Valerie Bertinelli's Shame


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The entertainment news was abuzz yesterday over Valerie Bertinelli's appearance on one of the chick talk shows, during which she insisted that she has no reason to be "ashamed" of her again-walrus-like body. It appears, and it is estimated, that she has gained about 40-50 pounds since the famous photo shoots of her in a bikini.

Jenny Craig, while wishing her well, has cut her off like a child-molesting uncle - no surprise.

She claims that she got fat because she broke her ankle in December and couldn't go to the gym for a while. But this is total B.S. You don't gain 50 pounds from not going to the gym. You gain 50 pounds by eating like a pig.

With all her money, she can well afford a full-time nutritionist, who can make sure she has healthy, low calorie, delicious food to eat whenever she wants it. She is out of control.

And she does have something to be ashamed of. When she chose to put the spotlight on herself for her weight loss, the message she was sending out to the (gullible) public was, you, too can look great over 50. It was not, you can look great for a couple of months by following the Jenny Craig diet; then go back to your walrus body.

It's a damn shame. She is a beautiful woman who pissed away a lot of public good will.
Um no.

I believe her.

As you age your metabolism slows down. And her going to the gym was keep in maintaining her weight.
Um no.

I believe her.

As you age your metabolism slows down. And her going to the gym was keep in maintaining her weight.

Sallow i know lots of people over 50 who dont go to a gym but are not 50 pounds overweight.....the ones who are eat to much....when i retired from the PO i put on 10 pounds ....but i started cutting down the chow and lost 15....without going to a gym...just sayin...
Do the math. One pound = 3500 calories. An hour on the treadmill (possibly the best way of burning calories) is about 300 calories. If lack of exercise caused her to gain 50 lbs it would take a hundred years. Her basal metabolic rate today is the same as when she lost all the weight.

She needs to have her jaw wired shut.
Um no.

I believe her.

As you age your metabolism slows down. And her going to the gym was keep in maintaining her weight.

Sallow i know lots of people over 50 who dont go to a gym but are not 50 pounds overweight.....the ones who are eat to much....when i retired from the PO i put on 10 pounds ....but i started cutting down the chow and lost 15....without going to a gym...just sayin...

And I know a lot of walrus bodies that work out. There is a recently publicized study that shows a growing multitude of people who work out regularly, have for years but are considered obese by health standards. You cannot stay in great shape by exercising.
Um no.

I believe her.

As you age your metabolism slows down. And her going to the gym was keep in maintaining her weight.

Sallow i know lots of people over 50 who dont go to a gym but are not 50 pounds overweight.....the ones who are eat to much....when i retired from the PO i put on 10 pounds ....but i started cutting down the chow and lost 15....without going to a gym...just sayin...

And I know a lot of walrus bodies that work out. There is a recently publicized study that shows a growing multitude of people who work out regularly, have for years but are considered obese by health standards. You cannot stay in great shape by exercising.

Karl Malone was considered obese by the govt charts....
Epidemic obesity in America is the result of three factors; ready availability of fattening foods, lack of effective public education which discourages or controls consumption of those foods, and addictive propensity -- which is the most prevalent factor. Many Americans are morbidly obese simply because they are addicted to fattening foods. While most are able to control the addiction with adequate motivation, some are so strongly addicted they actually experience measurable withdrawal symptoms if deprived of high calorie input.

I believe Chris Christie is a food addict.
Oh gosh.

You guys are pretty mean.

Hey, I'm a woman who has struggled with her weight all my life, and I agree with these guys!

And I don't feel sorry for her, it's true...she has plenty of money and could probably hire a nutritionist to plan her meals so that she loses weight.

What pisses me off about women like this is they sponsor one program and sell the idea that program (in this case Jenny Craig) is the answer to people's problems. Well, it's not.

I happen to like Weight Watchers, but guess what, when I quit tracking the food I eat and keeping it within acceptable parameters...I gain weight. And I have a tendency to do that. That's the cold, hard truth.

It's simple math, you can take in more calories than you burn off. And almost no one exercises enough to burn off an extra 500 calories or more every day. You must cut back on your eating!!!

Yeah, she makes a fool of herself and then tries to rationalize it.

Whatever. Privileged bitch.
Oprah got weighty again herself and she still has her nutritionist.
It's all genetic makeup.
I just read that Kirstie Alley is now back on board with Jenny Craig after gaining 30 lbs. back. She had originally lost 75 with JC, so maybe since she went back before it was ALL back on.....they let her come back.

Kirstie Alley signs on for Jenny Craig after putting on 30lbs in 6 months | Mail Online

Re: Valerie
No, a bone break in an arm or leg is a temporary setback and you can at least stay the same weight thru that.
Valerie can ALSO afford her own Chef.
Being in the public eye and making up some idiotic excuse ...she just made a fool of herself.....
Exercise is good for a lot of reasons but not weight loss. I didn't realize just how much this is true until I had my knee replaced and did extensive PT. I would huff and puff on machines that kept track of calories burned and was aghast to see when I was about to drop, I had burned off next to nothing.

not long ago, I was flipping channels and came across a dance show. It happened to be showcasing an act with one woman and several men. They showed their incredibly athletic rehearsals and then their act in front of judges. These people worked hard at their act and were just incredible to watch.

The woman was overweight while the men were quite slender.

During the last Olympics, there were stories done about how many calories the athletes burned off in training. It was amazingly few.

Downright discouraging because, with my pain issues, I can't afford to gain an ounce. The key is and always will be to take in fewer calories than you burn off and the American diet of huge piles of fried bacon and other health-destroying "foods" makes that very hard to do. I've been criticized here for being vegetarian but I eat gourmet quality food and the calories are easy to keep under control. I'm healthy and strong. It works for me. YMMV
She is heavy around her middle, but her outfit does nothing for her. I reserve my judgment.
The entertainment news was abuzz yesterday over Valerie Bertinelli's appearance on one of the chick talk shows, during which she insisted that she has no reason to be "ashamed" of her again-walrus-like body. It appears, and it is estimated, that she has gained about 40-50 pounds since the famous photo shoots of her in a bikini.

Jenny Craig, while wishing her well, has cut her off like a child-molesting uncle - no surprise.

She claims that she got fat because she broke her ankle in December and couldn't go to the gym for a while. But this is total B.S. You don't gain 50 pounds from not going to the gym. You gain 50 pounds by eating like a pig.

With all her money, she can well afford a full-time nutritionist, who can make sure she has healthy, low calorie, delicious food to eat whenever she wants it. She is out of control.

And she does have something to be ashamed of. When she chose to put the spotlight on herself for her weight loss, the message she was sending out to the (gullible) public was, you, too can look great over 50. It was not, you can look great for a couple of months by following the Jenny Craig diet; then go back to your walrus body.

It's a damn shame. She is a beautiful woman who pissed away a lot of public good will.

Pretty judgmental of you. So she gained some weight ,,, who cares? Not me in the least.

I think people are worth quite a bit more than their waistline; I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't know this.

I have to ask though, why do YOU care? Are looks so important to you that must constantly judge others by your own impossible standards?

How sad.

A usual indication of how little a person has to offer.
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Quite an endorsement for what happens when you stop buying the Jenny Craig meals

Same thing happened to Kirstie Alley
Those bullshit plan diets almost never have staying power because you can't eat that garbage all your life, so people lose weight than go back to how they lived before. And exercise does little to lose weight. The calories burned require ridiculous amounts of time, and these new fad insane workout routines are nuts. Of course you will lose weight eventually if you just about kill yourself for 90 minutes every day.

This fat epidemic is a symptom of the modern diet, heavy in refined carb shit. That's why you see "beer bellies" on young women these days. That's not normal female fat. Normal female fat goes to the hips and buttocks, not a spare tire. Sugar and all things that turn to sugar in the digestive process is responsible. Sloth and gluttony.

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