Very difficult to make a living

I make only $6,000 a month

Rent -$2,000
Food - $1,500
Health - several hundred
everyday stuff -$1,500
Gas- 300

Basically breaking even and then you add another 20 percent out due to inflation


At my nearby 711 store . The lady told me she is working 72 hrs a week just to survive
You are spending too much money on food and everyday "stuff"

My wife and I spend less than 500 a month on groceries. and just what is this everyday stuff you are spending 50 bucks a day on?
And what about the million dollars you claim to have? That could easily provide you with three to four thousand a month in income.
The Wife and I will occasionally spend $1500 a month on groceries.
But thats if we get some high end meats or seafood.
Have you seen the prices on King Crab lately? Holy Fuck it's outrageous!!
We used to pay $20 bucks a lb or about one large leg. Now days that same leg is pushing $60 bucks and higher.
We could stuff ourselves on em for around $120 bucks,the same now is closer to $400 bucks.

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