vanishing ecosystems for world's majestic predators

As a conservative I do have to say when humans are deciding the fate of species on earth things are spiraling downhill. We are stewards of this earth given by our creator and it is our duty to protect those creatures. Where some get off putting humans SO far above everything else is clearly a sick narrow minded, pathological greedy snobby look at oneself. Those people over there killing the tigers should be caught, punished, and put away for a long time.
And ironically, in Washington DC, we see an expanding ecosystem for the world's bottom feeding pond scum.

two whole sentences, albeit saying the same drivel you always post :zzz: You're improving Dum dum. Nothing to say about the OP however. GO TO THE COFFEE SHOP!!! :banghead: rw'ers like you are right at home there :)

hmmmm.......but we're not losing.

Go see epic thread on this forum PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING

'nuff said s0n. Its the only relevant thread in the whole forum ( almost 25,000 views I might add :2up: )
Ecology, the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

Only CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) oppose environmental concerns. The plight of the Tiger and other organisms are dependent on clean air, clean water and a hospitable climate.

Too many who claim the title of conservative are ignorant (some actually mentally retarded as evidenced by their posts) and simply parrot the talking points of those whose interests are compromised by proper stewardship of our environment. People of great wealth, i.e. the brothers Koch and the siblings Walton, whose interests are focused on power and money.

The tigers appreciate your help.. Go lynch the Koch Bros.. They'll live long and prosper.

That's the best you've got? I expect better from you, why the comment one might expect from the idiot fringe - skookerasbil, CrusaderFrank or Kosh?
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Ecology, the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their environment, including other organisms.

Only CINO (Conservatives in Name Only) oppose environmental concerns. The plight of the Tiger and other organisms are dependent on clean air, clean water and a hospitable climate.

Too many who claim the title of conservative are ignorant (some actually mentally retarded as evidenced by their posts) and simply parrot the talking points of those whose interests are compromised by proper stewardship of our environment. People of great wealth, i.e. the brothers Koch and the siblings Walton, whose interests are focused on power and money.

The tigers appreciate your help.. Go lynch the Koch Bros.. They'll live long and prosper.

That's the best you've got? I expect better from you, why the comment one might expect from the idiot fringe - skookerasbil, CrusaderFrank or Kosh?

I would never dump on you and run.. There's a post at 2:10PM Dec 26, that explains the USEFUL WAYS that folks are working to make a difference here..

By my count --- That's ONE actual factual USEFUL reply to the plight of the Sumatran Tigers. I KNOW you could help.. That's why I poked you...

[MENTION=20360]skookerasbil[/MENTION] and [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] just have the common sense to close this thread down if all you leftists want to do is use the dying Tigers as a political opportunity... I appreciate common sense..

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The tigers appreciate your help.. Go lynch the Koch Bros.. They'll live long and prosper.

That's the best you've got? I expect better from you, why the comment one might expect from the idiot fringe - skookerasbil, CrusaderFrank or Kosh?

I would never dump on you and run.. There's a post at 2:10PM Dec 26, that explains the USEFUL WAYS that folks are working to make a difference here..

By my count --- That's ONE actual factual USEFUL reply to the plight of the Sumatran Tigers. I KNOW you could help.. That's why I poked you...

[MENTION=20360]skookerasbil[/MENTION] and [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] just have the common sense to close this thread down if all you leftists want to do is use the dying Tigers as a political opportunity... I appreciate common sense..


Good, my faith is restored. I will check out the post noted once I return from the dog park. It's chase the ball time as my dog continues to remind me.
And here in north America, there is a big increase in raptors and their range. Jaguars have been reported in south Texas. Pumas, or Mountain Lions, roam on the outskirts and even inside towns everywhere. Coyotes and wolfs are expanding their territories. And don't forget bears! Rummaging through garbage cans from coast to coast and border to border.

Sure, there are some problems like the wind farms and massive solar panel sites but generally North American wildlife is increasing and adapting to humanity.
We've had mountain lion sightings in our urban neighborhood in Oakland.

And then there are the Two Legged Predators, who are breeding like crazy.
We've had mountain lion sightings in our urban neighborhood in Oakland.

And then there are the Two Legged Predators, who are breeding like crazy.

I remember when Cali passed the Lion hunting tag ban.. Seems you folks were told that Mountain Lions would be roaming the Oakland hills and Burlingame in no time..

Every wildlife corridor in the Peninsula Hills now have lion signs posted. And some of our friends living near Hetch Hetchy reservoir can't let their kids and pets out now..
Around here the eagles are so big they grab and take off with mice, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs and new born calves.
I'd love to have a Sumatran tiger for trespassers.
What's truly amazing is that the alpha predator of California has not come back - the Grizzly Bear. At one time, there were so many that letting livestock loose in some areas was just an invitation for the animals to come to dinner.

San Luis Obispo was known as The Valley of The Bears.

Black bears were minor nuisances and have known grown in numbers to be one of the prime annoyances for urban dwellers.
Conservatives don't care. They'd pollute the entire fucking thing if they could.

if there were profit involved, no matter how meager, yes :(

Yeah.. That's the ticket.. That must be why corporations fall ALL OVER THEMSELVES trying to advertise how GREEN they are.. That's why Fed Ex has dancing fairies in a forest, and why BP oil was the largest solar systems installer in the world for years, or why GE got all those GREEN tax credits that allowed them to skip paying a penny of taxes..

Yeah -- brilliant leftist whining.. Must have been they do all that stuff to MAKE MONEY !!!
You don't have a PRAYER of understanding economics or profit motives or corporate priorities and due dilligience..
Repub reasoning- if it can turn a profit :up: it trumps out environment

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