Vaccine funding drive hits $8bn target, US fails to contribute

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

Try keeping that money out of the hands of child rapists in the 3rd world....could you at least do that?
Take it out of the funds you moochers promised to NATO for the last several decades.

No COLLAPSE NATO COMPLETELY and give ALL the NATO moneys to the fund to develop the vaccine and keep it ALL independent of sinister organisations like The UN, WHO and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Also withdraw ALL Western troops from the Middle East Shit Hole and USE the moneys saved to also put into the same fund to develop the vaccine. Also STOP ALL Welfare payments to ALL Immigrants in Western nations INCLUDING Legal Immigrants and then put that moneys also into the fund to develop the vaccine.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....

WHY does America fund sinister organisations like The UN, WHO, most of the NGOs and most of the organisations who want to flood Western nations with Third World Shit Holers? Why are you always funding evil organisations who's obsession is with destroying The West? Who's SIDE are you ACTUALLY ON in the final analysis?

WHY do you fund WHO? WHY do you STILL give funds to The UN? I thought The Donald wanted to STOP all of that....oh wait, hold on, I forgot :rolleyes-41:

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

Why do you want US?

All you do is bitch about US, and now you are complaining that we didn't show up to help out?

LIke I've always said, ungrateful children.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..
We're just waiting for you Limeys to come to our rescue and bail us out like we have been paying for nearly all of the UN, NATO, stategic military defense and a hundred other things for like FOREVER, not to mention bailing your asses out of WWII and saving you from the Germans.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

Yes this is good that our nations on this Continent are giving moneys to this fund - NOTE Tommy I said our nations on this CONTINENT, this is because this Continent is NOT the EU. But WHY are we agreeing to include Saudi Arabia who in a normal world would be considered literally a Pariah State. We should NOT be allowing The House of Saud to be included.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....
Why on eart should we buy bombs at the same crazy level that you do. Your country is in thrall to the bomb makers, why should we match that ? Shove it up your arse ya whiny piece of shit.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..
We're just waiting for you Limeys to come to our rescue and bail us out like we have been paying for nearly all of the UN, NATO, stategic military defense and a hundred other things for like FOREVER, not to mention bailing your asses out of WWII and saving you from the Germans.

Why do ONLY Americans keep rambling on about this crap? Also you forget it was the Russians who actually bailed out both Britain and America in the Second War without the Communist POS you both got into bed with you would not have won the battle....the war of course is yet to be won because we are still at war with Neo-Communism. If you are Anti-Germanic, then please feel free to put me on Ignore, I am not the only one at this forum who does not want to read more hate against our peoples.

When was the last time you won a war on your own? Korea? No. War never ended just ceasefire. Vietnam? :abgg2q.jpg: But but but WHAT about Afghanistan? Oh that's right you have been in your Quagmire in that Middle East SHIT HOLE for nearly 20 years :abgg2q.jpg: So NO WONDER you all keep rambling on about something that ENDED nearly 75 years ago that the Communist Soviet Union bailed YOUR ASSES out of AND the British asses....and this is me commenting this and I FUCKING HATE Communists but I will at LEAST be HISTORICALLY ACCURATE and give them the credit for bailing your asses out.
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World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

You don't know why?


World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....
Why on eart should we buy bombs at the same crazy level that you do. Your country is in thrall to the bomb makers, why should we match that ? Shove it up your arse ya whiny piece of shit.

So, drop out of NATO, so you don't have to be associated with US.

Except none of you do that. Instead, NATO is bigger than every...

Odd that.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....
Why on eart should we buy bombs at the same crazy level that you do. Your country is in thrall to the bomb makers, why should we match that ? Shove it up your arse ya whiny piece of shit.

You British also in thrall to the bomb makers, your Governments Right AND Left are up the buttocks of the filthy Saudi Arabians you can NOT sell them Weapons of Death fast enough. Disgusting. Fuck The House of Saud.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

Actually, there are Americans working on their own COVID vaccine which will be more tremendous than anything that Europe might come up with.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....
Why on eart should we buy bombs at the same crazy level that you do. Your country is in thrall to the bomb makers, why should we match that ? Shove it up your arse ya whiny piece of shit.

So, drop out of NATO, so you don't have to be associated with US.

Except none of you do that. Instead, NATO is bigger than every...

Odd that.

There is NO reason for NATO to even exist anymore.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....
Why on eart should we buy bombs at the same crazy level that you do. Your country is in thrall to the bomb makers, why should we match that ? Shove it up your arse ya whiny piece of shit.

So, drop out of NATO, so you don't have to be associated with US.

Except none of you do that. Instead, NATO is bigger than every...

Odd that.

There is NO reason for NATO to even exist anymore.

There could have been. But unthinking expansion has made NATO more of a danger then a deterrent.

We still have not had a real re-examination of our strategic ideas or goals, since the end of the cold war.

World leaders and organisations have pledged $8bn to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19, but the United States has refused to contribute to the global effort.

Organisers included the European Union and non-EU countries the United Kingdom, Norway and Saudi Arabia.

Sad that trumps USA wants to sit this out. Still there arent many cases in the States so maybe its no big deal..

What do you mean, you dumb ass......we keep Europe and Asia safe, we are first on the ground for natural disasters.....we fund WHO and then you asshats let China Control it........we pay for NATO, we pay for the U.N.

You asshats finally paying up? About fucking time.....

And when we find out that this money was wasted, stolen and lost.....remember we laughed at you first....
Why on eart should we buy bombs at the same crazy level that you do. Your country is in thrall to the bomb makers, why should we match that ? Shove it up your arse ya whiny piece of shit.

So, drop out of NATO, so you don't have to be associated with US.

Except none of you do that. Instead, NATO is bigger than every...

Odd that.

There is NO reason for NATO to even exist anymore.

There could have been. But unthinking expansion has made NATO more of a danger then a deterrent.

We still have not had a real re-examination of our strategic ideas or goals, since the end of the cold war.

Exactly I agree and also I agree that NATO to be considered more of a danger than anything else.

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