Valerie Bertinelli's Shame

I believe Jenny Creig dropped Bertenelli last year, not due to this recent uptick in weight. Secondly, she gained a few pounds due to the broken ankle, the other 25ish pounds happened over the years.

Why anyone cares about this, has nothing to do with her. Nasty, jealous, judge mental types just need a target. That's much uglier than some extra pounds
Um no.

I believe her.

As you age your metabolism slows down. And her going to the gym was keep in maintaining her weight.

I saw a pic of her on the rag mags and literally felt a tear form. She must be so bummed.


Trust me as a chick, this would hurt.
I had to quit running cuz I blew out my knee. I still lift weights. But the way I stay thin is by not eating. I barely eat. And yes it sucks but I want to be thin. I live in socal and everyone is thin. And blonde. Whores. Lol
I had to quit running cuz I blew out my knee. I still lift weights. But the way I stay thin is by not eating. I barely eat. And yes it sucks but I want to be thin. I live in socal and everyone is thin. And blonde. Whores. Lol

Doesn't sound too healthy. Have you tried smaller portions and a natural diet?

Also, exercise IS IMPORTANT. Anyone saying that it isn't, does not really understand it.
I have the body of a middle-aged-Greek god :)lol:} and I got this way with exercise and cutting back what I eat.
My wife said that I'm basing how I look on a cheap mirror that we have in the basement, she says the mirror would make an over-fed Rino look under-nourished. She also noted that my pant size is the same it was when I declared myself to be fat.
I have no idea what she's talking about! :cuckoo:
Valerie Bertinelli is able to score millions for her "work" and appearances for one reason and one reason only: her physical beauty. She is not a talented actress, not terribly intelligent or insightful, and not the least bit funny. If she were not pretty she would be living in a trailer park.

Because of her lost beauty, she was able to trade on the process of losing weight, which she exploited mercilessly. Good for her.

But to say that she has nothing to be ashamed of when she allows her body to go back to crap is self-serving nonsense. She put herself out there as an example of what can be done to look great after age 50. Then she failed to keep it up, even with every imaginable advantage (due to her wealth).

So now she is a role model of another sort: "Even with all her advantages, she can't keep from being fat, so I CAN DO THAT TOO - THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING FAT!"
Tangent alert:

The "driver" behind descriptions like "morbidly obese" is basically a chart that the Health Professions use to measure Body Mass Index.

BMI is a TOTALLY UNSCIENTIFIC measure that calculates the ratio of weight to height. It makes no allowances for musculature, frame size, body type, or gender. Using the BMI index, most professional football players and most male bodybuilders are classified as "obese" or "morbidly obese."

A proper measure of one's "fitness" is to measure the percentage of body fat. This can be done in at least three ways, although admittedly two of them can be inaccurate (skin pinch and electrical conductivity). They have to be done over time to get an accurate measure. But they do take a little bit of time and care to measure, so the Medical Community has said, in essence, "fuck it, we'll go with BMI," because BMI is mindless and doesn't require any effort on their part.

I've been lifting weights for 30 years, and although I could stand to lose some weight, I am neither "obese" nor "morbidly obese." On more than one occasion I have told the doctor's office staff - politely, of course - that they could stick their BMI chart where the sun don't shine.
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Um no.

I believe her.

As you age your metabolism slows down. And her going to the gym was keep in maintaining her weight.

Sallow i know lots of people over 50 who dont go to a gym but are not 50 pounds overweight.....the ones who are eat to much....when i retired from the PO i put on 10 pounds ....but i started cutting down the chow and lost 15....without going to a gym...just sayin...

more to the point, [MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION], why would her gaining wait erode public good will?

I find that bizarre....

i'd think the o/p should worry more about women who starve themselves for the camera.
Um no.

I believe her.

As you age your metabolism slows down. And her going to the gym was keep in maintaining her weight.

Sallow i know lots of people over 50 who dont go to a gym but are not 50 pounds overweight.....the ones who are eat to much....when i retired from the PO i put on 10 pounds ....but i started cutting down the chow and lost 15....without going to a gym...just sayin...

more to the point, [MENTION=16291]Harry Dresden[/MENTION], why would her gaining wait erode public good will?

I find that bizarre....

i'd think the o/p should worry more about women who starve themselves for the camera.

didnt say it would.....i just was commenting you dont have to go to a gym to lose weight.....
I would much rather look at a beautiful young actress who has starved herself to look great in a bathing suit than a 150 pound porker who is comfortable with her body.

Most of them are incurable neurotics anyway; who cares what they do to look that good? My ONLY interest in them is how they look and act in front of the camera.
The entertainment news was abuzz yesterday over Valerie Bertinelli's appearance on one of the chick talk shows, during which she insisted that she has no reason to be "ashamed" of her again-walrus-like body. It appears, and it is estimated, that she has gained about 40-50 pounds since the famous photo shoots of her in a bikini.

Jenny Craig, while wishing her well, has cut her off like a child-molesting uncle - no surprise.

She claims that she got fat because she broke her ankle in December and couldn't go to the gym for a while. But this is total B.S. You don't gain 50 pounds from not going to the gym. You gain 50 pounds by eating like a pig.

With all her money, she can well afford a full-time nutritionist, who can make sure she has healthy, low calorie, delicious food to eat whenever she wants it. She is out of control.

And she does have something to be ashamed of. When she chose to put the spotlight on herself for her weight loss, the message she was sending out to the (gullible) public was, you, too can look great over 50. It was not, you can look great for a couple of months by following the Jenny Craig diet; then go back to your walrus body.

It's a damn shame. She is a beautiful woman who pissed away a lot of public good will.

It seems to me that these entertainment-types who get paid big bucks to advertise their weight loss for Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem and Weight Watchers, should have some sort of RESPONSIBILITY to maintain their weight loss for a certain period of time, or they have to return some of the money they received.

Personally, I don't care if Bertinelli regained the weight, or that (what's her name from Cheers) regained the weight she lost.

In the big scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. I'm sure my wife is not going to stop watching "Hot In Cleveland" because Valerie Bertinelli gained 40-50 lbs.
I had to quit running cuz I blew out my knee. I still lift weights. But the way I stay thin is by not eating. I barely eat. And yes it sucks but I want to be thin. I live in socal and everyone is thin. And blonde. Whores. Lol

Doesn't sound too healthy. Have you tried smaller portions and a natural diet?

Also, exercise IS IMPORTANT. Anyone saying that it isn't, does not really understand it.

How does anyone get the nutrition needed if she/he doesn't eat? Eating is important. Being totally fat free isn't. I read that people who are overweight, though not significantly overweight, have the same average life span as people who are not overweight, and that people who are too thin tend to have a shorter life span. Taking care of yourself means eating a healthful diet, not starving yourself.

I find the comments about her weight gain to be ignorant, childish and mean spirited. Everyone is different in body make up, genetics, looks, habits, etc. Is she now obese? I don't know. Is she unhealthy? I don't know and neither do any of you. Does she look like the image of what some people think is attractive? Apparently not. The judgmental attitudes towards looks and body image displayed on this thread are shameful. Most of you probably don't look all that good either and are in no position to judge someone else. IMO companies like Jenny Craig sell BS to the American public. You cannot maintain good health by staying constantly on a 'diet.' It has to do with lifestyle. Anyone who wants to be healthy and fit does it through lifestyle changes, not by going on a restricted diet to lose weight.

BTW, everyone seems to worship Marilyn Monroe, but she had a tendancy to be overweight too.


Valerie Bertinelli's Shame? The shame lies in those who are judging her so harshly and who believe the media BS about what is to be valued in a woman.
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