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Haaretz is a leftist paper, not an "establishment paper", whatever that is.

Is it possible the whole world is wrong on this issue and Israel is right? Yes, it's possible. There was a time when "everyone knew" that the Jews used gentile blood for passover matzo, even though Judaism was the first near-eastern religion that prohibited consumption of blood.

in that same regard is it POSSIBLE that germans were right about negative jewish influence on their culture? After all, Hitler WAS elected following a nationalist agenda in the shadow of ww1 and we'd all have to lie to ourselves in order to disregard the same financial roles jews enjoy then and now.

no.. no... of course not. This is what double standards are made of!

in that same regard is it POSSIBLE that germans were right about negative jewish influence on their culture? After all, Hitler WAS elected following a nationalist agenda in the shadow of ww1 and we'd all have to lie to ourselves in order to disregard the same financial roles jews enjoy then and now.

no.. no... of course not. This is what double standards are made of!
In your mind, I don't doubt that Hitler was right.
Haaretz is a leftist paper, not an "establishment paper", whatever that is.

Is it possible the whole world is wrong on this issue and Israel is right? Yes, it's possible. There was a time when "everyone knew" that the Jews used gentile blood for passover matzo, even though Judaism was the first near-eastern religion that prohibited consumption of blood.

Wkipedia said:
]Haaretz (Hebrew: הארץ‎) (lit. "The Land", originally Hadashot Ha'aretz - "News of the Land"[2]) is Israel's oldest daily newspaper. It was founded in 1918 and is now published in both Hebrew and English in Berliner format. The English edition is published and sold together with the International Herald Tribune. Both Hebrew and English editions can be read on the Internet. In North America, it comes out as a weekly newspaper, combining articles from the Friday edition with a roundup from the rest of the week.

Compared to other mass circulation papers in Israel, Haaretz uses smaller headlines and print. Less space is devoted to pictures, and more to political analysis. Its editorial pages are considered influential among government leaders.[3] Apart from the news, Haaretz publishes feature articles on social and environmental issues, as well as book reviews, investigative reporting and political commentary.

The Hebrew edition has a core readership of 65,000. The English edition has a subscriber base of 15,000. [4][5] The newspaper itself has reported a paid subscribership of 65,000, daily sales of 72,000 copies, and 100,000 on weekends.[6]

Haaretz's readership includes Israel's intelligentsia and its political and economic elites.[7][8][9] According to one media study, "the likelihood of Haaretz readership rises with income, education, and age."[10] Despite its relatively low circulation, it is more influential than Israel's other major daily newspapers.[7]

Haaretz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hence, why I call it the "Establishment Newspaper"; much like the New York Times is the "Establishment Newspaper" in the U.S.

And yeah, sure it is "possible" that ALL of us are wrong. But exactly as Shogun said, it is possible that ALL of us were wrong and Hitler was right. It's possible that ALL of us are wrong but Sunni Man is right in that there was no Holocaust. It is possible ALL of us were wrong and Apartheid South Africa was "right". Is it possible? Sure, it's possible- but I don't think so- on ANY of those accounts.
Hence, why I call it the "Establishment Newspaper"; much like the New York Times is the "Establishment Newspaper" in the U.S.
And the NY Times is also far left-of-center, politically. To say that it's pages reflect the views of most Americans is incorrect. Just like Haaretz does not reflect the views of most Israelis.

And yeah, sure it is "possible" that ALL of us are wrong. But exactly as Shogun said, it is possible that ALL of us were wrong and Hitler was right. It's possible that ALL of us are wrong but Sunni Man is right in that there was no Holocaust. It is possible ALL of us were wrong and Apartheid South Africa was "right". Is it possible? Sure, it's possible- but I don't think so- on ANY of those accounts.
He's entitled to his opinion. So are you. So am I. And where Israel is accused of some horrible crimes by the whole world, why yes, I believe they're all wrong.

in that same regard is it POSSIBLE that germans were right about negative jewish influence on their culture? After all, Hitler WAS elected following a nationalist agenda in the shadow of ww1 and we'd all have to lie to ourselves in order to disregard the same financial roles jews enjoy then and now.

no.. no... of course not. This is what double standards are made of!
In your mind, I don't doubt that Hitler was right.

likewise, in your mind i don't doubt that you are thinking about dipping a chicken mcnugget into a cup of bbq sauce right now.

way to keep up with the conversation, ravi! Your fries are done!
He's entitled to his opinion. So are you. So am I. And where Israel is accused of some horrible crimes by the whole world, why yes, I believe they're all wrong.

which is a pretty fancy way of saying, "gosh, I guess my 'maybe israel is right' speach just fell on it's ass because we all know that i'll support israel, right OR wrong!"

thanks for playing, dude. Now go rationalize some more dead arab toddlers.
And the NY Times is also far left-of-center, politically. To say that it's pages reflect the views of most Americans is incorrect. Just like Haaretz does not reflect the views of most Israelis.

Ok, bud, I never claimed it reflected the views of most Israelis. That's not what I'm talking about. The fact is it is the most respected newspaper of Israel, so you can't exactly be accusing me of quoting some sort of Alien Report made up by who knows what.

He's entitled to his opinion. So are you. So am I. And where Israel is accused of some horrible crimes by the whole world, why yes, I believe they're all wrong.

Oh my god, dude. It's not an OPINION. It's not a "belief". The fact is that Israel, as a contracting party of the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter, has obligations and responsibilities under international law as an occupying power- responsibilities and obligations which it outright violates by placing it's population on land acquired through conquest. It is building an ANNEXATION wall through the West Bank. It builds ISRAELI-ONLY HIGHWAYS AND AREAS, on land that is OUTSIDE ISRAEL.

Where in that does "belief" come to play in this? Is it only my "belief" that there are settlements? Are the settlements only in my imagination? Did Google Earth put them there as part of the grand propaganda campaign? Is it only my "belief" that there is, in fact, a wall being built through the heart of the West Bank? How can this only be in my imagination? there is just no wall? What about all the fucking pictures?! Are the check-points and ETHNIC-SPECIFIC infrastructure in the West Bank just not there? No- that is the REALITY of the West Bank. So where does belief come into this? Presumably, then, it must simply mean the belief that the Law is wrong, and it shouldn't apply to Israel, and Israel doesn't have to follow it, becaaaause: When WE do it, it's ok. It's only bad when those OTHER guys are doing it.

This is what I don't understand: In Israel they talk about the "demographic problem." Now, that's pretty ironic by itself, but let's leave that aside for a second. Too many Arabs endangering the "Jewishness" of Israel. Well, I think about that for a second and it really makes me wonder who came up with the brilliant idea of shipping half a million israelis to NON-ISRAEL as a solution for that. You would think that if you wanted to keep demographic superiority in a state, you'd want to keep people IN, not ship them OUT. One would imagine they would've spent the time and effort making settlements for Israeli Arabs so that they get the fuck out. But no, they send Jews out. So here we are, sending out hundreds of thousands out to live in this NON-JEWISH land, full of millions of NON-JEWS, and AT THE SAME TIME we want to keep ethnic majority and control. So, see, I don't think Israelis realize what a dangerous road that might be heading into.

I especially can't see it when I see this:


and then I see this:

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Ok, bud, I never claimed it reflected the views of most Israelis. That's not what I'm talking about. The fact is it is the most respected newspaper of Israel
What does that mean"Most respected paper"? Most respected by who? Why?

Oh my god, dude. It's not an OPINION. It's not a "belief". The fact is that Israel, as a contracting party of the Geneva Conventions and the UN Charter, has obligations and responsibilities under international law as an occupying power- responsibilities and obligations which it outright violates by placing it's population on land acquired through conquest. It is building an ANNEXATION wall through the West Bank. It builds ISRAELI-ONLY HIGHWAYS AND AREAS, on land that is OUTSIDE ISRAEL.
Said land is disputed territory. It is the opinion of some people that what Israel is doing violates international law.
Where in that does "belief" come to play in this? Is it only my "belief" that there are settlements? Are the settlements only in my imagination? Did Google Earth put them there as part of the grand propaganda campaign?
No, it's your belief that Israel doing so is illegal.

Is it only my "belief" that there is, in fact, a wall being built through the heart of the West Bank?
Yes, it is. The wall follows the contours of the 1967 border where possible. And said wall could always be torn down when the Palestinians decide to behave in a civilized manner.

How can this only be in my imagination? there is just no wall? What about all the fucking pictures?! Are the check-points and ETHNIC-SPECIFIC infrastructure in the West Bank just not there? No- that is the REALITY of the West Bank. So where does belief come into this? Presumably, then, it must simply mean the belief that the Law is wrong, and it shouldn't apply to Israel, and Israel doesn't have to follow it, becaaaause: When WE do it, it's ok. It's only bad when those OTHER guys are doing it.
Oh jeez, another guy ranting and raving. Don't you guys know how to debate without freaking out?

This is what I don't understand: In Israel they talk about the "demographic problem." Now, that's pretty ironic by itself, but let's leave that aside for a second. Too many Arabs endangering the "Jewishness" of Israel.
I actually don't understand what they're talking about.

You know, it's so intellectually lazy to compare Israel to the Nazis.
Don't worry, ED... when you finally make him sweat he'll just put you on ignore like all the other BRAVE jews hiding behind an apoartheid wall.
What does that mean"Most respected paper"? Most respected by who? Why?

You guys have to be doing this on purpose. It's really insulting. Read the person's posts before you reply.

Said land is disputed territory. It is the opinion of some people that what Israel is doing violates international law.

Said land is OCCUPIED TERRITORY. They're called the OCCUPIED TERRITORIES for a reason. And yeah, I guess you could say "the opinion of the major organs of international law is that its in violation of international law," but you know better, right?

Yes, it is. The wall follows the contours of the 1967 border where possible. And said wall could always be torn down when the Palestinians decide to behave in a civilized manner.

Yeah, the ANNEXATION wall that cuts INTO the occupied West Bank- doing that is against international law. Read the UN Charter.

Oh jeez, another guy ranting and raving. Don't you guys know how to debate without freaking out?

Absolutely not. In this topic, there is no other way BUT to freak out because it's so incredibly absurd.

I actually don't understand what they're talking about.

Get with the program dude: Demographic threat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wiki said:
The concept of demographic threat (or demographic bomb) is used in Israeli politics to describe the perceived threat that the growth of its Arab citizenry and the growth of the Palestinian population in the occupied territories poses to the maintenance of its status as a Jewish state with a Jewish demographic majority.

You know, it's so intellectually lazy to compare Israel to the Nazis.

I know that. I know it sounds ridiculous. I hate the comparison. I'm not saying Israel is making Nazi-style concentration camps or that they have a Hitler or anything like that. I'm just looking at a map... and seeing a resemblance in another map. That shouldn't scandalize me as much as it should scandalize YOU.
Really? Which country does it belong to?

And yeah, I guess you could say "the opinion of the major organs of international law is that its in violation of international law," but you know better, right?
Who says they're right?

Yeah, the ANNEXATION wall that cuts INTO the occupied West Bank- doing that is against international law. Read the UN Charter.
Annexation? A wall is temporary.

Absolutely not. In this topic, there is no other way BUT to freak out because it's so incredibly absurd.
Yeah, that's what the people blowing themselves up say, too.

Get with the program dude.
I know what they're saying. But it's irrelevant. Israel has no intention of annexing the west bank or gaza. A billion Muslims could live there for all I care. As soon as responsible Palestinian leadership comes into existence, Israel will give the territory to them.

I know that. I know it sounds ridiculous. I hate the comparison. I'm not saying Israel is making Nazi-style concentration camps or that they have a Hitler or anything like that. I'm just looking at a map... and seeing a resemblance in another map. That shouldn't scandalize me as much as it should scandalize YOU.

In other words, you're comparing Israel to the Nazis without comparing them to the Nazis. I get it.
Israel has no intention of annexing the west bank or gaza.


are you fucking RETARDED?

Israel planning mass expansion of West Bank settlement bloc

Despite the state's formal commitment not to expand West Bank settlements, a government agency has been promoting plans over the past two years to construct thousands of housing units east of the Green Line, Haaretz has learned.

Israel planning mass expansion of West Bank settlement bloc - Haaretz - Israel News

of course, NEWS is antisemeitc!

What justifies the USraeli alliance? I've recently analyzed several possible reasons and have found them lacking. What are your opinions?

Througout the years, we have supported Israel simply due to the fact they share our values; something lacking in that region of the world. However, things have changed somewhat. Now our support is there to prevent them from being cornered by their enemies, which could result in them putting to use their final and only available option.
Quote: by ED

I know that. I know it sounds ridiculous. I hate the comparison. I'm not saying Israel is making Nazi-style concentration camps or that they have a Hitler or anything like that. I'm just looking at a map... and seeing a resemblance in another map. That shouldn't scandalize me as much as it should scandalize YOU.

You're so full of shit.

Now you can go around and claim Israelis are scandalized by Hitler comparisons, eh? Or they SHOULD be, according to you.

I imagine they have had such hatred spewed about them from the beginning of time that your nasty little comments mean nothing.

So how's Costa Rica, btw? I understand their main tourist attraction is providing underage kids to middle aged men.
I missed the part where Delta said he was the president of Costa Rica or even one of its ambassadors.

Keep your punches above the waist line, please.
Agnost? Did I say something to offend you? Like when I apologized to You and Ravi? I make mistakes. I am sorry? Not anymore. Are you a friggin' hypocrit son of a Nazi bastard? What? Do go away all mad and everything. Don't give me that "are you are on crack" shit, either. Stand and deliver, boyo. You don't like Jews but illegals just spiffy? Explain that. I'd like to hear THAT. I am like Obama , I'm half n half. Goyim and Heeb. And, I live with illegals, boyo. Man that is not so cool, dude. It sucks the cosmic wangerdoodle. Like most of your posts.

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