
sitarro said:
How about this P, how would you handle this clown?

I would take my liberal mind to a less liberal part of town.
And on my way out, I would have whispered to the guy “You’re going to die, you know.”. Nahhh, I don't think I could be that mean. Maybe I'd just say,
"ya know I just heard today, Bush is cutting all the aids program money cuz he hates gays. Have good day and a wonderful life.".
Then watch him spin like a top in emotional rage.
Mr. P said:
I hate when people talk on their walky talky type cell phones in public where everone can hear, I don't want to know about your SEX life, last date, personal problems...Etc!!!

It's bad enough that you are forced to listen to the entire conversation but that obnoxious beep everytime they say anything, I want to grab it out of their hand and throw it into a wall. Imagine how enjoyable airline flights are going to be when they allow that crap at 35,000 feet and you are stuck in the middle seat and everyone around you is talking, loud. . . .definitely time to invest in those 300 dollar Bose noise canceling headphones for my ipod.
How long before someone is killed?
sitarro said:
It's bad enough that you are forced to listen to the entire conversation but that obnoxious beep everytime they say anything, I want to grab it out of their hand and throw it into a wall. Imagine how enjoyable airline flights are going to be when they allow that crap at 35,000 feet and you are stuck in the middle seat and everyone around you is talking, loud. . . .definitely time to invest in those 300 dollar Bose noise canceling headphones for my ipod.
How long before someone is killed?
Didn't I hear that was not going to happen, or it was up to the Airlines and they were not going to do it? I can't recall.
NATO AIR said:
i hate defense contractors who rip off the government and make crap products.

the next lockheed martin jag-off i see.....
you and I need to talk about lockheed sometime ;)
Mr. P said:
Didn't I hear that was not going to happen, or it was up to the Airlines and they were not going to do it? I can't recall.

I have heard it both ways, I read that they were testing it overseas.I have heard that it is only a matter of time here.
Ad that to an aggravation, listening to a bunch of foreign languages being spoken loudly on cell phones on a plane.
sitarro said:
I have heard it both ways, I read that they were testing it overseas.I have heard that it is only a matter of time here.
Ad that to an aggravation, listening to a bunch of foreign languages being spoken loudly on cell phones on a plane.
Well, I know there are tech. issues involved. We had special AIR Ground phones
in the aircraft I flew, much like the ones on the back of the seats now. They are dedicated to certain towers for that purpose. A cell on the other hand could hit many towers..Geeezzzz think of the possable roaming charges from FL350! :eek:
who when given a "Little Power" late in life and who abuse it for self ego! And mask a lousy childhood!
...who, when called on doing something totally uncalled for just to pick a fight, scream and cry "foul!" and "power abuse!", rather than admit they were wrong.
people who are narcistic and paranoid...and take humor as a target to attack rather then mend wounds!
....people who try to use the excuse 'humor' every time they screw up, and someone calls them on it. It merely shows a lack of self-esteem, and a need to be acknowledged.
Knows what a Dry sense of humor addresses problems without getting personal!
....what a dry sense of humor is knows that there must be an element of <i>humor</i> involved for it to classify as dry humor.
a guy with an earpiece actually talking in a modulated whisper over his cell phone. It was amazing. He was four feet away and I have no clue what he was talking about...........
The use of the term "hero." Hell, everybody's a damned hero nowadays. The word no longer reflects action above and beyond without consideration of self, but just doing one's job.
however I have been put on notice that my venting is not acceptable... :cry:

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