Vaccine Pioneer Dr. Robert Malone Says Monkeypox May Have Been Gene-Edited for Easier Transmission, Wuhan Lab Admits to Synthesizing Virus

Is Fauci at it again? He's already got one one investigation going for lying to Congress at Department of Justice. Wonder what's going on with that.

Vaccine Pioneer Dr. Robert Malone Says Monkeypox May Have Been Gene-Edited for Easier Transmission, Wuhan Lab Admits to Synthesizing Virus

Dr. Robert Malone is a former researcher at the Salks Institute who did post-doctoral clinical research at Harvard. He is one of the inventors of mRNA vaccine technology.

The new revelations – that rapidly changing monkeypox may be gene-edited, and that China has been engaged in gene-splicing monkeypox recently, under a weak pretext – recalls the heated controversy over the origins of COVID.

"Citing a May 19, 2022 report from the Portuguese National Institute of Health. a pioneer in the development of the mRNA technology on which most COVID vaccines are based says that the monkeypox variants now being rapidly discovered show signs of gene editing.

Dr. Robert Malone, a former researcher at the Salks Institute who did post-doctoral clinical research at Harvard, writes that the Portuguese report indicates that the new variants:

“could be due to natural evolution or due to laboratory engineering/gain of function “research”..

..[the] genome of this virus is either evolving more rapidly than one would expect from a double stranded DNA poxvirus…or somebody has been messing around with it.”

Dr. Malone writes:

“Furthermore, this double stranded DNA virus, infections by which have historically been self-limiting, appears to be evolving (during the last few days!) to a form that is more readily transmitted from human to human. Bad news.”

Dr. Malone wrote his observations in his Substack “Monkey Pox Update” of May 31st.


Wuhan Lab Scientists Say They Had No Choice But to Synthesize Easily Available Monkeypox Virus

In the journal Virologica Sinica, in the February 2022 Wuhan Institute of Virology paper Efficient Assembly of a Large Fragment of Monkeypox Virus Genome as a qPCR Template Using Dual-Selection Based Transformation-Associated Recombination,” Chinese scientists claim they had no choice but to assemble new monkeypox viruses from scratch, because there has never been an outbreak in China. The scientists write:

“Since MPXV [monkeypox] infection has never been associated with an outbreak in China, the viral genomic material required for qPCR detection is unavailable.”

The study centers on what the team says is the development of a test – “qPCR detection” – for monkeypox.

But science presenter Dr. John Campbell, a retired nursing educator at the University of Cumbria, savaged the claim.

Campbell said:

“The Chinese authorities, it would appear, are incapable of getting hold of monkeypox virus, so they have to basically make their own using synthetic techniques…the monkeypox virus is readily available in labs in Nigeria, Congo, the United Kingdom, presumably now in the United States, several places in Europe, and the virus is available from any one who has symptomatic monkeypox. Anyone who’s got a pustule with monkeypox, just take a scraping and then you’ve got the virus. So the idea that the Chinese authorities can’t get a sample of the actual virus and have to synthesize their own, I’m not buying it.” (emphasis added)

Dr. Campbell said that the Chinese scientific team’s claim that it was forced to synthesize, by gene splicing, the monkeypox virus, requires one to believe that the Chinese government could not send its agents across the world, with sufficient funds, and return with a vial of monkeypox.

“Do not buy that at all” says Dr. Campbell.

Below: May 31, 2022, Dr. John Campbell reports on monkeypox work at Wuhan and NIH


Below: Senator Rand Paul confronts Fauci over approving NIH funding to Wuhan lab for gain-of-function research on making coronaviruses more transmissible (view at Rumble)

Dr. MALONE is a discredited liar, and you should stop deferring to him.
American "scientists" admit that they had a relationship with the Wuhan Lab. When is the media going to get off it's collective fat ass and chase down a real story instead of attacking Trump?
Too late now. Since Biden and friends keep provoking China, they can claim anything they want and the US will have admit complicity but also have disprove any discrepancy. We lost the initiative on this.
Too late now. Since Biden and friends keep provoking China, they can claim anything they want and the US will have admit complicity but also have disprove any discrepancy. We lost the initiative on this.
Problematic. Yesterday, the media says three scientists testified, but only one has been named. Who were the other two Rand Paul announced to the media before the hearing?
So the one named is already amnesiac about Fau Chi's 26 Ap testimony to the US Senate, and indeed is too late:

3 Aug 2022 Richard Ebright US Senate Hearing "Revisiting Gain of Function Research"
'...Before 2014, there was no national-level US oversight of gain-of-function research of concern.'
In the 3 Aug statement, Ebright mouths off about Eco Health Alliance and links it to Wuhan Institute of Virology, though (conveniently?) fails to mention the bat coronavirus collected by Daszak (Eco Health Alliance) on 17 Ap 2011 in Yunnan Province, China, the same virus acquired by Ralph Baric, UNC Chapel Hill, the same virus of Baric's disturbing 2015 report, mentioned by Sorensen, Dalgleish, and Susrud. Duh.
Everything your posting leans to genome manipulation. Hmmmmmmm.. Sounds to me like someone was playing in the lab for sure.
Everything he's posting is over my heard. I just wish someone would put it into layman's terms. I suppose if I was fucking men in the ass I'd read all of the details of what he's posting and study to understand it but, for me, this is just a diversion and not even a population reduction exercise.
Everything he's posting is over my heard. I just wish someone would put it into layman's terms. I suppose if I was fucking men in the ass I'd read all of the details of what he's posting and study to understand it but, for me, this is just a diversion and not even a population reduction exercise.
Dipshit, your lack of education is outvoted. We first post the material in its original scientific terms for those who are already educated in the matter. The lower IQs have to come this way, not the other way around. We praise the OP for another thread finally making it to the Conspiracy forum, where true science is made to look like the horse's rear end: The Nipah manipulation video in that thread links to Fau Chi's funky ass testifying to the U.S. Senate on 26 Ap 2012. On 25 Ap 2012, sick miners from the copper mine began to shuffle into the hospital. From that same mine came not only SARS-CoV-2's closest relative, but also a niphah-like virus from a bat.

We didn't know that they had achieved 60% mortality!
Original Tree had a thread moved to the Badlands: Obama's gain of function changes before leaving office. There is another thread in the Badlands we are searching for because it links to Steve Bannon, though we lost it. It could be several years old. The Bannon link is a Li-Meng Yang link, which is pertinent for today's posting.
The pertinent Badlands thread is this one:

10 Jan 2022 Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath

We'll place two senate testimonies side by side. Testimony 1 links to the closest relative of SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13 (TG = Tongguan), because the ill Tongguan miners began to go into the hospital on the day before Fau Chi spoke:

Testimony 1.) Dr. Anthony Fauci Dual Use

Testimony 2.) 3 Aug 2022 Ebright

In testimony 2.), Ebright says "Before 2014, there was no national-level oversight of gain-of-function research of concern.'

Ebright conveniently leaves out the bat SARS-like virus, RsSHC014, the bat virus Peter Daszak collected at Kunming, China on 17 Ap 2011, before US gain-of-function oversight. This same virus was manipulated in the Baric lab, resulting in the disturbing 2014 report, that Sorensen, Dalgleish and Susrud mention. Zheng-li Shi was also involved with Daszak in the collection of this virus. Ebright never mentions the Baric connection, yet reifies the Eco Health Alliance-Wuhan Institute of Virology connection.

This sleight of hand happened within the last few days in front of the U.S. Senate. Rand Paul is not asking the pertinent questions, nor is he telling us about the other experts supposed to have testified.
Baric's report was in 2015, and according to Sorensen et al, the research was allowed to continue, knowing that the virus was increasingly dangerous.
Dipshit, your lack of education is outvoted. We first post the material in its original scientific terms for those who are already educated in the matter. The lower IQs have to come this way, not the other way around. We praise the OP for another thread finally making it to the Conspiracy forum, where true science is made to look like the horse's rear end: The Nipah manipulation video in that thread links to Fau Chi's funky ass testifying to the U.S. Senate on 26 Ap 2012. On 25 Ap 2012, sick miners from the copper mine began to shuffle into the hospital. From that same mine came not only SARS-CoV-2's closest relative, but also a niphah-like virus from a bat.

We didn't know that they had achieved 60% mortality!
I was acknowledging my own ignorance, not accusing you of anything. That I acknowledged I could put in the time to read your posts and understand them meant, at least to me, that there was good knowledge in them and that you presumably knew your shit on the topic, as compared to me who does not know his shit on the topic.

Considering my failure to deliver that message to you more effectively, I ask that you accept my apology.
I was acknowledging my own ignorance, not accusing you of anything. That I acknowledged I could put in the time to read your posts and understand them meant, at least to me, that there was good knowledge in them and that you presumably knew your shit on the topic, as compared to me who does not know his shit on the topic.

Considering my failure to deliver that message to you more effectively, I ask that you accept my apology.
Badger failed to grasp your message correctly and apologizes.


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