Uvalde school district suspends police force, victims' parents react

Why didn't they replace the school police force?

This suspension announces to every nutjob around that there are no officers guarding the school.
Yep, and then there is the issue of response time's involved... Better to upgrade the force with better training, better screening, better character etc, than to just knee jerk fire people without looking to replace them or be already replacing them. Don't need no gaps to get exploited.
You don’t get high quality officers at $15/hr.

Sadly, the American tax payer would be unwilling to fund quality security at schools.
Not about the money, otherwise that's a myth or excuse being used. It's about the work environment that one is being cast into that'll make the difference as to whether they will stay or leave. Forever in America people have done job's for low pay because they love the job and environment they worked in, so this constant bribery in America today has been created by bad actor's.

The broad economy always has been diverse and filled with people all up and down the ladder's in life, so just because someone doesn't appear to be lusting after more and more depending on their station's in life, doesn't mean that people with an alternative motive has to attempt to shove something down their throats they might not be looking for.

Many things bring happiness to people in their live's, and money isn't always the main one of them. Work enviroment's are the most important factor in the equation. This has been known forever, but we have instigators constantly stirring up crap these days, and then slinging it where people don't want it.

Freedom is about people making choices, and those choices being honored no matter what they are.... People absolutely don't know everyone's level of wants and needs, but they want to intervene without being called upon to intervene. It's nothing short of shake downs taking place, and it's killing the free enterprise contracts (verbal or written), between workers and their companies.
Agreed. There's really nothing wrong with the 2nd Amendment; there's something wrong with how the Second Amendment has been interpreted over the years.
Nope, something wrong with people like you wanting to reinterpret it.
Agreed. There's really nothing wrong with the 2nd Amendment; there's something wrong with how the Second Amendment has been interpreted over the years.
Because you don't like it, it's wrong and must be changed?

What an arrogant sense of entitlement.
Because you don't like it, it's wrong and must be changed?

What an arrogant sense of entitlement.

Because I've read history, including the Federalist Papers. Yes, the 2A enshrines the right of people to keep and bear arms, but the extremes to which the gun lobby has gone to interpret what that right means is absurd and foreign to anything the Founding Fathers would have ever imagined.

I have no problems with the 2A or the 1A - it's ideology that has corrupted the Constitution. Ideology is stupid, including some left wing ideology. The people who formed this country never wanted ideology, because they knew how fucked it was. They wanted a new kind of society built on the foundation of economic growth, liberty, civic duty, personal responsibility, and moderation. These are actually conservative values, but things people who pose as conservatives piss on at every turn.
Nope, something wrong with people like you wanting to reinterpret it.

It was never meant to allow any deranged jackass easy access to weapons that can cause mass casualties. Fer fucks sake, the Constitutional conventional was called in the wake of civil unrest. You think they wrote the Constitution so that we could have a society in which school shootings and shootouts at theaters, parks, parades, and music concerts were commonplace? It's sheer lunacy. States and local governments should have the power to regulate weapons to protect the public - at least they did until idiot illegitimate justices like Clarence Thomas showed up to play judge.
This does nothing to satisfy the grief that these parents will forever feel. And it should have been done much sooner. It was criminal how those officers behaved. Even preventing parents from saving their own children.
This is not a failure of the 2nd. It is a failure of the men who would not use their guns. It is a failure of local state gov't not to override liberal idiocy and arm these teachers and if not the teachers put honest solid officers/parents/veterans in those schools who are not afraid of fighting evil.

Did you watch the unedited video from the school? It's like over an hour long. You can see this guy walk into the school and he's just chillin', walking down the hall with his rifle. He walks up to a school classroom, pulls the door open, puts the gun to his shoulder and starts shooting. Less than 3 minutes later cops are in the halls. You can STILL hear gunshots and cops just stand down, let these children be slaughtered. It's their JOB to protect these innocent babies. But no, for 77 minutes I got to watch cops walk around in the halls, putting hand sanitizer on their hands, while children are bleeding out in the classroom.

The whole shit pile of them should be hung.
How about we put more high quality officers in the field, stop the idiotic defund agenda and get the criminals off the street?

Banning guns will work just like banning drugs.

How do you prevent Tex-Ass from passing some the max gun control laws in our country.
That's local purview. THEY failed.

No, Tex-Ass has very passive gun control laws. The State is responsible for insuring the safety of it's citizens. Cops waited for over an hour as kids were killed. Open carry laws are loose. 18-Year Olds being buy a firearm.
The Uvalde School District Police failed to protect the students. The Chief of Police was patronage appointment and he sat on his ass, but in the end was the lax gun control laws of Texas that killed those kids.
Tex-ASS is a very Red State. Open Carry laws. Lax Gun Control Laws. It is the fault of state to protect the students. A Very Q-Publican State at that.
If Texas or any other 2nd Amendment safe state protected children the way they should you loons would spit blood. You may think passing anti-2nd laws will keep people safe but that's a crock of shit given to you by your handlers who's only objective is to disarm law abiding citizens. Criminals by their very nature will not give up the guns.
Did you watch the unedited video from the school? It's like over an hour long. You can see this guy walk into the school and he's just chillin', walking down the hall with his rifle. He walks up to a school classroom, pulls the door open, puts the gun to his shoulder and starts shooting. Less than 3 minutes later cops are in the halls. You can STILL hear gunshots and cops just stand down, let these children be slaughtered. It's their JOB to protect these innocent babies. But no, for 77 minutes I got to watch cops walk around in the halls, putting hand sanitizer on their hands, while children are bleeding out in the classroom.

The whole shit pile of them should be hung.
Yes it's very compelling to feel that way for sure, but when you are an officer that has been trained to the strictest levels on protocol and operational standard's, it is that many become confused in a situation that challenge's every ounce of their loyalties to training and operational standard's, otherwise training and standard's that doesn't allow for them to operate outside of the box so to speak when it comes to situations above and beyond their mental understandings.. Hero's are usually born out of these types of situations, and to my understanding we have some hero's in that case.

Remember the strict and strategic training of the troops during the civil war period ? We look upon that type of training that was being implemented upon the battlefield as something completely stupifying now. Lining up in lines to receive volley after volley of musket ball's being slung at you with no relief was stupifying as a strategy. But there it was in all it's stupifying glory as men's limbs were being torn from their bodies, yet they sustained those lines no matter what.
No, Tex-Ass has very passive gun control laws. The State is responsible for insuring the safety of it's citizens. Cops waited for over an hour as kids were killed. Open carry laws are loose. 18-Year Olds being buy a firearm.
The Uvalde School District Police failed to protect the students. The Chief of Police was patronage appointment and he sat on his ass, but in the end was the lax gun control laws of Texas that killed those kids.
and let the trained pros handle it
Not to excuse or defend the Uvalde police department, and playing somewhat of a devil’s advocate, but was it too much to expect from a backwater, Podunk PD.

If the police department isn’t considered to be trained and professional, is such harsh criticism warranted.

And are we to expect every backwater, Podunk PD to be capable of successfully addressing a mass shooting.
They weren't guarding it last time.

Apparently they don't do anything when they are there.

They are good posers with AR 15's that apparently don't any of them have the balls to confront a school shooter with.

But what do you expect from a bunch of jurisdiction jumping professional pension collectors.
The Uvalde mass shooting certainly illustrates the wrongheaded idiocy of arming teachers.
Not to excuse or defend the Uvalde police department, and playing somewhat of a devil’s advocate, but was it too much to expect from a backwater, Podunk PD.

If the police department isn’t considered to be trained and professional, is such harsh criticism warranted.

And are we to expect every backwater, Podunk PD to be capable of successfully addressing a mass shooting.
Lol, you are full of crap.
Why not replace your broken gun culture instead of trying to blame others for the failings of the 2a.

Over 350 million Americans

600 million guns in private hands

Over 21.5 million Americans can carry guns for self defense in public...

Mass public shootings in 2021.....?


Total killed....


Deer kill 200 people a year.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 people a year.

Ladders kill 300 people a year.

Between 1939 and 1945 European governments, under the control of German socialists murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children.....

15 million, in 6 years.

Total number killed in gun murder in the entire 246 year history of the United States....( averaging 10,000 gun murders a year, where the victims are primarily actual criminals, not innocent people?)....


You guys murdered 15 million people in 6 years after you took their guns away from them....

It took Americans, with guns, to make you stop....

We have nothing to learn from you....
Because I've read history, including the Federalist Papers. Yes, the 2A enshrines the right of people to keep and bear arms, but the extremes to which the gun lobby has gone to interpret what that right means is absurd and foreign to anything the Founding Fathers would have ever imagined.

I have no problems with the 2A or the 1A - it's ideology that has corrupted the Constitution. Ideology is stupid, including some left wing ideology. The people who formed this country never wanted ideology, because they knew how fucked it was. They wanted a new kind of society built on the foundation of economic growth, liberty, civic duty, personal responsibility, and moderation. These are actually conservative values, but things people who pose as conservatives piss on at every turn.
Your a partisan fuckin stereotype flingin dime store repeater.

Fuck off.

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