USS John McCain hidden while Trump was in Japan

None of this matters. Trump's base does not care how petty and immature he is.
Trump will hug another flag and they will call him a patriot
McCain screwed over his so called base because of his hate for Trump. McCain was always mediocre and he was the epitome of "privileged". His father and grandfather were better. They even covered for his flaws. You guys hate McCain's guts. To me, if he gave it his best in the 2008 election and dealt with Obamacare the way he was supposed to, McCain would not be despised today. Remember...McCain and Romney begat Trump with Fidel Obama providing foundation for his election.

McCain stood up for his base over partisan politics

It is actually Trump who is mediocre and the epitome of privileged
None of this matters. Trump's base does not care how petty and immature he is.
Trump will hug another flag and they will call him a patriot
McCain screwed over his so called base because of his hate for Trump. McCain was always mediocre and he was the epitome of "privileged". His father and grandfather were better. They even covered for his flaws. You guys hate McCain's guts. To me, if he gave it his best in the 2008 election and dealt with Obamacare the way he was supposed to, McCain would not be despised today. Remember...McCain and Romney begat Trump with Fidel Obama providing foundation for his election.

McCain stood up for his base over partisan politics

It is actually Trump who is mediocre and the epitome of privileged
And Trump was elected with Obama, Hillary, McCain and Romney in disbelief and spewing hate. Obama's library is going to have a bunch of rainbow lights and a female child's public bathroom as its main draws. The open minded macho African American people will love it. But he did his damage. Trump has at least delayed our growing infatuation with socialism and communism.
Let’s see how you react when lies are constantly spread by haters and the media. Let’s see how you would react when you are spied on, as well as your family, for no other reason than they don’t like you. Let’s see how you react when others set out to destroy your family and friends and their businesses because others don’t like your policies.
And I’m sure, if you reply, you will lie, as others continue to.

I don’t like how this president says some things, or some policies he has, but that doesn’t give me the right to destroy him or his family and friends, thru false narratives, such as this fallacy about the USS McCain. The voting booth is what is to be used if you don’t like him.

As Barr said in a CBS interview-

WILLIAM BARR: I'd rather, in many ways, I'd rather be back to my old life but I think that I love the Department of Justice, I love the FBI, I think it's important that we not, in this period of intense partisan feeling, destroy our institutions. I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it's President Trump that's shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that, it is hard, and I really haven't seen bill of particulars as to how that's being done. From my perspective the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him and you know, really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president, that is where the shredding of our norms and our institutions is occurring.
William Barr interview: Read the full transcript

They don’t like him and lie, even create false narratives as well as evidence to try to destroy a duly elected,president.
Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with something great. Instead, he retreated to a 'skinny repeal', which McCain voted against. That ain't stabbing the lying c*nt in the back. Why didn't Orange Judas offer a replacement - you know, "everybody with great coverage, at a tiny fraction of the cost", the way he promised you cultists.

Bad mouthing McCain just takes your mind off the fact that Trump didn't come through. Trump is grateful that you blame McCain for Trump's shortcomings.
Right....McLouse only voted to repeal Ovomitcare every single time it came up, right until he didn't....And that had nothing at all to do at all with him using his political position to grind a personal axe.

Newp, old Juan McQuisling was sooooo above such petty childish things! :rolleyes:

Petty? He's dead, and the c*nt-in-chief is still bitching about him. And you call McCain petty? And lying. Trump says McCain "killed healthcare". What a load of bs.

Trump lied about having a great healthcare plan, and because he didn't actually have one, he has you good Germans assassinating McCain's character. Good one.

C*nt in Chief is PERFECT for a POS like trump.....

I like "Victim Trump". I never even imagined a grown man who whines the way he does.

I saw a clip of Mick Mulvaney on MTP this morning. He defended the White House request re the USS John McCain as "not unreasonable", given the President's well-known and extremely-delicate fee-fees.

That's some 'fallacy'.
None of this matters. Trump's base does not care how petty and immature he is.
Trump will hug another flag and they will call him a patriot
McCain screwed over his so called base because of his hate for Trump. McCain was always mediocre and he was the epitome of "privileged". His father and grandfather were better. They even covered for his flaws. You guys hate McCain's guts. To me, if he gave it his best in the 2008 election and dealt with Obamacare the way he was supposed to, McCain would not be despised today. Remember...McCain and Romney begat Trump with Fidel Obama providing foundation for his election.

McCain stood up for his base over partisan politics

It is actually Trump who is mediocre and the epitome of privileged
And Trump was elected with Obama, Hillary, McCain and Romney in disbelief and spewing hate. Obama's library is going to have a bunch of rainbow lights and a female child's public bathroom as its main draws. The open minded macho African American people will love it. But he did his damage. Trump has at least delayed our growing infatuation with socialism and communism.

A presidential library contains all of a presidents writing, letters, emails, diaries

Trumps library will only contain Tweets
Let’s see how you react when lies are constantly spread by haters and the media. Let’s see how you would react when you are spied on, as well as your family, for no other reason than they don’t like you. Let’s see how you react when others set out to destroy your family and friends and their businesses because others don’t like your policies.
And I’m sure, if you reply, you will lie, as others continue to.

I don’t like how this president says some things, or some policies he has, but that doesn’t give me the right to destroy him or his family and friends, thru false narratives, such as this fallacy about the USS McCain. The voting booth is what is to be used if you don’t like him.

As Barr said in a CBS interview-

WILLIAM BARR: I'd rather, in many ways, I'd rather be back to my old life but I think that I love the Department of Justice, I love the FBI, I think it's important that we not, in this period of intense partisan feeling, destroy our institutions. I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it's President Trump that's shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that, it is hard, and I really haven't seen bill of particulars as to how that's being done. From my perspective the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him and you know, really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president, that is where the shredding of our norms and our institutions is occurring.
William Barr interview: Read the full transcript

They don’t like him and lie, even create false narratives as well as evidence to try to destroy a duly elected,president.
Right....McLouse only voted to repeal Ovomitcare every single time it came up, right until he didn't....And that had nothing at all to do at all with him using his political position to grind a personal axe.

Newp, old Juan McQuisling was sooooo above such petty childish things! :rolleyes:

Petty? He's dead, and the c*nt-in-chief is still bitching about him. And you call McCain petty? And lying. Trump says McCain "killed healthcare". What a load of bs.

Trump lied about having a great healthcare plan, and because he didn't actually have one, he has you good Germans assassinating McCain's character. Good one.

C*nt in Chief is PERFECT for a POS like trump.....

I like "Victim Trump". I never even imagined a grown man who whines the way he does.

I saw a clip of Mick Mulvaney on MTP this morning. He defended the White House request re the USS John McCain as "not unreasonable", given the President's well-known and extremely-delicate fee-fees.

That's some 'fallacy'.
They don’t call him President Snowflake for nothing
According to an unidentified unverified freaking E-mail? Get real lefties, you are sounding pathological.
To stop people passing by from getting flashed?

When was the last time you welded something or was by someone welding in a commercial/industrial setting?
He insulted all POWs

No, you think he insulted all POW's. Now what the POW's think is more material, but you don't speak for them.

Typical progressive blather about talking for other people, or other things.

When he said he preferred people that did not get captured was he not speaking of all POWs?

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He was trying to insult McCain. I leave it up to other POW's to decide how they take it.

Speaking for others is another bullshit political tactic. I refuse to play that game.

But he did not single out McCain...he spoke of all POWs. You can justify it all you want, his words are there for the whole world to see

kind of like calling half the country deplorables, and bitching about people clinging to their guns and bibles?

It's comical how much of progressive hero McCain has become, considering how much they hated him in 2008.
Now I am wondering why the tarp was covering the name on Friday, day before his visit?

Isn't the ship in dry dock?

If welding is going on, there has to be tarps.

Why do you need tarps to weld?

To stop people passing by from getting flashed?

When was the last time you welded something or was by someone welding in a commercial/industrial setting?

When did you serve in the Navy? How many welding operations did you see on board ships?

I served in the Navy for 12 years active duty, mostly as an engineer. I took my ships through an SRA and complex overhaul. I never saw a tarp being used. Sailors know not to stare at it without proper protection! You are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey!

Oh, my God! Where is the tarp?


Oh, no! Where is the tarp? (Yeah, I know he is cutting!)

You know, there were several times in my career as a young sailor that I was called to stand Fire Watch. That is where someone is doing some hot work such as welding or using a torch, and you have to have people on the other side of the work, standing by with a fire extinguisher to put out fires if they happened.

Not once did I see the HT's use a tarp.

How long ago was that? Current construction practice is to use welding blinds or tarps to stop someone from being flashed.
The USS John McCain. Is that the warship that loses every battle then turns around and aims its guns at its own Navy?

The disease of the modern GOP. It despises John McCain and admires Donald Trump.

How not? Trump is trying to break the mold of political stagnation in this country at his expense while McCain was a PRIME example of both creating and preserving it!

The very fact that democrats and leftists all resoundingly defend McCain should be enough to tell any thinking person something was damn rotten about the guy, besides being a BAD pilot, a BAD hostage, a BAD POW, a bad senator and a terrible republican.

Interesting ITMT that I now hear a story that the McCain boat was actually tarped over due to maintenance being done on it and not about Trump at all. And while several idiots here tell me the boat was named after the father and grandfather, in the interim, I've seen FIVE experts on TV confirm that the USS McCain was named after the SENATOR. USMB liberals-- -- -- they know so much, just that most of it is never actually TRUE.
The USS John McCain. Is that the warship that loses every battle then turns around and aims its guns at its own Navy?
You probably haven't heard of it, but lots of us care about a thing we call decency. Look it up some day if you decide to crawl out from under that rock into clear air. I'm sure you like getting it even though you can't bring yourself to give it!

libTards have no decency..................

Or they wouldn't be libTards.........…..

The words "decency" and McCain don't belong in the same sentence. But then, Leftards and Democraps have absolutely no truck with anything decent at all. There is not one thing they've done in ages they can honestly hang their hats on as the "decent" thing to do. Indeed, the Left have redefined a new level to the meaning of the word "indecency."

And they continue to push it farther every day with boundless lies and fake news in their continued destruction of America.
I am amazed that anyone is even talking about this when you have John Kerry in violation of The Logan Act actually engaging in Treason and Collusion in Iran with Russia and Iran.
Isn't the ship in dry dock?

If welding is going on, there has to be tarps.

Why do you need tarps to weld?

To stop people passing by from getting flashed?

When was the last time you welded something or was by someone welding in a commercial/industrial setting?

When did you serve in the Navy? How many welding operations did you see on board ships?

I served in the Navy for 12 years active duty, mostly as an engineer. I took my ships through an SRA and complex overhaul. I never saw a tarp being used. Sailors know not to stare at it without proper protection! You are as full of shit as a Christmas turkey!

Oh, my God! Where is the tarp?


Oh, no! Where is the tarp? (Yeah, I know he is cutting!)

You know, there were several times in my career as a young sailor that I was called to stand Fire Watch. That is where someone is doing some hot work such as welding or using a torch, and you have to have people on the other side of the work, standing by with a fire extinguisher to put out fires if they happened.

Not once did I see the HT's use a tarp.

How long ago was that? Current construction practice is to use welding blinds or tarps to stop someone from being flashed.

You can look at the top pic and see. That is an LCS and they are currently being built.
He insulted all POWs

No, you think he insulted all POW's. Now what the POW's think is more material, but you don't speak for them.

Typical progressive blather about talking for other people, or other things.

When he said he preferred people that did not get captured was he not speaking of all POWs?

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He was trying to insult McCain. I leave it up to other POW's to decide how they take it.

Speaking for others is another bullshit political tactic. I refuse to play that game.

But he did not single out McCain...he spoke of all POWs. You can justify it all you want, his words are there for the whole world to see

kind of like calling half the country deplorables, and bitching about people clinging to their guns and bibles?

It's comical how much of progressive hero McCain has become, considering how much they hated him in 2008.

No one said McCain was their Hero. But those of us with morals and ethics know when to show dignity to a man that gave so much to his country.

Your Hero, Bone Spurs trump, cannot stand it that McCain, a true American Legend, will always be remembered as a man of courage and honor. He was a true Patriot and deserves to be remembered as such.

Your hero, Bone Spurs trump, will always be remembered as "Putin's Choice."
No, you think he insulted all POW's. Now what the POW's think is more material, but you don't speak for them.

Typical progressive blather about talking for other people, or other things.

When he said he preferred people that did not get captured was he not speaking of all POWs?

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He was trying to insult McCain. I leave it up to other POW's to decide how they take it.

Speaking for others is another bullshit political tactic. I refuse to play that game.

But he did not single out McCain...he spoke of all POWs. You can justify it all you want, his words are there for the whole world to see

kind of like calling half the country deplorables, and bitching about people clinging to their guns and bibles?

It's comical how much of progressive hero McCain has become, considering how much they hated him in 2008.

No one said McCain was their Hero. But those of us with morals and ethics know when to show dignity to a man that gave so much to his country.

Your Hero, Bone Spurs trump, cannot stand it that McCain, a true American Legend, will always be remembered as a man of courage and honor. He was a true Patriot and deserves to be remembered as such.

Your hero, Bone Spurs trump, will always be remembered as "Putin's Choice."

Yeah, you showered him with dignity back in 2008....

Don't deny you gunned for him back in 2008....
No, you think he insulted all POW's. Now what the POW's think is more material, but you don't speak for them.

Typical progressive blather about talking for other people, or other things.

When he said he preferred people that did not get captured was he not speaking of all POWs?

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He was trying to insult McCain. I leave it up to other POW's to decide how they take it.

Speaking for others is another bullshit political tactic. I refuse to play that game.

But he did not single out McCain...he spoke of all POWs. You can justify it all you want, his words are there for the whole world to see

kind of like calling half the country deplorables, and bitching about people clinging to their guns and bibles?

It's comical how much of progressive hero McCain has become, considering how much they hated him in 2008.

No one said McCain was their Hero. But those of us with morals and ethics know when to show dignity to a man that gave so much to his country.

Your Hero, Bone Spurs trump, cannot stand it that McCain, a true American Legend, will always be remembered as a man of courage and honor.

McCain was nothing but a bad pilot who got shot down behind enemy lines trying to bomb a civilian factory and didn't eject properly. He would have died right there and then but he was fortunate someone saw him and pulled him out of the water.

From there on, the facts get sketchy. Some who were there say McCain was less than honorable. Out of the war, he sided with Vietnam. Despite his efforts, he did little to really help Vets with VA care. Trump did more than him in his first year.

YOU don't know anything about Trump's bone spurs; maybe they ARE, maybe they aren't. Trump never attacked vets, much less POWs and I don't think even really meant anything against McCain. He was trying to say something about how we define a "war hero," and it has been totally been blown out of proportion like everything else by the MSM ever since.

But hey, all that free advertisement helped get Trump elected!
He insulted all POWs

No, you think he insulted all POW's. Now what the POW's think is more material, but you don't speak for them.

Typical progressive blather about talking for other people, or other things.

When he said he preferred people that did not get captured was he not speaking of all POWs?

Sent from my iPhone using

He was trying to insult McCain. I leave it up to other POW's to decide how they take it.

Speaking for others is another bullshit political tactic. I refuse to play that game.

But he did not single out McCain...he spoke of all POWs. You can justify it all you want, his words are there for the whole world to see

kind of like calling half the country deplorables, and bitching about people clinging to their guns and bibles?

It's comical how much of progressive hero McCain has become, considering how much they hated him in 2008.
Hillary called half of Trump supporters deplorable
That is 22 percent of the country

Sounds right
When he said he preferred people that did not get captured was he not speaking of all POWs?

Sent from my iPhone using

He was trying to insult McCain. I leave it up to other POW's to decide how they take it.

Speaking for others is another bullshit political tactic. I refuse to play that game.

But he did not single out McCain...he spoke of all POWs. You can justify it all you want, his words are there for the whole world to see

kind of like calling half the country deplorables, and bitching about people clinging to their guns and bibles?

It's comical how much of progressive hero McCain has become, considering how much they hated him in 2008.

No one said McCain was their Hero. But those of us with morals and ethics know when to show dignity to a man that gave so much to his country.

Your Hero, Bone Spurs trump, cannot stand it that McCain, a true American Legend, will always be remembered as a man of courage and honor.

McCain was nothing but a bad pilot who got shot down behind enemy lines trying to bomb a civilian factory and didn't eject properly. He would have died right there and then but he was fortunate someone saw him and pulled him out of the water.

From there on, the facts get sketchy. Some who were there say McCain was less than honorable. Out of the war, he sided with Vietnam. Despite his efforts, he did little to really help Vets with VA care. Trump did more than him in his first year.

YOU don't know anything about Trump's bone spurs; maybe they ARE, maybe they aren't. Trump never attacked vets, much less POWs and I don't think even really meant anything against McCain. He was trying to say something about how we define a "war hero," and it has been totally been blown out of proportion like everything else by the MSM ever since.

But hey, all that free advertisement helped get Trump elected!

Trump attacked POWs
No question about it

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