Veteran Dies Waiting for Ambulance in VA Hospital


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Veteran Dies Waiting for Ambulance in VA Hospital - ABC News

Veteran Dies Waiting for Ambulance in VA Hospital
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Jul 3, 2014, 1:42 PM ET

A veteran who collapsed in an Albuquerque Veteran Affairs hospital cafeteria — 500 yards from the emergency room — died after waiting around 20 minutes for an ambulance, officials confirmed Thursday.

It took between 15 and 20 minutes for the ambulance to be dispatched and take the man from one building to the other, which is about a five-minute walk, officials at the hospital said.

Kirtland Air Force Medical Group personnel performed CPR until the ambulance arrived, VA spokeswoman Sonja Brown said.

Staff followed policy in calling 911 when the man collapsed on Monday, she said. "Our policy is under expedited review," Brown said.

That policy is a local one, she said.

The man's name hasn't been released.

News of the man's death spread Thursday at the Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center among veterans who were visiting for various medical reasons.

Lorenzo Calbert, 65, a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War, said it was sad that a fellow veteran had to die so close to where he could have received help.

"There's no reason for it," he said. "They have so many workers. They could have put him on the gurney and run faster than that ambulance."

Paul Bronston, a California emergency-room physician and chair of Ethics and Professional Policy Committee of the American College of Medical Quality, said it may sound ridiculous that staff had to call 911 but that practice is the standard at hospitals. Typically, an ambulance would arrive faster, and other factors can stall workers trying to rush patients to the emergency room on foot, he said.

"The question I would have (is) ... was there an AED (automated external defibrillator) on site as required?" he said. Bronston said 90 percent of those who collapse are afflicted by heart problems and an AED could help them.

It was not known what caused the man to collapse or whether an AED was nearby.

The death comes as the Department of Veterans Affairs remains under scrutiny for widespread reports of long delays for treatment and medical appointments and of veterans dying while on waiting lists.

A review last week cited "significant and chronic system failures" in the nation's health system for veterans. The review also portrayed the struggling agency as one battling a corrosive culture of distrust, lacking in resources and ill-prepared to deal with an influx of new and older veterans with a range of medical and mental health care needs.

The scathing report by Deputy White House chief of staff Rob Nabors said the Veterans Health Administration, the VA sub agency that provides health care to about 8.8 million veterans a year, has systematically ignored warnings about its deficiencies and must be fundamentally restructured.


Searched for it on the boards. There is probably a thread started about this.

This president was the most unqualified president ever, and therefore he has become the worst president ever. Not since WWII. Ever.

The left wing assholes scoff at the notion of American exceptionalism. They eyeroll, they hate America. If we do not think this president was surrounded and educated by such shit, then we are kidding ourselves.

His whole fucking base hates America, and just what do we suppose they have been expecting of this piece of shit in chief?

Yes, there is exceptionalism in every culture, and every country. Ever notice how the fucktards on the left love to point out the cultures of other countries and spit on our contributions?

I sure do.

Anyway, this is yet another story where these thousands of ILLEGALS (organized by the white house for political gain so that they can edify the hispanic vote in this election year by making law abiding citizens look bad by attempting to turn away kids) get automatic free care.

We cannot afford it, and our veterans are being systematically shunned.

If you all do not think this stuff going on on the borders was not organized by the white house for political gain then you have not been paying attention to this piece of shit in chief for 6 years.

I know who has been paying attention. I know who the morons are that think this president is not guilty of a thing.

These broken-down old military veterans are just going to have to wait at the back of the line for medical services.

We have MILLIONS of illegal aliens to take care of FIRST.

Obama never served. Do ANY of you think that he gives a SHIT about military veterans and the broken promises that this government made to them?
Same kind of thing happened to me in the 80s on a military base...was jogging and stepped into a grass hidden hole and thought I had snapped my finally stopped and he made me wait about 40 min for an ambulance to go to the hospital that was a block and a half away.....couldn't possibly load me in his squad car, mind you.

These broken-down old military veterans are just going to have to wait at the back of the line for medical services.

We have MILLIONS of illegal aliens to take care of FIRST.

Obama never served. Do ANY of you think that he gives a SHIT about military veterans and the broken promises that this government made to them?

Yeah, rolling out the fundamentally ridiculous ideas.

As a country of over 160 million adults, we are quite capable of handling more than one thing at a time. In fact, ever working professional is required to move multiple projects forward at the same time.

No football fan expect that being a professional that the game cannot be appreciated if you have never been on a proffesional team. You don't need to be a cook to appreciate a gourmet dinner. Appreciation of an excellently brewed beer doesn't require being a brewmaster. The average person surely has appreciation of the education and skill of a surgeon. And serving in the military isn't required to appreciate the service and sacrifice of a soldier.
Veteran Dies Waiting for Ambulance in VA Hospital - ABC News

Veteran Dies Waiting for Ambulance in VA Hospital
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Jul 3, 2014, 1:42 PM ET

A veteran who collapsed in an Albuquerque Veteran Affairs hospital cafeteria — 500question the emergency room — died after waiting around 20 minutes for an ambulance, officials confirmed Thursday.

It took between 15 and 20 minutes for the ambulance to be dispatched and take the man from one building to the other, which is about a five-minute walk, officials at the hospital said.

Kirtland Air Force Medical Group personnel performed CPR until the ambulance arrived, VA spokeswoman Sonja Brown said.

Staff followed policy in calling 911 when the man collapsed on Monday, she said. "Our policy is under expedited review," Brown said.

That policy is a local one, she said.

The man's name hasn't been released.

News of the man's death spread Thursday at the Raymond G. Murphy VA Medical Center among veterans who were visiting for various medical reasons.

Lorenzo Calbert, 65, a U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War, said it was sad that a fellow veteran had to die so close to where he could have received help.

"There's no reason for it," he said. "They have so many workers. They could have put him on the gurney and run faster than that ambulance."

Paul Bronston, a California emergency-room physician and chair of Ethics and Professional Policy Committee of the American College of Medical Quality, said it may sound ridiculous that staff had to call 911 but that practice is the standard at hospitals. Typically, an ambulance would arrive faster, and other factors can stall workers trying to rush patients to the emergency room on foot, he said.

"The question I would have (is) ... was there an AED (automated external defibrillator) on site as required?" he said. Bronston said 90 percent of those who collapse are afflicted by heart problems and an AED could help them.

It was not known what caused the man to collapse or whether an AED was nearby.

The death comes as the Department of Veterans Affairs remains under scrutiny for widespread reports of long delays for treatment and medical appointments and of veterans dying while on waiting lists.

A review last week cited "significant and chronic system failures" in the nation's health system for veterans. The review also portrayed the struggling agency as one battling a corrosive culture of distrust, lacking in resources and ill-prepared to deal with an influx of new and older veterans with a range of medical and mental health care needs.

The scathing report by Deputy White House chief of staff Rob Nabors said the Veterans Health Administration, the VA sub agency that provides health care to about 8.8 million veterans a year, has systematically ignored warnings about its deficiencies and must be fundamentally restructured.


Searched for it on the boards. There is probably a thread started about this.

This president was the most unqualified president ever, and therefore he has become the worst president ever. Not since WWII. Ever.

The left wing assholes scoff at the notion of American exceptionalism. They eyeroll, they hate America. If we do not think this president was surrounded and educated by such shit, then we are kidding ourselves.

His whole fucking base hates America, and just what do we suppose they have been expecting of this piece of shit in chief?

Yes, there is exceptionalism in every culture, and every country. Ever notice how the fucktards on the left love to point out the cultures of other countries and spit on our contributions?

I sure do.

Anyway, this is yet another story where these thousands of ILLEGALS (organized by the white house for political gain so that they can edify the hispanic vote in this election year by making law abiding citizens look bad by attempting to turn away kids) get automatic free care.

We cannot afford it, and our veterans are being systematically shunned.

If you all do not think this stuff going on on the borders was not organized by the white house for political gain then you have not been paying attention to this piece of shit in chief for 6 years.

I know who has been paying attention. I know who the morons are that think this president is not guilty of a thing.

You have no clue that your comment has nothing to do with the article, do you. It calls into question if you even read the article.
Same kind of thing happened to me in the 80s on a military base...was jogging and stepped into a grass hidden hole and thought I had snapped my finally stopped and he made me wait about 40 min for an ambulance to go to the hospital that was a block and a half away.....couldn't possibly load me in his squad car, mind you.

They could have at least covered those holes over with plywood. Unnecessary accident if you ask me.
A veteran who collapsed in an Albuquerque Veteran Affairs hospital cafeteria — 500 yards from the emergency room — died after waiting around 20 minutes for an ambulance, officials confirmed Thursday.

It took between 15 and 20 minutes for the ambulance to be dispatched and take the man from one building to the other, which is about a five-minute walk, officials at the hospital said.
You can bet if this was the President, medical personnel would have attended to him faster than you can say Jack Robinson.
Are problems reported at other VA hospitals, like Tennessee?
Are problems reported at other VA hospitals, like Tennessee?

There were many VA hospitals that came up in the recent IG report as lacking horribly and not doing their job putting lives in danger.

As for the OP, an awful situation. I feel for him and his family. :(
CaféAuLait;9385158 said:
Are problems reported at other VA hospitals, like Tennessee?

There were many VA hospitals that came up in the recent IG report as lacking horribly and not doing their job putting lives in danger.

As for the OP, an awful situation. I feel for him and his family. :(

Thanks I guess, I will look for the report; when I read a month or so ago, most problems were in the southwest. News article list "nationwide".
The day my mother died an ambulance showed up before I hung up the phone. For veterans already at a hospital, waiting 20 minutes in unacceptable.
This may not be a "VA only" policy. In fact, I know its not. A few years back there was a big stink in my city when ER folks would not come out to get a stabbing victim from the sidewalk in front of the ER. They required 911 be called and an ambulance come to transport them the 100 feet to the ambulance bay. The person bled to death.
CaféAuLait;9385158 said:
Are problems reported at other VA hospitals, like Tennessee?

There were many VA hospitals that came up in the recent IG report as lacking horribly and not doing their job putting lives in danger.

As for the OP, an awful situation. I feel for him and his family. :(

Thanks I guess, I will look for the report; when I read a month or so ago, most problems were in the southwest. News article list "nationwide".

Here are a few articles:

But the problems go well beyond Phoenix. Dozens of others of VA centers, all around the country, also face a host of allegations like possible abuse of scheduling practices.

Indeed. The report mentioned the Inspector General is now investigating 77 VA facilities, more than were previously reported.

White House report says VA has 'significant' and 'systemic failures'*-*Los Angeles Times

VA health system leadership ineffective, report says -
This may not be a "VA only" policy. In fact, I know its not. A few years back there was a big stink in my city when ER folks would not come out to get a stabbing victim from the sidewalk in front of the ER. They required 911 be called and an ambulance come to transport them the 100 feet to the ambulance bay. The person bled to death.

It many not be, the issue as it stands in the OP only adds to the list of problems already going on, it makes the VA in general look even worse IMO.

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