Valerie Jarret: Obama admin "scandal free"

Bad prediction? Peter Gruber admitted that they knew all along that people wouldn't be able to keep their old doctors or plans if the ACA was passed. Obama, Pelosi & Reid lied through their teeth about what ObamaCare would do and what it would cost. They lied because they basically didn't think people like you were sophisticated enough to know it was a lie which is pretty sad, Franco...since all you needed to figure that out was eighth grade math skills!

The intent was that people would not have to give up their existing doctors or plans and be covered under Obamacare. That was the rumor being spread by Republicans and denied by Obama. It was essentially true

Like with any law, there were exceptions. Namely, that if you had a piece of shit policy, you would have to upgrade to meet minimum standards

Essentially true? LOL It was a blatant lie told by Barack Obama who knew it was a blatant lie! Peter Gruber made that quite plain when he essentially bragged about how progressives like himself knew all along that the promises Obama, Reid and Pelosi were making to the American people were blatant lies.

Who the fuck is Peter Gruber?

Nobody cared until he bragged about shit he had no control over

Who is Peter Gruber? Tell me you didn't just ask that question, Winger!

Is he like Hans Gruber in "Die Hard"?

Peter Gruber was a fellow Aspenite. Jonathon Gruber is the MIT economics professor who was one of the architects of the ACA.
Republicans have spent tens of millions conducting investigations of these "scandals". They came up with nothing....but it didn't prevent them from investigating again.....and again....and again
It's sad that you have to LIE to defend Barak Obama and your Party.

Ex-US AG was caught perpetrating Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious covered up, for which he received a unanimous bi-partisan CENSURE, making him the 1st US AG in US history to EVER be Censured.

Barak Obama has been found in Contempt of court numerous times for refusing to comply with court orders.

He won Lie of the Year for intentionally ling to Americans about the ACA.

He was caught lying about not knowing about Hillary's private e-mail - it was exposed he had been sending her e-mails while suing an alias.

The Inspector General filed a report proving Obama and his administration has been illegally non-compliant with in regards to the FOIA LAW, which means he and his administration FREQUENTLY BROKE THE LAW.

And it goes on and on.

Now comes the point where you claim that since there was no indictments or charges, due to the fact that Obama owned the DOJ and crooked US AGs, none of this is somehow true. Pathetic. Like I said, all of this is documented, proven, UNDENIABLE...yet you Liberals snowflakes continue to push your own twisted 'reality'.

All thoroughly investigated by Republicans and found to have no merit

Obama ran one of the most scandal free administrations since Jimmy Carter

You've got the IRS targeting Obama political enemies. You've got the Justice Department letting guns "walk" to Mexican Drug Cartels that end up being used to murder US Border Patrol agents. You've got the Benghazi cover-up. You've got wholesale lies about the ACA. The Obama Administration was the most corrupt since Nixon.
Republicans have spent tens of millions conducting investigations of these "scandals". They came up with nothing....but it didn't prevent them from investigating again.....and again....and again
It's sad that you have to LIE to defend Barak Obama and your Party.

Ex-US AG was caught perpetrating Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious covered up, for which he received a unanimous bi-partisan CENSURE, making him the 1st US AG in US history to EVER be Censured.

Barak Obama has been found in Contempt of court numerous times for refusing to comply with court orders.

He won Lie of the Year for intentionally ling to Americans about the ACA.

He was caught lying about not knowing about Hillary's private e-mail - it was exposed he had been sending her e-mails while suing an alias.

The Inspector General filed a report proving Obama and his administration has been illegally non-compliant with in regards to the FOIA LAW, which means he and his administration FREQUENTLY BROKE THE LAW.

And it goes on and on.

Now comes the point where you claim that since there was no indictments or charges, due to the fact that Obama owned the DOJ and crooked US AGs, none of this is somehow true. Pathetic. Like I said, all of this is documented, proven, UNDENIABLE...yet you Liberals snowflakes continue to push your own twisted 'reality'.

All thoroughly investigated by Republicans and found to have no merit

Obama ran one of the most scandal free administrations since Jimmy Carter

You've got the IRS targeting Obama political enemies. You've got the Justice Department letting guns "walk" to Mexican Drug Cartels that end up being used to murder US Border Patrol agents. You've got the Benghazi cover-up. You've got wholesale lies about the ACA. The Obama Administration was the most corrupt since Nixon.

All were beaten to death by the rightwing media and investigated ad nauseum by the GOP Congress

Republicans hunted the BIG OBAMA SCANDAL for eight years and came up with nothing
Republicans hunted the BIG OBAMA SCANDAL for eight years and came up with nothing
You keep repeating that lie, despite it already having been disproven...why? Complete and utter denial? Shame? Mental disability? 'Dain Bramaged'?
Passing legislation you don't agree with is not a scandal
Neither is Republicans not understanding the legislative process

Quite frankly, I'm hard pressed to think of anything MORE scandalous than blatantly lying to the American people in order to pass legislation that affects 1/6th of our economy, Winger!
Bad prediction, not a lie, dingbat. He didn't realize how the dupes love scam policies lol. You have to pay attention when shopping- and NOT fully implemented. Thanks, GOP.

Bad prediction? Peter Gruber admitted that they knew all along that people wouldn't be able to keep their old doctors or plans if the ACA was passed. Obama, Pelosi & Reid lied through their teeth about what ObamaCare would do and what it would cost. They lied because they basically didn't think people like you were sophisticated enough to know it was a lie which is pretty sad, Franco...since all you needed to figure that out was eighth grade math skills!
ACA is the actual cost of Health Care, without GOP scam policies. First step to get prices under control. Today the BS is eye deep. We'll see. Hopefully, Trump isn't owned by Big Health and Big Pharma, etc, like the New BS GOP, dupe.

The first "step" of the Affordable Care Act was to hide actual costs from the American people for as long as possible! One of the reasons Hillary Clinton lost was that the Middle Class started getting notices in the mail from their insurance companies informing them that their healthcare premiums were going to be going up sharply in 2017. There was nothing in the ACA to get costs under control for the Middle was always about giving subsidized healthcare to the poor and having the Middle Class help pay for it.
Of course you're clueess, dupe. Insurers now have to keep non medical spending down from 30% to 20%, and transparent competition in the exchanges etc have cut the cost rise from 12%/year to 7%- despite GOP/crony obstruction and sabotage. Now the GOP wants to go back to no hope no chance of cost control GOP/crony Big Health scamming. Great job!
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]

The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p

Is that really the best you guys can come up with?

The same party that ignored Iran Contra and Valerie Plame as "not relevant"
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p
A gigantic pile of hate crap no sane person wants to be the target of. All imaginary, dupe. Or out of control BOOOOSH agencies that came to light under Obama. see FBI conferences, Fast + F. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p

Is that really the best you guys can come up with?

The same party that ignored Iran Contra and Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Why was she relevant?
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p
A gigantic pile of hate crap no sane person wants to be the target of. All imaginary, dupe. Or out of control BOOOOSH agencies that came to light under Obama. see FBI conferences, Fast + F. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Why was she relevant?

Spell it out, moron.
With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.

Don't give us that stale found nothing bull shit line that is made up. Hillary's rap sheet is plenty long.

Show me the first conviction.

Eight years without an independent Special Prosecutor won't get any administration members indicted, let alone convicted.
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p

Is that really the best you guys can come up with?

The same party that ignored Iran Contra and Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Why was she relevant?

After spending a year trying to claim a few unmarked emails on Hillary's server amounted to espionage they ignored Bush/Cheney for retaliating against Plames husband and leaking her identity. Intentional release of classified information
Republicans have spent tens of millions conducting investigations of these "scandals". They came up with nothing....but it didn't prevent them from investigating again.....and again....and again
It's sad that you have to LIE to defend Barak Obama and your Party.

Ex-US AG was caught perpetrating Felony Counts of Perjury before Congress in an attempt to keep Obama's Fast and Furious covered up, for which he received a unanimous bi-partisan CENSURE, making him the 1st US AG in US history to EVER be Censured.

Barak Obama has been found in Contempt of court numerous times for refusing to comply with court orders.

He won Lie of the Year for intentionally ling to Americans about the ACA.

He was caught lying about not knowing about Hillary's private e-mail - it was exposed he had been sending her e-mails while suing an alias.

The Inspector General filed a report proving Obama and his administration has been illegally non-compliant with in regards to the FOIA LAW, which means he and his administration FREQUENTLY BROKE THE LAW.

And it goes on and on.

Now comes the point where you claim that since there was no indictments or charges, due to the fact that Obama owned the DOJ and crooked US AGs, none of this is somehow true. Pathetic. Like I said, all of this is documented, proven, UNDENIABLE...yet you Liberals snowflakes continue to push your own twisted 'reality'.

All thoroughly investigated by Republicans and found to have no merit

Obama ran one of the most scandal free administrations since Jimmy Carter

You've got the IRS targeting Obama political enemies. You've got the Justice Department letting guns "walk" to Mexican Drug Cartels that end up being used to murder US Border Patrol agents. You've got the Benghazi cover-up. You've got wholesale lies about the ACA. The Obama Administration was the most corrupt since Nixon.
Hilarious, dupe. Ain't RW bs propaganda entertaining? No connection to reality...IRS- no GOP orgs turned down- everything explained by huge # of new moronic TP orgs....zzzzzz

ATF chief said neither Boosh nor Obama administrations knew about gun walking. Obama ended it immediately. ZZZZ. Ditto FBI conferences. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Bengazi. Only in dupe world. Almost undoubtedly WAS the video etc. DUH. ZZZZZZZZZZZ.

ACA on target despite pure GOP sabotage. Costs down- first time EVER they can be kept under control. And you fools want to put the foxes back in charge of the hen house? Great job!! Maybe you can get Big Health up to TWENTY-FIVE per cent of the economy, with scam policies/bankruptcies up to a million /year WITH insurance, and 100 k deaths a year due to no coverage- see sig pp1. Great JOB!
With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.

Don't give us that stale found nothing bull shit line that is made up. Hillary's rap sheet is plenty long.

Show me the first conviction.

Eight years without an independent Special Prosecutor won't get any administration members indicted, let alone convicted.
Neither did eight years of GOP congressional witch hunts. NOTHING THERE, dupe. DUH.
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p
A gigantic pile of hate crap no sane person wants to be the target of. All imaginary, dupe. Or out of control BOOOOSH agencies that came to light under Obama. see FBI conferences, Fast + F. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Why was she relevant?

Spell it out, moron.
Your a-hole lying heroes outed here for telling the truth about Saddam's nukes, stupid. Enjoy the wrecked ME. Great job!
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p

Is that really the best you guys can come up with?

The same party that ignored Iran Contra and Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Why was she relevant?

After spending a year trying to claim a few unmarked emails on Hillary's server amounted to espionage they ignored Bush/Cheney for retaliating against Plames husband and leaking her identity. Intentional release of classified information

they ignored Bush/Cheney for retaliating against Plames husband and leaking her identity.

In fact, the prosecutor concluded that there was no crime; hence, no indictment. And we now know that the original "leak," in casual conversations with reporters Novak and Bob Woodward, came not from the conspiracy theorists' target in the White House but from the deputy secretary of state at the time, Richard Armitage, an esteemed member of the Washington establishment and no pal of Rove or President Bush.

David S. Broder - One Leak and a Flood of Silliness

18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p
A gigantic pile of hate crap no sane person wants to be the target of. All imaginary, dupe. Or out of control BOOOOSH agencies that came to light under Obama. see FBI conferences, Fast + F. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Why was she relevant?

Spell it out, moron.
Your a-hole lying heroes outed here for telling the truth about Saddam's nukes, stupid. Enjoy the wrecked ME. Great job!

Obama really fixed Syria, Libya and Egypt, didn't he?

18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p
A gigantic pile of hate crap no sane person wants to be the target of. All imaginary, dupe. Or out of control BOOOOSH agencies that came to light under Obama. see FBI conferences, Fast + F. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Why was she relevant?

Spell it out, moron.
Your a-hole lying heroes outed here for telling the truth about Saddam's nukes, stupid. Enjoy the wrecked ME. Great job!

Obama really fixed Syria, Libya and Egypt, didn't he?

Libya and Egypt are fine, thanks. Tunisia is great, and the education of Muslims goes on, and we're no longer the great satan, dupe. Your Boooosh world depression and wrecking the ME for no reason are just wonderful, dupe. Great jobs!!
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p
A gigantic pile of hate crap no sane person wants to be the target of. All imaginary, dupe. Or out of control BOOOOSH agencies that came to light under Obama. see FBI conferences, Fast + F. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Why was she relevant?

Spell it out, moron.
Your a-hole lying heroes outed here for telling the truth about Saddam's nukes, stupid. Enjoy the wrecked ME. Great job!

Obama really fixed Syria, Libya and Egypt, didn't he?

Libya and Egypt are fine, thanks. Tunisia is great, and the education of Muslims goes on, and we're no longer the great satan, dupe. Your Boooosh world depression and wrecking the ME for no reason are just wonderful, dupe. Great jobs!!

Libya and Egypt are fine, thanks.

Egypt is fine, no thanks to Obama, because the military ejected the Muslim Brotherhood.
Obama is still sad about their actions.

Libya is not fine. And hey, great job on Syria! How's that red line?

we're no longer the great satan,

Yeah, muslims love us, because Obama. Idiot!

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