Venger: Thief of Amsterdam


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
One last Venger vignette, inspired by the movie The Italian Job.


"My name's Venger. I'm a sorcerer from another dimension. I've traveled to Earth to seek adventure. I've left behind my dark horse Nightmare but told him I seek a new life on Earth and perhaps a woman whom to marry. Nightmare wonders how I'll integrate myself into human life. I am after all a winged sorcerer. However, I'm a thoughtful sorcerer."


"This is how I look on Earth. I've settled down in the European city in Amsterdam (Netherlands). I have a nice apartment, and visit cafes and take walks while investing in NASDAQ from my laptop to earn my keep. I make a good living, but I feel very nerdy right now."


"This is the Cue Bank in Amsterdam I seek to rob in the New Year. This bank holds special Egyptian gems worth over $20 million in its vault room. I'll be performing this heist, I'll trade the gems in the black market for cash for my private Swiss bank account. This will be the sort of adventure I seek on Earth. Wish me luck!"


"Amsterdam is a fair and idyllic Euro city. I love my apartment by the water. I take walks along the bridges hoping to meet a beautiful young woman to court. Amsterdam has become my little paradise. Perhaps I'll meet a nice woman before this planned Cue Bank heist. Amsterdam is both unusual and perfect for me."


"I've met a gorgeous Dutch redhead woman named Elsa. She's a former stewardess and currently a hotel hospitality agent in Amsterdam. She's lovely, and we've begun dating. She has no idea I'm a bank robber. She simply thinks I'm a NASDAQ investor. We make love and wine, and I intend to marry her, once this heist is over. Elsa is perfect, a real dream for me."


"The Egyptian gems I seek to steal from Cue Bank are worth over $20 million and represent my new life in Amsterdam and with Elsa. She reminds me of these gems. However, I'm still just a sorcerer and thief, but perhaps the beauty of these gems will remind me more of Elsa than of money!"


"This is how I look on the day of the heist of Cue Bank. I walk into the bank and inform the account representative that I work for the CIA and Interpol. I have a license requiring me to inspect the Egyptian gems on behalf of Interpol, suspecting a theft activity. I also tell the bank rep I intend to open a new private account at the bank. The bank rep escorts me into the vault room to show me the Egyptian gems for which I've brought my own custom-made safe-box which I told him we'd like him to keep in the vault room to store the gems in, in a separate vault compartment. The bank rep jokes and tells me I myself look like something of a thief!"


"The inside of the Cue Bank in Amsterdam is quite nice. The interior is well-designed and modern. The bank rep helping me today has already opened a new account for me at the bank, which I now share with my girlfriend Elsa. She still has no idea what's going on today. This is a bank so nice that I decide to take some snapshots with my handy-dandy iPhone."


"When we walk into the vault room, I pull out a tiny toy gun hidden in the slide-out sole of my shoe. The plastic toy gun is fitted with a glass tube containing corrosive HCL acid. I tell the bank rep I'll be robbing the gems and substituting them with fake gems I've brought with me. The bank rep is shocked, but I tell him I know his home address and require him to cooperate fully with me and allow me to make this heist substitution after I've short-circuited the security camera inside the vault room. I tell the bank rep he can inform the authorites that the Egyptian gems may be stolen, but not yet. The bank rep realizes he's too serve in the bank as my secret undercover liaison for all my account activities. I also tell him that the Egyptian gems were indeed going to be stolen by a terrorist group in Europe called Cobra. The bank rep lets me make the gem-heist substitution and keeps my secret as I exit the bank with the gems stored in the soles of my shoes. The bank rep then calls the European inspector Edward Kuyt who'lll serve as the new security monitor for Cue Bank."


"Inspector Kuyt and his wife Danke are both police investigators in Amsterdam. Danke has her own crime investigation report program on Amsterdam TV called To Catch the Thieves. She's currently tracking Cobra and anyone seeking to do something horrible with the Egyptian gems. No one knows that the gems stored in Cue Bank are fakes from my heist. Danke is an ardent investigator and complements her husband Edward's inquiries into this modern treasury matter."


"After the authorities discover the gems are fakes, there's a huge news and media flurry about conspiracy theories, and all signs point to Cobra. Meanwhile, the secret bank rep working at Cue Bank is still my secret undercover liaison to Cue Bank and has not informed anyone I've sold the actual Egyptian gems from my heist in the black market and deposited the traded money into my private Swiss bank account. Meanwhile, the news stories about Cobra stealing the Egyptian gems has generated much cartoon and comic book fanfare craze about modern crime story intrigue among the youngsters of Amsterdam, who've begun drawing renditions of who these Cobra terrorists are and what they resemble. This is all very interesting."


"Unfortunately, the media flurry has also generated some psychotic fanfare-driven copycat robberies in Europe, mostly purported by a new rival gang who often perform their robberies in red masks. I realize this 'Red Hood Gang' is truly dangerous, so I continue to shield Elsa from all this modern European madness and darkness."


ELSA: "All I know is, my boyfriend and future husband always seeks to somehow shield me from forms of modern danger."


"I generate some online cartoon drawings of my girlfriend Elsa for the Internet, so kids can find it and contrast it to all the Cobra piracy and terrorism media madness generated by the news flurry regarding the Egyptian gem heist in Amsterdam. Elsa has suddenly become a comic book celebrity, as I use her to generate some inspirational love-stories meant to counter the human notion that crime only breeds degradation and duels, even in the fair and unusual Euro-city of Amsterdam. Elsa and I are now living as born-again Christians in Amsterdam and are married!"


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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