Vegas shooting is a hoax

(Facepalm)........dude, if I have tell you? Then it's not worth the effort to go back to the beginning. Do you even know what the OTO is and how it is steeped in high degree freemasonry? Aleister Crowley????? Do your research......come to your own conclusion.

Also, the video footage showing gun flashes coming from windows other than the 32nd floor is easily available on youtube because everyone has a cellphone these days.....unless you want to claim that their videos are faked (and I have yet to see any footage of any shots fired from the 32nd floor) and the testimony of cops and witnesses saying that there were multiple shooters should give anyone pause for thought. How were there shots fired from floors that had no broken glass? If this was an Operation Gladio type event do you really think that they couldn't take the window out for the shooting and then put it back in place? It takes critical thinking skills in order to wade through the bullshit spewed by the lamestream media.

It seems that the only conspiracies that leftards believe in are those that keep leftards out of their rightful place in power......un-fucking believable.......
Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart. Those same flashes were captured on video about an hour before the shooting...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

Sucks having reality burst your delusions. :badgrin:

Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling
Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC
It was a strobe light, that can also be seen on a Fox News report hours *after* the shooting.
Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart. Those same flashes were captured on video about an hour before the shooting...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

Sucks having reality burst your delusions. :badgrin:

Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling
Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????
Hey Fucknut: Proof it's a strobe light
Are we getting to the point where the conspiratards start accusing the people who are calling them out on their bullshit of being paid posters? That usually happens once their stack of bullshit claims collapses.

No, we haven't had enough mention of times the government has lied to us, like the Gulf of Tonkin False Flag.
Woke as fuck.

No, you are not "awake" and any time you want to engage in honest conversation? Bring it...........refute what I contend because I don't want to believe the things I know. Can you make a convincing argument that I am wrong?
Refuting you doesn't require your acceptance, ya fruit-loop dingus.

You're constantly disgraced yet you refuse to let go of your dementia.

You constantly get your ass kicked. You ignore pertinent information and then lamely attempt to go off in another direction in order to deflect. You are pathetically inept. You cannot even fathom how many people are calling "bullshit" on this....people that preface their comments with "I am not a conspiracy theorist BUT the official story doesn't make sense"..........the official narrative is crumbling, ya pussbag. You better get on Facebook and start doing damage control because your bullshit isn't working here.

Aww, you poor thing. Bless your heart. Those same flashes were captured on video about an hour before the shooting...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

Sucks having reality burst your delusions. :badgrin:

Vegas Shooting: Official Scenario Crumbling
Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.

Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????
Hey Fucknut: Proof it's a strobe light

Poor delusional dale. he just can't git a break. :badgrin:
Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.


Who says the glass was there? Obviously there is no alarm that goes off when the glass has been compromised. The footage of the flashes matches the automatic fire. How do you refute the testimony of police officers and eyewitnesses that were there? The amount of anomalies about this event grows by the day.........the damage control attempted by shills like you can't cover up this mound of shit.........and it pisses you off "bigly".......(snicker)
Are we getting to the point where the conspiratards start accusing the people who are calling them out on their bullshit of being paid posters? That usually happens once their stack of bullshit claims collapses.

No, we haven't had enough mention of times the government has lied to us, like the Gulf of Tonkin False Flag.
Woke as fuck.

No, you are not "awake" and any time you want to engage in honest conversation? Bring it...........refute what I contend because I don't want to believe the things I know. Can you make a convincing argument that I am wrong?
Refuting you doesn't require your acceptance, ya fruit-loop dingus.

You're constantly disgraced yet you refuse to let go of your dementia.

You constantly get your ass kicked. You ignore pertinent information and then lamely attempt to go off in another direction in order to deflect. You are pathetically inept. You cannot even fathom how many people are calling "bullshit" on this....people that preface their comments with "I am not a conspiracy theorist BUT the official story doesn't make sense"..........the official narrative is crumbling, ya pussbag. You better get on Facebook and start doing damage control because your bullshit isn't working here.

What am I deflecting, ya fruit-loop dingus? Did you or did you not say, "the video footage showing gun flashes coming from windows other than the 32nd floor is easily available on youtube...?"

I posted video proving you're crazy and now so did paperview

You get roughed-up and now call that beat down, "deflecting??"

Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.

Who says the glass was there? Obviously there is no alarm that goes off when the glass has been compromised. The footage of the flashes matches the automatic fire. How do you refute the testimony of police officers and eyewitnesses that were there? The amount of anomalies about this event grows by the day.........the damage control attempted by shills like you can't cover up this mound of shit.........and it pisses you off "bigly".......(snicker)
Are you a 3rd grade dropout?

Refute this: Proof it's a strobe light
Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.


Who says the glass was there? Obviously there is no alarm that goes off when the glass has been compromised. The footage of the flashes matches the automatic fire. How do you refute the testimony of police officers and eyewitnesses that were there? The amount of anomalies about this event grows by the day.........the damage control attempted by shills like you can't cover up this mound of shit.........and it pisses you off "bigly".......(snicker)
Show me where there's glass missing.....

No, we haven't had enough mention of times the government has lied to us, like the Gulf of Tonkin False Flag.
Woke as fuck.

No, you are not "awake" and any time you want to engage in honest conversation? Bring it...........refute what I contend because I don't want to believe the things I know. Can you make a convincing argument that I am wrong?
Refuting you doesn't require your acceptance, ya fruit-loop dingus.

You're constantly disgraced yet you refuse to let go of your dementia.

You constantly get your ass kicked. You ignore pertinent information and then lamely attempt to go off in another direction in order to deflect. You are pathetically inept. You cannot even fathom how many people are calling "bullshit" on this....people that preface their comments with "I am not a conspiracy theorist BUT the official story doesn't make sense"..........the official narrative is crumbling, ya pussbag. You better get on Facebook and start doing damage control because your bullshit isn't working here.

What am I deflecting, ya fruit-loop dingus? Did you or did you not say, "the video footage showing gun flashes coming from windows other than the 32nd floor is easily available on youtube...?"

I posted video proving you're crazy and now so did paperview

You get roughed-up and now call that beat down, "deflecting??"


Spin away, little fella....., amuses me!
Are we getting to the point where the conspiratards start accusing the people who are calling them out on their bullshit of being paid posters? That usually happens once their stack of bullshit claims collapses.

No, we haven't had enough mention of times the government has lied to us, like the Gulf of Tonkin False Flag.
Woke as fuck.

No, you are not "awake" and any time you want to engage in honest conversation? Bring it...........refute what I contend because I don't want to believe the things I know. Can you make a convincing argument that I am wrong?
Faun has already done all the work in properly refuting you thus far. I would only be diminishing his comments with my own at this point.

Anyway, you couldn't handle me. I've made the perilous journey from West to East that started with three distinct knocks. :huddle:
You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.

Who says the glass was there? Obviously there is no alarm that goes off when the glass has been compromised. The footage of the flashes matches the automatic fire. How do you refute the testimony of police officers and eyewitnesses that were there? The amount of anomalies about this event grows by the day.........the damage control attempted by shills like you can't cover up this mound of shit.........and it pisses you off "bigly".......(snicker)
Are you a 3rd grade dropout?

Refute this: Proof it's a strobe light

Isn't that footage reminiscent of the reporter that claimed Building 7 collapsed 30 minutes before it did on 9/11/01? I have this hard fast rule....I don't believe a fucking thing that is reported or filmed by the lamestream media. I will believe those that were there at the time before I will EVER believe this lying entity that you believe in with such childlike faith.....capiche'?
Moron.... you claimed there were flashes coming no from a gun from other floors. I proved once again what a gullible idiot you are by showing a video from more than an hour before the shooting where that same light was flashing.

To dumb this down for you, that means the flashes you claimed came from a gun — did not come from a gun. This would be a good time for you to apologize to the forum for being such a fruitcake and for spreading misinformation.

Then you post a link full of garbage. It claims the guy was shooting for 4 minutes. Actual time being reported was about 10 minutes. So every calculation the author of that dumbass article came up with based on his error is also wrong. Then he expresses doubt that one shooter could have wounded so many ... but the imbecile is assuming every injured person was hit by a firearm. It doesn’t even occur to him that many of injuries were from the ensuing stampede to escape.

This is why most everyone here laughs at you and makes fun of you.... because you’re dumb enough to actually believe that shit and don’t possess even the minimal critical thinking skills necessary to sort out fact from fiction.

How lucky are you to have someone like me here, willing to help you out?

You have disproven nothing, little fawn......I have backed up my claims to the 9th degree. Your inability to digest information isn't my problem, punkinpuss. This was not the result of some "lone gunman" by any stretch of the imagination but yet you dine on bullshit until your belly is to be you and in so many ways.

You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.


Who says the glass was there? Obviously there is no alarm that goes off when the glass has been compromised. The footage of the flashes matches the automatic fire. How do you refute the testimony of police officers and eyewitnesses that were there? The amount of anomalies about this event grows by the day.........the damage control attempted by shills like you can't cover up this mound of shit.........and it pisses you off "bigly".......(snicker)
Where's the missing window, delusional dale?


:badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin: :badgrin:
Woke as fuck.

No, you are not "awake" and any time you want to engage in honest conversation? Bring it...........refute what I contend because I don't want to believe the things I know. Can you make a convincing argument that I am wrong?
Refuting you doesn't require your acceptance, ya fruit-loop dingus.

You're constantly disgraced yet you refuse to let go of your dementia.

You constantly get your ass kicked. You ignore pertinent information and then lamely attempt to go off in another direction in order to deflect. You are pathetically inept. You cannot even fathom how many people are calling "bullshit" on this....people that preface their comments with "I am not a conspiracy theorist BUT the official story doesn't make sense"..........the official narrative is crumbling, ya pussbag. You better get on Facebook and start doing damage control because your bullshit isn't working here.

What am I deflecting, ya fruit-loop dingus? Did you or did you not say, "the video footage showing gun flashes coming from windows other than the 32nd floor is easily available on youtube...?"

I posted video proving you're crazy and now so did paperview

You get roughed-up and now call that beat down, "deflecting??"


Spin away, little fella....., amuses me!

You poor thing. Bless your heart.


You sad thing. I posted a video of your "gun flashes" occurring an hour before the shooting.

You can cling to your hallucinations all you want because you're not man enough to admit defeat, but everyone is laughing at you and your "gun flashes."

Here it is again, more than an hour before the first shot was fired...

Instagram post by ✨Brandy Starr✨ • Oct 2, 2017 at 8:58pm UTC

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.

Who says the glass was there? Obviously there is no alarm that goes off when the glass has been compromised. The footage of the flashes matches the automatic fire. How do you refute the testimony of police officers and eyewitnesses that were there? The amount of anomalies about this event grows by the day.........the damage control attempted by shills like you can't cover up this mound of shit.........and it pisses you off "bigly".......(snicker)
Are you a 3rd grade dropout?

Refute this: Proof it's a strobe light

Isn't that footage reminiscent of the reporter that claimed Building 7 collapsed 30 minutes before it did on 9/11/01? I have this hard fast rule....I don't believe a fucking thing that is reported or filmed by the lamestream media. I will believe those that were there at the time before I will EVER believe this lying entity that you believe in with such childlike faith.....capiche'?
Of course you don't believe reality. That's why you're crazy, delusional dale. :cuckoo:
No, you are not "awake" and any time you want to engage in honest conversation? Bring it...........refute what I contend because I don't want to believe the things I know. Can you make a convincing argument that I am wrong?
Refuting you doesn't require your acceptance, ya fruit-loop dingus.

You're constantly disgraced yet you refuse to let go of your dementia.

You constantly get your ass kicked. You ignore pertinent information and then lamely attempt to go off in another direction in order to deflect. You are pathetically inept. You cannot even fathom how many people are calling "bullshit" on this....people that preface their comments with "I am not a conspiracy theorist BUT the official story doesn't make sense"..........the official narrative is crumbling, ya pussbag. You better get on Facebook and start doing damage control because your bullshit isn't working here.

What am I deflecting, ya fruit-loop dingus? Did you or did you not say, "the video footage showing gun flashes coming from windows other than the 32nd floor is easily available on youtube...?"

I posted video proving you're crazy and now so did paperview

You get roughed-up and now call that beat down, "deflecting??"


Spin away, little fella....., amuses me!

You poor thing. Bless your heart.


Damn, fawn! You were right because SNOPES has declared that any other shooter is false! I can't go up against such a reputable source!!!

No, the video I posted was that of a cab driver that heard the shots, took people hurt to the hospital and captured cellphone video of shots being fired from the tenth floor........are you really THIS stupid?????

You sad thing... in the video with the cab driver, the light is flashing even when no gun fire is heard.

Oh, and the best part --- there's no broken window there. Exactly how fucking deranged are you to think someone was firing a semi-automatic from one of those rooms without shattering the glass?? :cuckoo:

Keep up the good work, delusional dale, your posts are the best evidence that you're batshit insane. You yourself prove that better than I ever could.

Who says the glass was there? Obviously there is no alarm that goes off when the glass has been compromised. The footage of the flashes matches the automatic fire. How do you refute the testimony of police officers and eyewitnesses that were there? The amount of anomalies about this event grows by the day.........the damage control attempted by shills like you can't cover up this mound of shit.........and it pisses you off "bigly".......(snicker)
Are you a 3rd grade dropout?

Refute this: Proof it's a strobe light

Isn't that footage reminiscent of the reporter that claimed Building 7 collapsed 30 minutes before it did on 9/11/01? I have this hard fast rule....I don't believe a fucking thing that is reported or filmed by the lamestream media. I will believe those that were there at the time before I will EVER believe this lying entity that you believe in with such childlike faith.....capiche'?
Of course you don't believe reality. That's why you're crazy, delusional dale. :cuckoo:


The debate has been settled! Reality is what SNOPES says it is!!!!!! GAME OVER!!!!


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