Vegan Neighbors Offended By The Smell Of Cooking Meat

I find that its vegans who always try to intervene in my lifestyle and preach to me about me being wrong by eating meat. You make your own choices and do whatever you want, I would never give advice to anyone unless someone asked for my opinion.
That "Born to Rule" Bossiness Indicates They Were Born Rich

Our toxic ruling class and its totalitarian heirs benefit from a diet that turns people into low-energy passive weaklings. Shouldn't the diet mandated by India's vicious ruling caste be all we need to know to realize that it is unfit for a freedom-loving race?

Vegan freaks would have no influence without their Daddy's Money.
buttercup You're not going to like what I say to you but your diet is totally different than abortion. A pig and a baby are not the same thing.

Pigs can be cute and they're smart but they're also delicious. As long as somebody knows the proper way to butcher them so they don't suffer than I don't give it another thought. If you don't wish to eat meat that's your choice, but we all choose what we put into our bodies and the only time that that changes is when we have another body inside of us. That's the only time when it's not our body anymore.
Creeps on Both the Left and the Right

They're both the same irrational excuse to boss people around. All this crying about "baby-killing" is no different from that video of wacko tree-huggers holding a tearful funeral service for a tree that got chopped down.
LOL you retards dont understand anything

Says the person who claims plants are the same as animals. 🤡 :laugh2:

I mean, of ALL the idiotic "arguments" against compassion for animals... "plants tho" is BY FAR the most retarded, hilarious, embarrassingly ridiculous one of all....not to mention entirely hypocritical, if you actually DO believe that, as CarlinAnnArbor pointed out.
Says the person who claims plants are the same as animals. 🤡 :laugh2:

I mean, of ALL the idiotic "arguments" against compassion for animals... "plants tho" is BY FAR the most retarded, hilarious, embarrassingly ridiculous one of all....not to mention entirely hypocritical, if you actually DO believe that, as CarlinAnnArbor pointed out.
He doesn't believe that. He just ran out of ideas defending animal cruelty
you two prove just how stupid vegans can be.

Says the person who claims plants are the same as animals. 🤡

And the person who seems incapable of defending any of your "arguments" or refuting anything we have said... At least not with facts, reason and logic.

"You're a stupid poopyhead" is not an argument. :laugh:
Says the person who claims plants are the same as animals. 🤡

And the person who seems incapable of defending any of your "arguments" or refuting anything we have said... At least not with facts, reason and logic.

"You're a stupid poopyhead" is not an argument. :laugh:
LOL that you honestly thought I was serious is what is so funny I was making fun if your ignorance. But plants respond to sound so they have something

Thank you for posting that!!! :) Videos like that restore my faith in humanity.

It also reminds me that mankind in general (everyone who goes along with the status-quo) is missing out on something that God intended for us....the blessing of loving friendships with animals (not just dogs and cats but all animals) just like in that video. That's how things were meant to be, and how they will be again one day.

Craig made that point in this video... (it's an excerpt from a weekly live talk) I'll start the video at the pertinent part, where he makes that point:

In the near future people are gonna understand just how much their thinking has been taken control of by the "dark side"

I absolutely agree! It is not only a deception by the enemy among people in general, but sadly among Christians it's a HUGE blindspot. I think that is changing, though....iyam an awakening is happening. And that's probably because as you implied, we're getting closer to the end of this age and closer to the day prophesied in Isaiah 11:6-9, Hosea 2:18 and many other scriptures.
Here's a thought. Instead of worrying about the debate between vegans/vegetarians and meat eaters, why not we just think about being kind to each other? Nobody deserves to be called names whether you eat meat and dairy products or not. I respect and have always respected buttercup and CarlinAnnArbor for their decision not to eat meat and dairy products, so I only ask that they respect my decision in return for eating them even if they don't agree with me since I am able to do it with them.

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