Valid Battle Plan? Wobbly Knees In Face Of Iranian Provocation


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
(That seems to be the case as far as the Obama Administration is concerned. Iranian demonstrators being shot to death on Tehran's streets by Revolutionary Guards, put your head between your knees and take deep breaths alternating with breathing into a paper bag. And as far as 2,000 dead civilians over in Mahmoud's buddy's place, Bashar Assad's Syria, "Silence is golden". Now comes the downing of a US drone. Gee Whiz! Isn't multiculturalism wonderful?)

"Obama rejected plans to launch a covert operation to take back or at least destroy the drone and all its sensitive military technologies for fear it would spark a larger confrontation. But if it is true, as the Iranians claim, that the drone did not fall by accident but was brought down by Iranian electronic means, then isn’t that already an act of war?

There are a lot of mysteries here:

The enigmas surrounding its capture continue to pile up. How did Iran know the drone had entered its airspace? How was it caused to land? Most of all, why did the craft’s self-destruct mechanism which is programmed to activate
automatically fail to work? And if it malfunctioned, why was it not activated by remote control?"

Good God, they downed the drone over their territory. Something they have the right to do. Had we downed an Iranian drone over the US you would be calling for war.

Fella, you seem desperate for a war with somebody. Why don't you go to Somalia and align yourself with a warlord there, and you can have your war without messing up the US.
I wonder what foreign policy problems Conservatives have with President Obama. He got bin Laden. Our troops in Iraq will all be out by Christmas. He's winding Afghanistan down after pulling the Taliban and Al Qaeda up by the roots. He has deported more illegal immigrants than his predecessor.

And his predecessor started two wars without paying for them, annihilated friendly bonds with European allies cultivated over centuries, and gave Germany's President an unsolicited back rub.
I think Iran hacked into the avionics software and took control of the drone.

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