USSC refuses to hear case concerning NC stopping the issurance of confederate plates

The lower court ruled the plates were the property of the state, not the user. Simple really.
The NC branch of the Reich is also trying to remove choice of schools to send your kids to if you don't want them groomed.
The Scotus is making adjustments to life after Trump.

And Trump isn't moving fast enough with building back huge political support that can intimidate government.

The government and the prosecutors have wisely waited until Trump's popularity sagged enough for government to risk taking him down.

It's not too late for Trump but it will be very soon if he doesn't (or can't) call out his lieutenants to lead with him.
The NC branch of the Reich is also trying to remove choice of schools to send your kids to if you don't want them groomed.
That is not what is happening. The Opportunity Scholarship Program has provided state funding, vouchers if you will, to students for almost a decade. Initially the program was only available to students on free or reduced lunch. Recently the income restrictions were expanded, a family of 4 could make six figures and still qualify.

What Republicans are attempting to do is remove the income restriction, totally remove it. And as Governor Cooper described it, it is warfare against public schools. I got no problem with taking money away from public schools to subsidize a poor person going to a private school. But I got a big damn problem with subsidizing a millionaire's kid's private school tuition by taking money away from public schools. If you can afford twenty grand to send your child to kindergarten at Providence Day School you damn sure as hell don't need the state chipping in five or six thousand.

And that is the thing. This year the state spent 133 million dollars on the Opportunity Scholarship Program. Republican proposals will inflate that to HALF A BILLION DOLLARS. Almost every dime of that increase will be going directly into the pockets of the wealthiest residents, absolute madness.

Which would be Republican-controlled states.
Nope, Mrs Jones, as we have often corrected you.....fascists are leftists. NC is a blue governed, fascist state. No red state limits parents from choosing what school their children can attend.
Is your pea sized brain clear on this now?
The NC branch of the Reich is also trying to remove choice of schools to send your kids to if you don't want them groomed.
This is a lie.

No one seeks to remove school choice; no one seeks to ‘groom’ children.

It’s the fascist red states that ban books, force women to give birth against their will, and attacks gay and transgender Americans.
This is a lie.

No one seeks to remove school choice; no one seeks to ‘groom’ children.

It’s the fascist red states that ban books, force women to give birth against their will, and attacks gay and transgender Americans.
Its a fact, have mommy read it to you the governor is in fact doing this very thing.
There is no banning of books, any book is readily available online or at a public library. Not having sex books at school is not banning books Mrs. Jones.
We don't attack anyone, we just refuse to have mutant behavior crammed down our throats. You, on the other hand, will accept anything crammed down your throat.
Nope, Mrs Jones, as we have often corrected you.....fascists are leftists. NC is a blue governed, fascist state. No red state limits parents from choosing what school their children can attend.
Is your pea sized brain clear on this now?
Republicans have a super majority in the state legislature and the governor has little power, mostly because Republicans have stripped most of the governor's powers over the last few sessions.
Fascists remove books from libraries. Fascists punish anyone who does not agree with them. In other words, desantis is a Fascist.
Fascists are leftists and goose step around spewing their murdering babies is good, open borders for crime and drugs will happen nonstop, pornography on school libraries is the norm, gender change is normal......
Then you try and force it down everyone's throat.
In other words, you are a peabrain fascist sheeple jimboliar.

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