas. He just doesn't want anyone in Israel who doesn't want to be in Israel.

he is one person that reflects the growing racism of israel. How many articles and peices of evidence do you need to see, shlomo? and yes, his entire popularity is based on nothing less than a fucking PURGE of arabs from israel. Hell, even the Jpost won't ignore the man's outright racism. Yet, here YOU are making excuses...

and LOTS of arabs want to be in israel.. just not while having to take some gay fucking oath about the JEWISHNESS of israel. But, hey, thats the kind of things NON-racist nations require, right shlomo? An OATH validating the ETHNIC DOMINATION of a single demographic?


Who makes it us vs them? The 6 million Israeli Jews or the one billion Muslims?

the 6 million jews who have a chokehold on land that was once palestine. Palis are not numbered in the Billions... But, hey, they all look alike to you, don't they? Please, tell me how you are not a fucking racist some more.

That's great. I ask a question about something you said, and you're can't even be bothered to look up the answer.

You can strop dragging your feet now and being purposfully dense. If white Americans made your jewish ass swear and oath to WHITE AMERICA of face being purged from the US while a Caucasian law of return guarenteed that your AIPAC INFLUENCE means didly squat, JUST LIKE YOU INSIST ISN'T RACIST IN ZION, you'd be screaming to fucking high heaven about your second class status and yelling racism with all the breath in your lungs. We both know it.

But hey, why face a check mate when you can pretend not to know how to play chess?
I can't really go through all of it, but there are a couple of things that have to be responded to.

Maybe you could tell us some other middle eastern country that we should ally with. I mean, does the US share values with Egypt or the Saudis?

The two cases you bring up are perfect examples of how this has nothing to do with "values", begining with the fact that the US IS allied with both of them. Both the Egyptian and Saudi governments have been STALWART allies of American hegemony in the middle east- despite the absolutist brutality they display AGAINST THEIR OWN POPULATION. Egypt is the 2nd biggest receiver of American military aid, and Saudi Arabia one of the largest end points of US armaments, both huge human rights violators. In fact, much of the support for extremists in the middle east stems at least partly from the fact that the US funds and arms these disgusting oppressive regimes.

Furthermore, the Saudi and Egyptian governments will never attack Israel, because they're on the same team- the team of American imperialism.

Laugh if you will, there are God-feariong Christians who support Israel for biblical reasons. Just because you don't doesn't make them autmoatically wrong.

Maybe these "Christians" should take a gander at the good books. Remind me again, when is the State of Israel supposed to be formed? Is it BEFORE or AFTER the Messiah? Sometimes I miss that part of the story.

What life support is the US giving?

About three billion dollars a year. This is an interesting passage:

Israel has received more U.S. military assistance than any other country, both in terms of grant aid and military sales on a concessional basis. Since 1987, the U.S. has provided an average of $1.8 billion annually in the form of Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and funds to support research and development.[2]

A bilateral memorandum of understanding was signed in January 2001, at the end of the Clinton administration, under which defense aid was increased to $2.4 billion annually from $1.8 billion, while the $1.2 billion of economic aid would be eliminated. This was predicated on the basis of the defense aid being increased by $60 million per year until the full amount was reached in 2008, while the economic aid is decreased by $120 million per year until eliminated.[3][16]

In 2007, the United States increased its military aid to Israel by over 25%, to an average of $3 billion per year for the following ten year period (starting at $2.550 billion for 2008, growing by $150 million each year).[17] The package is scheduled to start October 2008, when regular economic aid to Israel's economy is to end.[18] Officials have insisted the aid is not tied, or meant to balance, simultaneous American plans to sell $20 billion worth of sophisticated arms to its Arab allies in the region, including Egypt and Saudi Arabia[18].

Israel – United States military relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those sources at the last paragraph are Forbes and NY Times, check it out yourself.

About 200,000 Israelis lives on settlements out of a population of about 7 million. So how many are going to Israel for the "free settlement land'? Less than 3%.

Wrong, as of 2006 there were almost 500,000 settlers (in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights), that does not include the enormous growth in infrastructure development that occurred in 2008 (Growth was up 69% according to the Jerusalem Post).

Israeli settlement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (< look under "Population")


EU Settlement Watch Executive Summary: http://ue.eu.int/uedocs/cms_data/docs/2004/12/22/{3FA161D9-6DA6-408F-85CE-20D0EC68DDFF}.pdf

The EU continues to oppose Israeli settlement activities in the Occupied Territories as being illegal under international law and damaging for the Peace Process as they prejudge the outcome of the Final Status Negotiations.

Legal Advisor to the US State Dept:
Secretary Vance has asked me to reply to your request for a statement of legal considerations underlying the United States view that the establishment of the Israeli civilian settlements in the territories occupied by Israel is inconsistent with international law.

Quoted on this report endorsed by the UN Commission for Human Rights: E/CN.4/Sub.2/1994/18 of 30 June 1994

The International Court of Justice advisory opinion of 2004:
The Court responds to the question as follows:

"A. By fourteen votes to one,

The construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, and its associated régime, are contrary to international law";

ReliefWeb » Document » Legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

The list goes on, not to mention the abuse of human rights related to the settlements, documented by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, B'Tselem, etc. etc. AND we cannot forget the most important witnesses: ISRAELIS THEMSELVES It's all very readily available. This one is just one particularly brutal episode in Hebron:

ANALYSIS / Hebron settler riots were out and out pogroms - Haaretz - Israel News (Haaretz)

Israel doesn't have a constitution, but yes, everyone there is equal under the law.

Very disputable, considering the Marriage Law, the national identity cards, and the general resource allocation within Israel. Even then, that is a dream compared to the virtual apartheid in Occupied Palestine. But you don't have to take my word from it, you can just read it in Haaretz:

Yes, it is apartheid - Haaretz - Israel News

Citizenship law makes Israel an apartheid state - Haaretz - Israel News

Amos Schocken said:
When the law was first passed in 2003, supposedly as a temporary one-year measure, it was accompanied by security reasoning - the risk of implanting terrorists in Israel via marriage. The reasoning was faulty even at that time: Every Palestinian who wishes to enter Israel must be addressed individually. It is the Shin Bet security service's task to do this and thus carry out its mission - protecting the security of Israel's citizens such that the country remains democratic, with equal rights for all. However, as the years go by, it becomes clear that the security argument and the term "temporary measure" are merely a deception aimed at "koshering" discriminatory legislation for demographic reasons.

The claim that there are characteristics of an apartheid state in Israel is widely heard in the Western world. The word apartheid is catchy and understood in many parts of the world, which makes it useful to send a message that we resent and which we claim has no connection with reality in Israel. However, we do not need to replicate exactly the characteristics of South African apartheid within discriminatory practices in civil rights in Israel in order to call Israel an apartheid state. The amendment to the Citizenship Law is exactly such a practice, and it is best that we not try to evade the truth: Its existence in our law books turns Israel into an apartheid state.

Not exactly a voice from outer space, BUT you can also read it in the Guardian:

Award-winning Middle East correspondent Chris McGreal said:
Worlds apart

Israelis have always been horrified at the idea of parallels between their country, a democracy risen from the ashes of genocide, and the racist system that ruled the old South Africa. Yet even within Israel itself, accusations persist that the web of controls affecting every aspect of Palestinian life bears a disturbing resemblance to apartheid. After four years reporting from Jerusalem and more than a decade from Johannesburg before that, the Guardian's award-winning Middle East correspondent Chris McGreal is exceptionally well placed to assess this explosive comparison. Here we publish the first part of his two-day special report

Worlds apart | World news | The Guardian

Or you can just read it straight from that arch-communist, Nobel Prize Winner Desmond Tutu:

Apartheid in the Holy Land | World news | The Guardian
ED, could you give me an example that proves this statement? Because I've never actually heard an Israeli express any horror over any of the lies that get told about them: Israelis have always been horrified at the idea of parallels between their country, a democracy risen from the ashes of genocide, and the racist system that ruled the old South Africa.

You know what Ravi, I must say initially I was going to respond to your little query, but considering the research I posted above, I realized that would be a complete waste of time. So until you have something else to respond (you know, commenting on the human rights violations, the US-Israel-Egypt-Saudi Axis, the massive funding of brutal regimes, the illegal occupation of palestine, the opinions of the UN, ICJ, and basically the ENTIRE planet), I'd suggest you either:

1) E-mail Chris McGreal and ask him, or
2) Go fuck yourself.

You know what Ravi, I must say initially I was going to respond to your little query, but considering the research I posted above, I realized that would be a complete waste of time. So until you have something else to respond (you know, commenting on the human rights violations, the US-Israel-Egypt-Saudi Axis, the massive funding of brutal regimes, the illegal occupation of palestine, the opinions of the UN, ICJ, and basically the ENTIRE planet), I'd suggest you either:

1) E-mail Christ McGreal and ask him, or
2) Go fuck yourself.

Yeah, I figured as much. It's easy to make shit up and get people to believe it for the most part...isn't it?
You would know, right?

No, really, the issue here is that I'm tired of writing a long, full response about a topic that I find interesting and important, expecting an equally thoughtful response to the shit I posted, and then finding that it gets derailed by an incompetent idiot that seems unable to read over 3 sentences in a post.

"Easy to make shit up"- The statement coming from someone that not ONCE have I EVER seen posting a link to back up any of their claims. You're implying that I'm making shit up, well, I don't know, maybe what I posted is completely made up, but I didn't make up. The board of judges at the International Court of Justice made it up. The representatives at the United Nations Commission for Human Rights made it up. The European Union Settlements Watch made it up. The publisher of Haaretz made it up. Member of the Knesset Yossi Sarid made it up. Anglican Archbishop and Nobel Prize winning South African Desmond Tutu made it up. The Guardian made it all up. Human Rights Watch made it all up. Amnesty International made it all up. B'Tselem made it all up. Jimmy Carter and Zbignew Brzezinksi made it ALL up.

ALL of these fuckers and many more made it up, and I drank it like a poison, huh? Me and then those 170 country delegations of idiots at the UN, and then those other 6.5 billion idiots on the planet.

Look, Ravi- You are absolutely free to respond to the (SEVERAL) points I presented in my post with your own sources. Until you do so, I humbly ask for you to please shut the fuck up and go away.
You would know, right?

No, really, the issue here is that I'm tired of writing a long, full response about a topic that I find interesting and important, expecting an equally thoughtful response to the shit I posted, and then finding that it gets derailed by an incompetent idiot that seems unable to read over 3 sentences in a post.

"Easy to make shit up"- The statement coming from someone that not ONCE have I EVER seen posting a link to back up any of their claims. You're implying that I'm making shit up, well, I don't know, maybe what I posted is completely made up, but I didn't make up. The board of judges at the International Court of Justice made it up. The representatives at the United Nations Commission for Human Rights made it up. The European Union Settlements Watch made it up. The publisher of Haaretz made it up. Member of the Knesset Yossi Sarid made it up. Anglican Archbishop and Nobel Prize winning South African Desmond Tutu made it up. The Guardian made it all up. Human Rights Watch made it all up. Amnesty International made it all up. B'Tselem made it all up. Jimmy Carter and Zbignew Brzezinksi made it ALL up.

ALL of these fuckers and many more made it up, and I drank it like a poison, huh? Me and then those 170 country delegations of idiots at the UN, and then those other 6.5 billion idiots on the planet.

Look, Ravi- You are absolutely free to respond to the (SEVERAL) points I presented in my post with your own sources. Until you do so, I humbly ask for you to please shut the fuck up and go away.
I believe it is all propaganda. I believe that there is no valid comparison between South Africa and Israel. These topics have been argued over and over and over again and no one budges from their view, do they? I didn't bother to address the rest...like the aid we give to Israel, because we also give aid to Muslim countries...and yada, yada, yada.

I picked what I thought would be the easiest thing for you to prove and you haven't got a clue if it is true or not...you've seen it written and so you believe it because it fits your cognitive dissonance.

And while we're at it, take your criticisms of the US and shove them up your ass. I'm sure your own lovely country has some problems it can work on.

Someone's on the money today.

The Usrael (as you put it) alliance is there because of the huge perceived importance of it by the centers of power in America. It has relatively little to do with the lobbyists or the Jews at all, it's a simple matter of maintaining a de-facto Western-Offshoot colonial outpost in the Middle East to help "keep the order," keeping a very credible level of violence to potential rivals in the region. And of course, how can the Israeli government not see the importance of that? The US funnels $3billion every year to it. For every Israeli out there you guys have given Israel $10,000 (and then the same duds who talk about "Socialism" in America defend Israel to the grave, hahahaha the Irony). Yes, it's good to have the Godfather support you with his right hand unconditionally, huh?

All of this reproduces itself to the Micro level. While America funds its imperial pet, Israel actively gets to COLONIZE the West Bank. A literal and brutal process of imperial expansion simultaneous with an informal system of foreign Imperial control. How delightful.

and an equivelent amount to egypt and a couple of other countires not to attack them....

none of them should get a dime.....
I believe it is all propaganda. I believe that there is no valid comparison between South Africa and Israel. These topics have been argued over and over and over again and no one budges from their view, do they? I didn't bother to address the rest...like the aid we give to Israel, because we also give aid to Muslim countries...and yada, yada, yada.

I picked what I thought would be the easiest thing for you to prove and you haven't got a clue if it is true or not...you've seen it written and so you believe it because it fits your cognitive dissonance.

And while we're at it, take your criticisms of the US and shove them up your ass. I'm sure your own lovely country has some problems it can work on.

*Shrugs* Ok, Ravi. In other words, you have absolutely nothing to add. Good to know. Good to know what you "believe". Hahaha... Stick to that. To what you "believe".

Furthermore, I hate to break it to you, but I can and will criticize anyone that I want, whenever I want. Isn't that funny? How I can do that? "Don't criticize my country, boo hoo". Sorry, but if you don't like it, you can put me on ignore, bitch.

By the way, my country is Costa Rica. We have a myriad of problems and difficulties, as any underdeveloped country. Our presidents are idiots, many policies are retarded, the poverty level (20%) unacceptable, and the Gini is EVEN HIGHER than in the States (.49 compared to .44). Look it up, it shouldn't be hard to find. You can even make your own fucking thread criticizing whatever policy you'd like.

You will NEVER find ME hiding my own country's problems. In fact, I'll be the first to point them out.
Last edited:
I believe it is all propaganda. I believe that there is no valid comparison between South Africa and Israel. These topics have been argued over and over and over again and no one budges from their view, do they? I didn't bother to address the rest...like the aid we give to Israel, because we also give aid to Muslim countries...and yada, yada, yada.

I picked what I thought would be the easiest thing for you to prove and you haven't got a clue if it is true or not...you've seen it written and so you believe it because it fits your cognitive dissonance.

And while we're at it, take your criticisms of the US and shove them up your ass. I'm sure your own lovely country has some problems it can work on.

*Shrugs* Ok, Ravi. In other words, you have absolutely nothing to add. Good to know. Good to know what you "believe". Hahaha... Stick to that. To what you "believe".

Furthermore, I hate to break it to you, but I can and will criticize anyone that I want, whenever I want. Isn't that funny? How I can do that? "Don't criticize my country, boo hoo". Sorry, but if you don't like it, you can put me on ignore, bitch.

By the way, my country is Costa Rica. We have a myriad of problems and difficulties, as any underdeveloped country. Our presidents are idiots, many policies are retarded, the poverty level (20%) unacceptable, and the Gini is EVEN HIGHER than in the States (.49 compared to .44). Look it up, it shouldn't be hard to find. You can even make your own fucking thread criticizing whatever policy you'd like.

You will NEVER find ME hiding my own country's problems. In fact, I'll be the first to point them out.
Oh, my bad. I thought from your location information you were one of those wussie Canadians. :lol:

Still no proof of the simplest thing I asked you to prove. :eusa_whistle:
Agnost: What is it with you? Anti Semites love illegal aliens, they seem to swim in the same sea . I can't quite figure out why that is, care to explain? Argentina and ex-Nazis don't play into this, I hope. Gosh, Ex Nazis that hate Jews and promote illegal aliens from Hispanic countries their Nazi parents got refuge and sanctuary from , don't like Israel ... Now there is a silly idea, right, agnost?
Still no proof of the simplest thing I asked you to prove. :eusa_whistle:

You know, the funniest part Ravi is how very little attention you are able to muster. None at all. I think you put it perfectly when you said "I believe it is all propaganda. I believe that there is no valid comparison between South Africa and Israel." I don't know why you have to point that out- I don't doubt the firmness of your "belief" that ALL of it is propaganda. I just think your "belief" might be blocking your ability to think reasonably- or at least clearly enough to click on a single link I put there. If you had taken FIVE SECONDS to see any of the wikipedia articles I put up there, you would immediately be able to see that each one contains entire sections on the other side of the issue, which would allow you to look at the sources and the judge both arguments by their sources and their merits; and the merits of their sources. Obviously uncited statements can only be taken with a grain of salt, but as long as there's a source one is free to judge it on its own merits. And you could laugh and say that anyone can edit wikipedia, but then, one can point to the fact that there's a source. So what is the problem with the sources? How do you get off with merely sending a blanket statement that they're all propaganda? No, no, no. That's not how it works. Tell me about this propaganda campaign that everyone's in on- the UN, the World Bank, the EU, the ICJ, Haaretz (which for your information is the ESTABLISHMENT NEWSPAPER in Israel, by far the most influential), Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, 99% percent of the world's governments (Evidence of this upon request), and pretty much the rest of us? Who's behind this propaganda campaign? What are they gaining? Is it all Darth Carter's creation? Are the Protocols of the Elders of Mecca involved? Are we ALL anti-semitic? Are we ALL terrorist sympathizers? Are we really extremists... ALL the rest of us? Well, then so be it, if that is your "belief." Which clearly it is- you don't need to look at evidence, you don't need to show evidence: it is your unshakable belief. Your faith. Well, then have faith, save yourself the trouble.

Which, of course, you do. It is obvious that you do for a number of reasons, which I hope will make you realize how astoundingly idiotic you are: If you had bothered to read anything but a sentence from my entire post, you would've noticed that I posted THREE FUCKING LINKS from the main ISRAELI NEWSPAPER, with JEWS talking about how HORRIFIED THEY WERE. And I don't blame them, because I would HOPE that in MOST PLACES, people would be horrified to see anything reassembling apartheid. Ugh, what a complete idiot. THREE LINKS... ALL TO AN ISRAELI NEWSPAPER WITH ARTICLES BY JEWS. IS THAT ENOUGH OF OR DO YOU WANT MORE?! I MEAN... IF YOU DON'T REALIZE THE COMPLETE IDIOCY OF YOUR QUESTION AFTER THAT I DON'T KNOW IF THERE'S ANY HOPE. Not to mention B'Tselem, which I'm sure you've never heard of, but your faith tells you that they are propaganda regardless, an ISRAELI human rights non-governmental organization. But there are others. There is dissent in the Israel. There is dissent in the Jewish community, and you would have to be an imbecile to deny it.

Another completely mind-boggling thing about your responses is how vague it all is. I guess this ties into your "faith". What the fuck is it that you disagree with anyways? Were you disagreeing that the settlements violate human rights? Do you disagree that the settlements are illegal? Or do you think that settlements don't exist, maybe? Could you be that stupid? Jeez, in that case the world's truly gone mad- even the Jerusalem Post is anti-semitic and I swallowed their propaganda. Furthermore, it was funny that before you pointed out "I didn't bother to address the rest...like the aid we give to Israel, because we also give aid to Muslim countries" considering that if you had taken ONE LOOK at the post you would've noticed that not only did I address that, I even BOLDED a quote about $20 billion in arms transfers to the Saudis and Egyptians. So what do you disagree with there?

It just doesn't make any sense Ravi. You don't make any sense. The worst part is that I know that in response to these blocks of text all I'm gonna get is a barely-stringed-together sentence with a vague reference to maybe ONE SINGLE SENTENCE in the entire post (whatever it is you choose randomly to quote). And in fact, I'm starting to think you do it on purpose. You're doing it specifically to waste my time. You're some sort of black hole of time which sucks time in and it never comes back. Please, go away.

Someone's on the money today.

The Usrael (as you put it) alliance is there because of the huge perceived importance of it by the centers of power in America. It has relatively little to do with the lobbyists or the Jews at all, it's a simple matter of maintaining a de-facto Western-Offshoot colonial outpost in the Middle East to help "keep the order," keeping a very credible level of violence to potential rivals in the region. And of course, how can the Israeli government not see the importance of that? The US funnels $3billion every year to it. For every Israeli out there you guys have given Israel $10,000 (and then the same duds who talk about "Socialism" in America defend Israel to the grave, hahahaha the Irony). Yes, it's good to have the Godfather support you with his right hand unconditionally, huh?

All of this reproduces itself to the Micro level. While America funds its imperial pet, Israel actively gets to COLONIZE the West Bank. A literal and brutal process of imperial expansion simultaneous with an informal system of foreign Imperial control. How delightful.

and an equivelent amount to egypt and a couple of other countires not to attack them....

none of them should get a dime.....

Yes- I address this in my second post.
oh SNAP!

ED, try stringing together a chicken nugget boa the next time you want her attention to last longer than it takes to post some baseless, half assed response. You could literally post an image of a zionist plunging a knife into the carcass of a dead arab baby and she's insist that it's only propaganda.
I still haven't heard an Israeli express any horror over any of the lies that get told about them. And I still doubt this statement: Israelis have always been horrified at the idea of parallels between their country, a democracy risen from the ashes of genocide, and the racist system that ruled the old South Africa.

Always? Really?

All Israelis? Really? Or just a couple that have written opinion pieces?

And do Israelis as a whole think their democracy has risen from the ashes of genocide? Really? Maybe you two should go down there and take a poll.
oh SNAP!

ED, try stringing together a chicken nugget boa the next time you want her attention to last longer than it takes to post some baseless, half assed response. You could literally post an image of a zionist plunging a knife into the carcass of a dead arab baby and she's insist that it's only propaganda.

Hahaha, Shogun, you're right on the money here. you prophecized exactly what she did. Do you think she realizes? Is she really like this? Sometimes I have to wonder if it's being done on purpose. If it's a joke. But clear as day, she goes on. She obviously did not read the post, neither of them. She obviously has nothing to say.

She is obviously, and quite plainly, a complete idiot.

Ravi: If you can't respond, if you can't say anything, if you can't read more than half a paragraph- why do you bother?

You realize what just happened right? Let me make it clearer:

R: "There are no israelis that are horrified by comparisons to south africa"
ED: "Uh, there's 4 examples in my post."
R: "There are no israelis that are horrified by comparisons to south africa"

Flies right past her.

What else am I gonna say, there were examples in the ORIGINAL post, which you didn't bother to read. Give me one good reason why I should keep answering to your idiocies? I mean, do you even have any idea what you're quoting? Do you realize that that quote is not even part of the piece and just the introduction? I mean, you seriously have to be a total dumbshit to pick this one sentence from a fairly long post and then keep repeating in your head "i'm gonna keep going with it. i'm gonna keep going with it. i'm gonna keep going with it."

The second part of your question is almost TOO moronic. It seriously crosses a line. Denying a plain historical reality. Long story short: The holocaust = genocide against the jews => jews flee europe to set up israel => israel is a democracy, HENCE IT CAN BE WRITTEN THAT "ISRAEL IS A DEMOCRACY RISEN FROM THE ASHES OF GENOCIDE." Ahahahahahahahaha. Obviously not an english major, or a history major. Just a plain idiot, which again leads me to ask her- what the fuck are you disputing here, anyway? You're disputing that israel is officially a democracy? are you disputing that there was a genocide? I don't fucking know- because you don't say SHIT. You can't say SHIT. Oh my god. What a dumbfuck.

Ravi, you're the perfect example of why posting anything on a message board is a complete waste of time. You're a complete waste of time. Go away. Go go go. Look, I'll make it easy for you and pre-empt your next response:

"there are no israelis that see comparisons to south africa. everything you say is propaganda, cus i say so."

There you go. Now you don't have to waste the limited neurons god granted you. Have a nice day.
I admit, I did read the genocide quote incorrectly. But I didn't read his overall statement incorrectly, that Israelis are horrified at lies people tell about them. More than likely most think comparisons to South Africa are idiotic.

Not much different than someone making a claim that Americans think Bush should be charged with treason when only a small minority of them feel that way.

That's propaganda at it's finest.

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