Vegas shooting is a hoax

Yeah, coming from a troll with no game such as yourself? I am soooooooo sense of decorum has been challenged.....not.

The official story of this shooting is total bullshit and anyone that can't see it is either a blithering idiot or a troll.......doesn't matter to me which category you fall under because it doesn't change reality.
You are completely disconnected from reality. It took me all of about five seconds to determine this.

Oh, by the way, would you stop thinking so loudly? The neighbors are starting to complain.
It's a wonder how you sleep at night.
I suspect it involves a straitjacket.

Try using this instead. I'm sure you're intimately familiar with it.

Yeah, coming from a troll with no game such as yourself? I am soooooooo sense of decorum has been challenged.....not.

The official story of this shooting is total bullshit and anyone that can't see it is either a blithering idiot or a troll.......doesn't matter to me which category you fall under because it doesn't change reality.
"The official story of this shooting is total bullshit"


Spits the raving lunatic who sees missing glass where there is none ... gun fire where there is none ... magic bullets that pass through glass without breaking it.

Yeah, coming from a troll with no game such as yourself? I am soooooooo sense of decorum has been challenged.....not.

The official story of this shooting is total bullshit and anyone that can't see it is either a blithering idiot or a troll.......doesn't matter to me which category you fall under because it doesn't change reality.
You are completely disconnected from reality. It took me all of about five seconds to determine this.

Oh, by the way, would you stop thinking so loudly? The neighbors are starting to complain.
It's a wonder how you sleep at night.
I suspect it involves a straitjacket.

Try using this instead. I'm sure you're intimately familiar with it.

Yeah, coming from a troll with no game such as yourself? I am soooooooo sense of decorum has been challenged.....not.

The official story of this shooting is total bullshit and anyone that can't see it is either a blithering idiot or a troll.......doesn't matter to me which category you fall under because it doesn't change reality.
"The official story of this shooting is total bullshit"


Spits the raving lunatic who sees missing glass where there is none ... gun fire where there is none ... magic bullets that pass through glass without breaking it.



SNOPES has spoken! GAME OVER! Forget what a Las Vegas Sheriff and former Navy Seal said about the ludicrous claims of the lamestream media!!! SNOPES has the last word!!!!!

Yeah, coming from a troll with no game such as yourself? I am soooooooo sense of decorum has been challenged.....not.

The official story of this shooting is total bullshit and anyone that can't see it is either a blithering idiot or a troll.......doesn't matter to me which category you fall under because it doesn't change reality.
You are completely disconnected from reality. It took me all of about five seconds to determine this.

Oh, by the way, would you stop thinking so loudly? The neighbors are starting to complain.

SNOPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNNNNNNOOOOOOPPPPPPEEEEES!!!!! Game over, man....GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SNOPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNNNNNNOOOOOOPPPPPPEEEEES!!!!! Game over, man....GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's completely sane, folks. Totally, 100% not crazy. Nothing looney about this at all.

I know more than you, pussbag......infinitely more and I have proven it over and over. I know the real history of this corporate entity that we believe is "America" and all the false flags and psy-ops that have been used to move the sheeple in the direction the owners of this human plantation wants. Your little pea-sized brain would explode if you could fathom the things I do.

There is one part of me that drives me to alert people to what is coming and awaken their critical thinking skills...then there is this gold plated "son of a bitch" side of me that wants to watch stupid fucks like you sitting on the curb with your little head in your hand when the feces hits the oscillating blades hoping that your beloved "gubermint" that has left you defenseless will come running to your rescue. I have this sad side of me that wants those that "blew off" my warning to come groveling wanting me to share how to survive and to share with them what I have stored away for me and mine........I bet they will DEMAND that I do..........(snicker)
SNOPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNNNNNNOOOOOOPPPPPPEEEEES!!!!! Game over, man....GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's completely sane, folks. Totally, 100% not crazy. Nothing looney about this at all.

I know more than you, pussbag......infinitely more and I have proven it over and over. I know the real history of this corporate entity that we believe is "America" and all the false flags and psy-ops that have been used to move the sheeple in the direction the owners of this human plantation wants. Your little pea-sized brain would explode if you could fathom the things I do.

There is one part of me that drives me to alert people to what is coming and awaken their critical thinking skills...then there is this gold plated "son of a bitch" side of me that wants to watch stupid fucks like you sitting on the curb with your little head in your hand when the feces hits the oscillating blades hoping that your beloved "gubermint" that has left you defenseless will come running to your rescue. I have this sad side of me that wants those that "blew off" my warning to come groveling wanting me to share how to survive and to share with them what I have stored away for me and mine........I bet they will DEMAND that I do..........(snicker)
Oh, so you're a delusional sociopath with desperately low self worth.

Fair enough.

By the way, watching more YouTube videos than me does not mean you know more than me. Well, you know more about shitty YouTube videos than I do. I'll concede that one.
You know Dale Smith , there are strange things about this event. But none of it involves additional shooters, or some kind of psy-op false flag or whatever you're suggesting. To your credit, you did raise one interesting point about the #13 on his neck. That is quite bizarre. But none of the other things you're saying are holding any water, and you haven't proved anything. You haven't "disproved" the official story and you haven't backed up even ONE of your assertions involving multiple shooters, shots firing from different levels, etc.

The strangest thing about the whole thing is a complete absence of motive. The other strange thing is Paddock's lack of a criminal history. But those things don't automatically mean that this must've been a shadow government psy-op designed to create justification for taking everyone's guns away. Try looking at this event logically. Don't automatically go off the deep end every time one of these things happens.
SNOPES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SNNNNNNOOOOOOPPPPPPEEEEES!!!!! Game over, man....GAME OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's completely sane, folks. Totally, 100% not crazy. Nothing looney about this at all.

I know more than you, pussbag......infinitely more and I have proven it over and over. I know the real history of this corporate entity that we believe is "America" and all the false flags and psy-ops that have been used to move the sheeple in the direction the owners of this human plantation wants. Your little pea-sized brain would explode if you could fathom the things I do.

There is one part of me that drives me to alert people to what is coming and awaken their critical thinking skills...then there is this gold plated "son of a bitch" side of me that wants to watch stupid fucks like you sitting on the curb with your little head in your hand when the feces hits the oscillating blades hoping that your beloved "gubermint" that has left you defenseless will come running to your rescue. I have this sad side of me that wants those that "blew off" my warning to come groveling wanting me to share how to survive and to share with them what I have stored away for me and mine........I bet they will DEMAND that I do..........(snicker)
Oh, so you're a delusional sociopath with desperately low self worth.

Fair enough.

By the way, watching more YouTube videos than me does not mean you know more than me. Well, you know more about shitty YouTube videos than I do. I'll concede that one.

Sociopath?????? Because I don't feed at the trough of your beloved corporate "gubermint" and because I question the shit spewed by the corporate media? If that makes me a "sociopath" in the beady little eyes of a sheep like you? That's a badge of honor that I wear proudly. You propose nothing because you know nothing and you are proud of it. There is a lot you should "concede" to but you lack the ability for critical thinking.
Sociopath?????? Because I don't feed at the trough of your beloved corporate "gubermint" and because I question the shit spewed by the corporate media? If that makes me a "sociopath" in the beady little eyes of a sheep like you? That's a badge of honor that I wear proudly. You propose nothing because you know nothing and you are proud of it. There is a lot you should "concede" to but you lack the ability for critical thinking.
Sorrry, I have never expressed love for the US government. Add it to the long, long list of things you're wrong about.

Additionally, believing every shitty YouTube video you see is a prime example of a lack of critical thinking. The hilarious juxtaposition is seeing you swallow every half-baked conspiracy theory while loudly chiding others for supposedly believing everything from the government.

As to what I know ... it is very much more than what I say. Only a complete fool tells everything he knows, and only a fool thinks he knows all the answers.

My ashlar is rough, but smoothing each day.
You know Dale Smith , there are strange things about this event. But none of it involves additional shooters, or some kind of psy-op false flag or whatever you're suggesting. To your credit, you did raise one interesting point about the #13 on his neck. That is quite bizarre. But none of the other things you're saying are holding any water, and you haven't proved anything. You haven't "disproved" the official story and you haven't backed up even ONE of your assertions involving multiple shooters, shots firing from different levels, etc.

The strangest thing about the whole thing is a complete absence of motive. The other strange thing is Paddock's lack of a criminal history. But those things don't automatically mean that this must've been a shadow government psy-op designed to create justification for taking everyone's guns away. Try looking at this event logically. Don't automatically go off the deep end every time one of these things happens.

Google "Operation Gladio" and "Operation Gladio B"...Google "Operation Northwoods" because these have all been declassified and then come back and tell me that your beloved corporate government is incapable of such horrific deeds. Over one million people have been killed in Iraq over a lie and the depleted uranium left there will further erode the population and cause birth defects of those that are born there. We are nothing more to the elites than a human resource with an ever decreasing value as the robotic age approaches but we are potentially dangerous to them because a vast majority are armed and that has to change in order to fulfill their U.N Agenda 2030 plan....people have got to go........gotta "thin the herd" and they need to be disarmed.

They are taking over the food supply via Monsanto while driving out the family farms....5 percent of all farming in the United States is done by family farms when at one time it was 95 percent. I know exactly of what I speak. I wish I had better communication skills but even if I did? I doubt it would matter. The populace has been so dumbed down and so programmed that breaking through it has become an almost impossible task....often I question why I even bother. I wish I didn't know the things I know because in the great big scheme of things? My puny voice doesn't matter at all.
ITT: Dale making an ass of himself...again.
He’s suffering a complete meltdown tonight. That’s what happens when a deranged conspiracy nut fights off the thoughts of maybe he really is nothing but a deranged conspiracy nut. :badgrin:
Sociopath?????? Because I don't feed at the trough of your beloved corporate "gubermint" and because I question the shit spewed by the corporate media? If that makes me a "sociopath" in the beady little eyes of a sheep like you? That's a badge of honor that I wear proudly. You propose nothing because you know nothing and you are proud of it. There is a lot you should "concede" to but you lack the ability for critical thinking.
Sorrry, I have never expressed love for the US government. Add it to the long, long list of things you're wrong about.

Additionally, believing every shitty YouTube video you see is a prime example of a lack of critical thinking. The hilarious juxtaposition is seeing you swallow every half-baked conspiracy theory while loudly chiding others for supposedly believing everything from the government.

As to what I know ... it is very much more than what I say. Only a complete fool tells everything he knows, and only a fool thinks he knows all the answers.

My ashlar is rough, but smoothing each day.

The youtube videos I post are of people that were know.... "eye witness" accounts? It is more reliable than the lamestream media that is owned "lock, stock and barrel" by six huge conglomerates whose heads sit in on the CFR meetings and the Committee of 300. Control the narrative and spin the news in a way that controls the drones in the hive? Well, you can move them in any direction you desire. This was learned via the Tavistock Institute and The Frankfort School that learned the proper techniques for propaganda and how to use it.
Shooting in Vegas is not a hoax

Men and women patriots died there

A Deep State false false attack?....very possible

The culprits will burn for an there is a GOD.
The youtube videos I post are of people that were know.... "eye witness" accounts? It is more reliable than the lamestream media that is owned "lock, stock and barrel" by six huge conglomerates whose heads sit in on the CFR meetings and the Committee of 300. Control the narrative and spin the news in a way that controls the drones in the hive? Well, you can move them in any direction you desire. This was learned via the Tavistock Institute and The Frankfort School that learned the proper techniques for propaganda and how to use it.
So is the Illuminati on the hook for this one or nah?

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