VA Secretary Shulkin says he has White House backing to purge VA

Shulkin says he has White House backing to purge VA

One week after a scathing IG investigative report reveals gross malfeasance by Crooked Shulkin, he announces a “purge” of those guilty of “subversion.” This is shocking. Back on Earth, we have a name for this sort of thing. We call it whistleblower retaliation.

As a disabled Veteran, I can attest to the fact that my brothers in arms and Veteran's orgs in general are worried about Shulkin. His obvious taste for the good life at Veteran's expense is troubling and his ineptitude shows that his appointment is just another example of someone in the Trump Administration ill-suited for the job. Not surprising though in light of the entirety of his cabinet's almost laughable skill set. Trump is the exact opposite of what a President needs to be and that seems the measurement used to fill any position. At least the few that have actually been filled. I guess we could say his laziness is a plus on this issue because we could have even more Shulkins and Prices and Pruitts.

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