Very timely paintings

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

yeah, I know - I'm supposed to write something terribly pithy but there's not much to add to this image.

Except to note that, obviously, it was not painted in response to the Boston bombing. Guns v. bombs and all that.

Take your time to look at this artist's work -
Satanical art is like poetry, meaning is often hinted at and the viewer fills in the blank. I thought the one on Washington below interesting as it covers both the BS and the fact most of our representatives today are simply puppets, and yet this image of a noble symbol above ground is still marveled at. "The political art we have in America is one long exercise in preaching to the converted." Robert Hughes

pawel-kuczynski - Google Search

Brilliant Satirical Artwork by Pawel Kuczynski «TwistedSifter

QUOTE FROM syrenn --- midcan 5: Satanical art is like poetry, meaning is often hinted at and the viewer fills in the blank. I thought the one on Washington below interesting as it covers both the BS and the fact most of our representatives today are simply puppets, and yet this image of a noble symbol above ground is still marveled at. "The political art we have in America is one long exercise in preaching to the converted." Robert Hughes END QUOTE....

Just wondering, would your comment........."and the fact most of our representatives today are simply puppets"............apply to the man depicted in your Avatar?
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The postion of President of the United States is meant to be very limited. Instead of puppet, I would characterize him/her as a figurehead.

Congress is owned, lock, stock and barrel by the subterranean industry of lobbyists. (88% of pubs get checks from NRA and Boehner was once scokded for passing out tobacco 'thank you' checks right on the congress floor.) Its well known that its the lobbyists who write the bills and include a short synopsis which is what the congress person reads and bases his or her decision on.

If we actually hated the puppetry of our representatives, we remove money from the equation. Until that happens,
The postion of President of the United States is meant to be very limited. Instead of puppet, I would characterize him/her as a figurehead.

Congress is owned, lock, stock and barrel by the subterranean industry of lobbyists. (88% of pubs get checks from NRA and Boehner was once scokded for passing out tobacco 'thank you' checks right on the congress floor.) Its well known that its the lobbyists who write the bills and include a short synopsis which is what the congress person reads and bases his or her decision on.

If we actually hated the puppetry of our representatives, we remove money from the equation. Until that happens,

You do realize that the reason "meaningful" gun control cannot pass Congress is because too many Dems will not vote for it? Easy to demonize one Party or the other, but the truth is the Dems also receive checks from the NRA, as well as a plethora of other Special Interest Groups.........neither Party is blameless............but that's just me.....
Mike Ross, D. Ark. receives financial support from the NRA...he is part of the 11% of Dems in Washington that should be no surprise that Repubs have a higher percent of members who receive financial support from the NRA, as they have historically supported the 2nd Amendment.

Note that lost in this is that 12% of Repubs do not receive financial support........which is 1% higher than the Dems that, 12% of Repubs may well support meaningful gun control legislation.......but that is still not enough to get past the Dems who don't.
The postion of President of the United States is meant to be very limited. Instead of puppet, I would characterize him/her as a figurehead.

Congress is owned, lock, stock and barrel by the subterranean industry of lobbyists. (88% of pubs get checks from NRA and Boehner was once scokded for passing out tobacco 'thank you' checks right on the congress floor.) Its well known that its the lobbyists who write the bills and include a short synopsis which is what the congress person reads and bases his or her decision on.

If we actually hated the puppetry of our representatives, we remove money from the equation. Until that happens,

You do realize that the reason "meaningful" gun control cannot pass Congress is because too many Dems will not vote for it? Easy to demonize one Party or the other, but the truth is the Dems also receive checks from the NRA, as well as a plethora of other Special Interest Groups.........neither Party is blameless............but that's just me.....


Where did I "demonize"?
The postion of President of the United States is meant to be very limited. Instead of puppet, I would characterize him/her as a figurehead.

Congress is owned, lock, stock and barrel by the subterranean industry of lobbyists. (88% of pubs get checks from NRA and Boehner was once scokded for passing out tobacco 'thank you' checks right on the congress floor.) Its well known that its the lobbyists who write the bills and include a short synopsis which is what the congress person reads and bases his or her decision on.

If we actually hated the puppetry of our representatives, we remove money from the equation. Until that happens,

You do realize that the reason "meaningful" gun control cannot pass Congress is because too many Dems will not vote for it? Easy to demonize one Party or the other, but the truth is the Dems also receive checks from the NRA, as well as a plethora of other Special Interest Groups.........neither Party is blameless............but that's just me.....


Where did I "demonize"?

In your presentation of an opinion that somehow the NRA is not a worthwhile organization, and in your presentation of "one side" of the political aisle being "in bed" with special interest lobbyists........but that's just how I read your comments......If you did not mean demonize, discredit, or speak ill of Republicans, well.........good then.....I'm not a big fan of the Republican Party, but, then, not a big fan of the Democrat Party point being.......if you are going to speak of one Party, then is it not fair to speak if the sins of both? Otherwise, comments appear to be "demonizing" the one and giving the other a pass.

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