Vandal Burns Jesus Statue’s Face Right Off Outside Catholic Church

Emmaus is a small community. I imagine there have to be some good leads for the perp(s). Young Satanists are not exactly shy about wearing their beliefs literally on their sleeves.

Funny thing about Satanists. If they believe there is a Satan then they also believe there is a God. Things don't turn out well for the followers of Satan.

Hahaha and visa versa. Doesn't that mean all Satanist are Closet Christians? Opps, or that Christians are Closet Satanist?


Oh on to the OP. I hope they catch an punish the vandals who destroyed the Churches property.

Whatever gave you a thought that Christians didn't believe that there is a Satan/Devil?
Like we should blame all gun loving nuts for the murder of innocent victims such as Sandy Hook and in movie theaters etc.... you right wing nuts are just that Nuts!

Teens have been vandalizing churches and graveyards ever since I can remember. But now, when they do it, it's blamed on politics. So cool.

you can thank liberals for that

Ah...many on the left do exactly what you say.
I guess it wouldn't make sense to attack embassies around the world over such and act. Atheists at fault?

Someone burned the face of a statue of Jesus completely off outside a Catholic church in eastern Pennsylvania over the weekend, rendering its features totally unrecognizable.

Monsignor John Mraz, pastor at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Emmaus, Pa., said the incident happened Sunday morning around 7 a.m. He noticed a bright orange light outside before Mass and realized that the statue of Jesus had been set ablaze.

It’s not clear what prompted the act, though statues at St. Ann’s have been vandalized in the past: Statues of Jesus and of Mary have been repeatedly toppled over and the church’s wall was once spray-painted with “666″ and other satanic references, The Christian Post reported.

This is the first time the church has reported an act of vandalism involving fire.

Vandal Burns Jesus Statue?s Face Right Off Outside Catholic Church |

Before suspecting atheists, I'd think maybe it's just someone whose actually read the Bible. :)

13 Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.[a] 14 Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
17 “Do not make any idols.
- Exodus 34 NIV

A statue, of anyone or anything in and of itself is not an idol.
Teens have been vandalizing churches and graveyards ever since I can remember. But now, when they do it, it's blamed on politics. So cool.

Vandalizing? Sure.

A little graffiti, a little spray paint, maybe a mustache....

But this isn't vandalism, this is pure destructive hate.

And hate is centered on the left in this Country

I hear the most hateful things from those on the far right around here, but that's just here.
Teens have been vandalizing churches and graveyards ever since I can remember. But now, when they do it, it's blamed on politics. So cool.

Vandalizing? Sure.

A little graffiti, a little spray paint, maybe a mustache....

But this isn't vandalism, this is pure destructive hate.

And hate is centered on the left in this Country

Tell that to these four girls.

The left now has something to be really proud of. Liberals have been agitating for violence against Christians the hardest in the last five years. They have taken a step toward the goal of a Christian Krystalnacht.
I guess it wouldn't make sense to attack embassies around the world over such and act. Atheists at fault?

Someone burned the face of a statue of Jesus completely off outside a Catholic church in eastern Pennsylvania over the weekend, rendering its features totally unrecognizable.

Monsignor John Mraz, pastor at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Emmaus, Pa., said the incident happened Sunday morning around 7 a.m. He noticed a bright orange light outside before Mass and realized that the statue of Jesus had been set ablaze.

It’s not clear what prompted the act, though statues at St. Ann’s have been vandalized in the past: Statues of Jesus and of Mary have been repeatedly toppled over and the church’s wall was once spray-painted with “666″ and other satanic references, The Christian Post reported.

This is the first time the church has reported an act of vandalism involving fire.

Vandal Burns Jesus Statue?s Face Right Off Outside Catholic Church |

This is blasphemy! Now the Catholics will go on a rampage and murder innocent people because their faith has been insulted. They are offended and probably organizing an attack as we speak. Oh, wait, never mind. They don't do that.

Obama should take to the airwaves shortly and condemn this sort of violence. I mean, if it were a Koran burning, he would do that, so I expect the same consideration in this case. I'm sure he wants to go to bat for this church and Catholics everywhere. After all, the people who did this are showing a lot of hostility to Catholics and maybe people are in danger.

Atheists wouldn't do the whole 666 mark, as was done in the past to the church's statues, since they don't believe in any entity, good or bad. That would be a religious person who sees their religion as the only legit one and others as fake religions.

Whoever did this is incredibly hostile and intolerant. Who would fit that description?
I guess it wouldn't make sense to attack embassies around the world over such and act. Atheists at fault?

Someone burned the face of a statue of Jesus completely off outside a Catholic church in eastern Pennsylvania over the weekend, rendering its features totally unrecognizable.

Monsignor John Mraz, pastor at St. Ann’s Catholic Church in Emmaus, Pa., said the incident happened Sunday morning around 7 a.m. He noticed a bright orange light outside before Mass and realized that the statue of Jesus had been set ablaze.

It’s not clear what prompted the act, though statues at St. Ann’s have been vandalized in the past: Statues of Jesus and of Mary have been repeatedly toppled over and the church’s wall was once spray-painted with “666″ and other satanic references, The Christian Post reported.

This is the first time the church has reported an act of vandalism involving fire.

Vandal Burns Jesus Statue?s Face Right Off Outside Catholic Church |

This is blasphemy! Now the Catholics will go on a rampage and murder innocent people because their faith has been insulted. They are offended and probably organizing an attack as we speak. Oh, wait, never mind. They don't do that.

Obama should take to the airwaves shortly and condemn this sort of violence. I mean, if it were a Koran burning, he would do that, so I expect the same consideration in this case. I'm sure he wants to go to bat for this church and Catholics everywhere. After all, the people who did this are showing a lot of hostility to Catholics and maybe people are in danger.

Atheists wouldn't do the whole 666 mark, as was done in the past to the church's statues, since they don't believe in any entity, good or bad. That would be a religious person who sees their religion as the only legit one and others as fake religions.

Whoever did this is incredibly hostile and intolerant. Who would fit that description?


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