Vancouver BC - Liberals ban door knobs!!!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is not just govt buildings. New homes must be built without door knobs.

City Bans Doorknobs ? Requires Electric Car Plug-ins for New Homes

It seems the city of Vancouver, British Columbia is demonstrating that quite literally. "Bancouver," as it will now be affectionately referenced, has decided to ban door knobs. No, seriously, they have.

The Vancouver Sun reports:
20131120-155549-gIn September, Vancouver council adopted new amendments to its building code, effective next March, that, among other things, will require lever handles on all doors and lever faucets in all new housing construction.

According to previous research, distinctions between types of door handles are important to the elderly population and it appears easier for seniors to use. Unlike door knobs, door handles don't require a tight grasp.
Sounds a good idea to me. I had a stroke. this would be a huge help

Since YOU had a stroke, you would be benefitted by replacing all of your knobs with levers. Requiring everyone to do it because you had a stroke is unnecessary.

This is as bad as Santa Monica requiring all homes to be retrofitted to make them wheelchair accessible even if no one in the home is in a wheelchair. The rationale is, a home that is not wheelchair friendly limits the freedom of people in wheelchairs to visit homes where the people aren't in wheelchairs.
What are they going to do about two story homes? Require them all to have elevators or chair lifts?
This is not just govt buildings. New homes must be built without door knobs.

City Bans Doorknobs ? Requires Electric Car Plug-ins for New Homes

It seems the city of Vancouver, British Columbia is demonstrating that quite literally. "Bancouver," as it will now be affectionately referenced, has decided to ban door knobs. No, seriously, they have.

The Vancouver Sun reports:
20131120-155549-gIn September, Vancouver council adopted new amendments to its building code, effective next March, that, among other things, will require lever handles on all doors and lever faucets in all new housing construction.

According to previous research, distinctions between types of door handles are important to the elderly population and it appears easier for seniors to use. Unlike door knobs, door handles don't require a tight grasp.

where do they come up with this shit?

If you lack the power to turn a door knob, you lack the power to get out of bed.

jezuz, the stewpud never ends


liberals have declared that PB&J is racist
and what is "liberal" about it?

reasonable demand, especially considering the aging population.
I see the left's concept of freedom of choice is restricted to abortion

you can change the door levers to door knobs in your home the moment you buy it.

opening the door with a door knob is more difficult than with a door lever - therefore the demand( try to open both while holding something in your both hands ;) )

nothing wrong with it :rolleyes:
Next they will dictate the type of light switches, appliances, doors, tile, carpet, wiring, windows, curtains, building material, roof material, insulation. It will be a government home that you get to pay for, even if it has stuff you don't want. In American we call it Obamacare.
Next they will dictate the type of light switches, appliances, doors, tile, carpet, wiring, windows, curtains, building material, roof material, insulation. It will be a government home that you get to pay for, even if it has stuff you don't want. In American we call it Obamacare.

It is ALREADY dictated.
By building codes.
And the reason is partially real safety but mostly the result of greedy litigious society of ours - if one can sue the city and the manufacturer of the windows because their cat jumped down the third floor - there is going to be a restrictive move as a result.
If the judge at least ONCE would throw away such a bogus lawsuit or the jury at least ONCE fined the complainer for their negligence, instead of awarding money - we all would have much more freedom of choice in these matters.
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You should be able to put whatever kind of door knob you want in your own house. No mandatory lever type or whatever. If you want that, fine. If you don't, they you dont'.

Two Thumbs said: If you lack the power to turn a door knob, you lack the power to get out of bed.

False. My mother suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for years. She got out of bed but turning door knobs became difficult so they switched out several knobs for lever handles in their house.
and what is "liberal" about it?

reasonable demand, especially considering the aging population.

What's liberal about it is it's more big govt telling EVERYBODY what to do.

as I have already said above - you can only be grateful to the greedy co-citizens of yours and the stupid litigious society of ours.

all those tightening "code enforcements" are done in the same manner as defensive medicine of ours is practiced.

Send a thank you note to the jury and the judge which awarded millions to the greedy brainless woman who does not know that driving with a hot coffee between her thighs will end up in spilling the coffee ;)

This type of stupidity does not happen anywhere else in the world. We need tort reform across the board.
From the article:

Silly me, I was just thinking it's your home, why can't you decide that?

Read more: City Bans Doorknobs ? Requires Electric Car Plug-ins for New Homes
Read more at City Bans Doorknobs ? Requires Electric Car Plug-ins for New Homes

OK, folks. Here's the drill: There is nothing in YOUR home that is not regulated by some administrative board. Look around. Everything you own follows some administrative mandate or other. And if you want to be real shocked, go look up the building code in your neighborhood. You can't just 'choose' any old thing. There are some VERY strict regulations on building.

Many of you, like me, may even live in a subdivision that has various covenants regarding what you can and cannot do that run with the land. If you bought there, they were given to you at signing. You signed on the line, so they apply to you.

I don't know what the intent of this legislation is, actually. At first I thought it might be intended to preserve the quaint look. Maybe it is safety. I don't know. But if you build a house in America today, your builder will be pressed to pay homage to many, many such rules. The last house I had before I moved back home was required to have those toilets that don't use much water to flush. Of course, they don't flush either, so to get anything down you have to flush 3 times, defeating the whole purpose. I was really glad this house was built before that law went into effect.

And besides. It's not the US. It is in a country that has already adopted socialism. Let them live with it. Or let them eat cake, or something.
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Many of you, like me, may even live in a subdivision that has various covenants regarding what you can and cannot do that run with the land. If you bought there, they were given to you at signing. You signed on the line, so they apply to you.

Hey stupid. That's not govt mandated. You don't even understand the issue.

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