Van Jones to Cruz: Do you owe GOP/America apology?

After the GOP shutdown... It looks like Ted Cruz is a dead man walking.

Jones to Cruz: Do you owe GOP an apology? - Video

Van Jones asks Sen. Ted Cruz if it was wrong to go against Republican leaders and continue his push against Obamacare.

van jones is a commie why would I listen to anything he says

No, Van Jones was a self described the early 90s. He is no longer. Now he's quite the green capitalist.
After the GOP shutdown... It looks like Ted Cruz is a dead man walking.

Jones to Cruz: Do you owe GOP an apology? - Video

van jones is a commie why would I listen to anything he says

No, Van Jones was a self described the early 90s. He is no longer. Now he's quite the green capitalist.

So you're saying he was cured from communism by becoming a green Nazi in favor of wealth redistribution. Got it. Wait wasn't it a communist strategy to take over the environmentalist movement? So he didn't change his stripes, just the vernacular, as they always do.
Me to van jones'n: Shut the fuck up you filthy, stinking commie. Go live in N. Korea, and take that metal faced moron rodman with you.


1. In October 2005 Jones said he was "a rowdy nationalist"[15] before the King verdict was announced, but that by August of that year (1992) he was a communist.

2. He became a member[19] of a "socialist collective" called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM)…

3. After his White House appointment, Jones began receiving criticism from media sources …

4. In response to the criticisms, Jones issued a statement that said, "In recent days some in the news media have reported on past statements I made before I joined the [Obama] administration – some of which were made years ago.

If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize." Of the 9/11 petition specifically, he said, "I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever."[47][48]
After what Jones described as a "vicious smear campaign" by "opponents of reform [of health care and clean energy]",[51] he resigned on September 5, saying that he could not "in good conscience ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past.

We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future".[51] During an interview on ABC's This Week, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs thanked Jones "for his service to the country" and said that Obama "doesn't endorse" Jones' previous association with the 9/11 Truth movement, his comments regarding race relations and politics, and his support for Mumia Abu-Jamal.[42][52]
Van Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Van Jones is nothing but a scummy piece of commie shit.....

i can't believe he is on the TV talk shows.....our country's standards have really fallen......but then he does represent well the piece of commie shit in the White House that we are dealing with...
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You are totally clueless -- Last time I went to Texas the thing I noticed (and was mildly offended) was that they relish the flag of Texas --- It is commonly seen flying at the same level as the US flag --- as usual, the hate from the left is based on lies and deception...

If you dealt with reason and in facts - u wouldn't be lefties...
Coming from a USMBer with the moniker "Obamanation" you will understand and appreciate why I will take everything you stated with a grain of salt.



Marc, here you are denigrating the state of Texas while quoting a self acclaimed communist and then you take another poster with "a grain of salt." Now, what is wrong with that picture?
I actually meant to put quotes around "a grain of salt."

I was actually trying to be extremely nice to my extreme far RW, and very angry, brother.
I do know that American feelings do not oppose funding for ACA has grown to 50%.

The TeaPs have created a crisis without an exit strategy.
From watching the news today, the situation is now that Obamacare has become even MORE popular as a result of Cruz and his extreme far RW TeaParty antics.

This is not going well for the GOP at all.
So many little time.

Van Jones isn't a communist and he wasn't kicked out of the administration.

Google him, Seawytch.

Was, not is. You did not use the truthful tense.

oh brother...just like Robert Byrd WAS a member of the KKK

but then you people throw up Jim Crow, the kkk, McCarthy, etc etc and accuse Republicans of those...

really, you want to believe he was A sweat
So many little time.

Van Jones isn't a communist and he wasn't kicked out of the administration.

Google him, Seawytch.

Was, not is. You did not use the truthful tense.

wake up....Jones is what is called a 'watermelon'.....

I hate everything that state stands for...
  • They still have the death penalty
  • They have a revisionist view of history pertaining to slavery
  • They relish the Confederate Flag
  • They are anti education
  • The state executes the most blacks
  • They typically and consistently engage in this wrong and strong mentality
  • And they relish and enjoy all of the above, they know it and they love it, they are the ultimate form of the historic racist South.
I's a no-brainer.

Marc you're full of hate, you can't figure that out, much less a whole state...

Being a lifelong Texan it's amazing how many people are so jealous of what we have...
I'm a very loving person. I'll have you know.



Do you read the crap you post?

I have a very difficult time with the death penalty...

If you are still offended by the Confederate flag, you only prove my point...

Anti education? You're so blind with hatred, UT and Texas A&M have two of the largest endowment funds in the nation and are number 1 & 3 of the public university's...

Wake up..

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