VA Pediatrician posts warning of COVID vaccine putting kids in sports at risk of cardiac arrest


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
A Jackson River Pediatric office in Virginia has posted a notice on their window. It is a warning to students who have had the COVID vaccine and plan on taking place in sports, that they should undergo lab work and possibly an echocardiogram to rule out potential heart damage first.

A viral post on Facebook shows a sign purported to be posted in a Virginia pediatrician’s office that says the following:

Sports physicals are done primarily to make sure you are not at high risk for sudden cardiac death on the playing field. COVID vaccination affects your risk. In response to worldwide experience and vaccine adverse-event monitoring we are adopting a more precautionary sports physical sign-off policy: If you have received doses of any COVID shot, we will not be able to clear you to compete in sports without completing lab work and possibly an echocardiogram to rule out potential heart damage.

Did a Va. Pediatrician Post a Warning About the COVID-19 Vax Putting Kids in Sports at Risk of Cardiac Arrest?

Student Athletes | Morris Sussex Family

Ok but if the purpose of a physical is to determine if someone is at high risk of cardiac arrest, then why did the guy poke around my wiener so long?
My doc's specialty is sports medicine and he advises parents of student athletes not to vax for the covid and has for quite sometime now. He also advises against boosters for anyone......Still working......I guess Virginia hinterland doc's are not as retarded. ;)
A D-Dimer blood test picks up the protein fragments in your blood which tell if it is dissolving an increased amount of clotting fragments ;

Part of a standard blood test and was picked up at least two years ago as a means of seeing mini clots that were undetectable to the eye .

Criminal that it is not used on a routine basis.

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