Valerie Jarrett finally admits they forgot to send the head clown to the "parade"

She says they would have liked to have been there....
But never said why the President wasn't...
And the interviewer never pushed it.

It's a simple question.....
Why wasn't Obama there?
Or any other high ranking official from the WH....
Was Barry Hussein waiting for the command to "send in the clowns"? The guy turns up in every funeral event in the world but he forgot to support the right to free speech in France? On the plus side American taxpayers didn't have to fund the trip or endure the carbon footprint of a lame duck.
Obama didn't want to offend followers of Islam.
Fearful that they may go bonkers and behead and shoot people.....

Wait a second........
He didn't waste any time sending his bigots to the funeral of a thief/attempted murderer in Ferguson.
That furthered his perception of America's racism and our need to succomb to his plan for our new direction.

(The Fergie thing)
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The parade.

I wonder if she realizes that she just insulted the heads of state of multiple countries.

Wow. This just gets worse.
What parade, it was a photo-op.
Photo Op World Leaders Don 8217 t Really Lead 8220 Unity Rally 8221 in Paris Ben Swann Truth In Media

They couldn't even see the fucking thing yet alone lead it.
Jarett would have liked to be there but surprisingly all the planes out of Washington quit flying to the East, and mostly she had a nail appointment.

The parade.

I wonder if she realizes that she just insulted the heads of state of multiple countries.

Wow. This just gets worse.
What parade, it was a photo-op.
Photo Op World Leaders Don 8217 t Really Lead 8220 Unity Rally 8221 in Paris Ben Swann Truth In Media

They couldn't even see the fucking thing yet alone lead it.

Exactly right, a photo op showing solidarity and unity against a common enemy.
Big fucking deal. Since when did spending the taxpayer money on photo-ops become a US priority instead of doing what actually matters? You people are so talk the talk but not walk the walk it makes my ears bleed. What a bunch of PC fucking pussies. Christians and Americans in name only.

The parade.

I wonder if she realizes that she just insulted the heads of state of multiple countries.

Wow. This just gets worse.
What parade, it was a photo-op.
Photo Op World Leaders Don 8217 t Really Lead 8220 Unity Rally 8221 in Paris Ben Swann Truth In Media

They couldn't even see the fucking thing yet alone lead it.

Exactly right, a photo op showing solidarity and unity against a common enemy.
Big fucking deal. Since when did spending the taxpayer money on photo-ops become a US priority instead of doing what actually matters? You people are so talk the talk but not walk the walk it makes my ears bleed. What a bunch of PC fucking pussies. Christians and Americans in name only.

Oh my and why in the hell did he go to Mandella's funeral only to make an ass out of himself? You on the left are such two faced SOBs. Millions for a Hawaiian vacation me thinks we could have sent Holder, already in Paris to the photo op, as you called it. Yeah I guess isolationism is the way to go that has worked so well in the past.


The parade.

I wonder if she realizes that she just insulted the heads of state of multiple countries.

Wow. This just gets worse.
What parade, it was a photo-op.
Photo Op World Leaders Don 8217 t Really Lead 8220 Unity Rally 8221 in Paris Ben Swann Truth In Media

They couldn't even see the fucking thing yet alone lead it.

Exactly right, a photo op showing solidarity and unity against a common enemy.
Big fucking deal. Since when did spending the taxpayer money on photo-ops become a US priority instead of doing what actually matters? You people are so talk the talk but not walk the walk it makes my ears bleed. What a bunch of PC fucking pussies. Christians and Americans in name only.

Oh my and why in the hell did he go to Mandella's funeral only to make an ass out of himself? You on the left are such two faced SOBs. Millions for a Hawaiian vacation me thinks we could have sent Holder, already in Paris to the photo op, as you called it. Yeah I guess isolationism is the way to go that has worked so well in the past.

A funeral, minus the stupid fucking picture, matters. And the papers are calling it a photo-op as well dumbass, which it what it was and utterly meaningless. Ten of the bastards there don't even have Freedom of Speech in any significant way. Stop chasing the moving red dot on the wall.

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