Vetting the national guard in Washington....aka the equivalence of hitler demanding loyalty oaths from his military.

The decent and rational ones that want babies aborted up to and after they are born?
Your need to fantasize in that way about over 81 million Americans is disturbing. Do you join with your Q-Anon fellow travelers in believing Americans who have political differences with you eat babies?

In the realm of reality, most Americans prefer that a woman, after her first trimester, should be allowed to control her own womb, in consultation with her spiritual and medical advisers and trusted loved ones, rather than have politicians impersonally dictate to her from Washington.
The decent and rational ones that want babies aborted up to and after they are born?
Your need to fantasize in that way about over 81 million Americans is disturbing. Do you join with your Q-Anon fellow travelers in believing Americans who have political differences with you eat babies?

In the realm of reality, most Americans prefer that a woman, after her first trimester, should be allowed to control her own womb, in consultation with her spiritual and medical advisers and trusted loved ones, rather than have politicians impersonally dictate to her from Washington.
Stop the ridiculous rhetoric. The election was blatantly stolen. It was so obvious. Censorship will never change that fact.
Never stop lying is your mantra, isn't it,ss?
I bet you say that to all the Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county clerks, and other election officials as well as dozens of judges, Trump appointees included, who certified the votes of 81,009,468 Americans and upheld the validity of the democratic process.

Paranoia inevitably metastasizes like that.

Occam's Razor dictates that the alternative - a narcissistic failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer who is so weak he cannot man up and face defeat with integrity, but rather incites an insurrection against the United States, didn't tell you the truth - is far, far more probable. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Worth noting that everyone is vetted. However there are doubtless white supremacists in the military. Trump terrorists are attacking America.
If you can't trust the military who is sworn and trained to honor the Constitution, you've started the split into warring camps, neither able to work with the other and subject to whoever can lead them. You've lost a united military. How do you think service men and women are going to be treated by their fellow soldiers when it comes to light they are being punished for having the wrong political opinions? Do their fellow soldiers rally behind them in defiance of Quid Pro or do we start weeding out the undesirables with each new administration?
Members of the military who have sworn and been trained to honor the Constitution have committed treasonous acts in the past.

To ignore evidence that anyone is disposed to do so again would be extremely foolish and irresponsible.

Subversives are not licensed as traitors by their having taken an oath.

Can we say then that because people commit murder, to ignore evidence that anyone is disposed to do so again would be extremely foolish and irresponsible? Having determined that it is extremely foolish and irresponsible, how do we proceed? How do we then determine who will and who will not commit murder?

This is not - and I mean IS NOT - the way we do things in this country. In this country we are not persecuted, prosecuted, blackballed or doxxed just because some fragile paranoids think someone with certain political views might commit treason. We don't punish people because we think they might commit a crime, we punish them WHEN THEY COMMIT A CRIME.

The people that join the National Guard do so for a reason and when they do, they take an oath:

"I, _______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of ________against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to them; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of ______ and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.’’

If we begin weeding out certain guardsmen for certain duties because of their political views then the above oath means precisely shit. There would be no use for an oath to defend the country if the country itself is going to prevent them from honoring it because they voted for the wrong guy. Who the fuck wants to defend a country like that? I sure wouldn't.

This is a dangerous precedent and a dangerous path and if this sort of thing continues then they deserve everything they get. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

I donated to Trump------so I know I am on the blacklist. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

What is this system of govt. called?
When you join the military there are certain conditions which exist that are not the norm when you have a civilian job. One of those conditions is that you do not support insurgencies against your govt. Trump and company violated their oath to defend the Constitution by trying to change the Constitution by mob violence. Well that shit don't cut it. So anyone that is sympathetic to Trump and insurgencies to overthrow the govt. will have to go. That is what the military is like. If you don't like it don't join.
Biden might be too late. The NRA is under suspicion of redirecting funds from its charitable foundation into its general fund. It's to the tune of a couple of hundred million bucks.

If an investigation proves this true, which is most likely, some NRA officials might be very unhappy with their futures. Chapter 11 make keep the wolves away from the NRA's door, but it can't protect the officials from being tried and convicted for their crimes.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

I damn well hope so. I have been hoping to get LaPierre out for years now. The NRA hasn't gotten anything from me in years, and won't until that snake is gone. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Nice of the alleged leaders concerned to give us examples of their own "extremism". I'm sure it will be noted.
If you can't trust the military who is sworn and trained to honor the Constitution, you've started the split into warring camps, neither able to work with the other and subject to whoever can lead them. You've lost a united military. How do you think service men and women are going to be treated by their fellow soldiers when it comes to light they are being punished for having the wrong political opinions? Do their fellow soldiers rally behind them in defiance of Quid Pro or do we start weeding out the undesirables with each new administration?
Members of the military who have sworn and been trained to honor the Constitution have committed treasonous acts in the past.

To ignore evidence that anyone is disposed to do so again would be extremely foolish and irresponsible.

Subversives are not licensed as traitors by their having taken an oath.
Neither are those who fixed the election. But you seem willing to ignore their treason.
When you join the military there are certain conditions which exist that are not the norm when you have a civilian job. One of those conditions is that you do not support insurgencies against your govt. Trump and company violated their oath to defend the Constitution by trying to change the Constitution by mob violence. Well that shit don't cut it. So anyone that is sympathetic to Trump and insurgencies to overthrow the govt. will have to go. That is what the military is like. If you don't like it don't join.
That cuts both ways. That also means they are sworn to protect against coups by traitors who rig elections. They are NOT sworn to defend any particular government against the People. They are sworn to defend the Constitution. Against ALL enemies foreign or domestic. If you demand they start oppressing or killing their fellow countrymen friends and family you'll make it pretty obvious who their actual enemies are. Good luck with that.
Not even to mention you supported the rioting, looting, burning and violent attacks on completely innocent people....can anyone say HYPOCRITE?

Nobody really "supported" the riots in the streets. Supported the 1st amendment, and tolerated the outcome maybe.
But that's far different from the insurrection on January 6th. Where they tried to take down the government, chanting "HANG Mike Pence", and looking to kill Nancy Pelosi. Who BTW are 1st and 2nd in-line to the president.

Media hyperbole....if they really intended to kill someone they would have brought weapons and if they intended to hang someone they would have brought a rope.....get real boyo.

What they did was like a bunch of frat boys conducting a panty raid....ya know back in the good ole days.
If you can't trust the military who is sworn and trained to honor the Constitution, you've started the split into warring camps, neither able to work with the other and subject to whoever can lead them. You've lost a united military. How do you think service men and women are going to be treated by their fellow soldiers when it comes to light they are being punished for having the wrong political opinions? Do their fellow soldiers rally behind them in defiance of Quid Pro or do we start weeding out the undesirables with each new administration?
Members of the military who have sworn and been trained to honor the Constitution have committed treasonous acts in the past.

To ignore evidence that anyone is disposed to do so again would be extremely foolish and irresponsible.

Subversives are not licensed as traitors by their having taken an oath.

Can we say then that because people commit murder, to ignore evidence that anyone is disposed to do so again would be extremely foolish and irresponsible? Having determined that it is extremely foolish and irresponsible, how do we proceed? How do we then determine who will and who will not commit murder?

This is not - and I mean IS NOT - the way we do things in this country. In this country we are not persecuted, prosecuted, blackballed or doxxed just because some fragile paranoids think someone with certain political views might commit treason. We don't punish people because we think they might commit a crime, we punish them WHEN THEY COMMIT A CRIME.

The people that join the National Guard do so for a reason and when they do, they take an oath:

"I, _______, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State of ________against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to them; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of ______ and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.’’

If we begin weeding out certain guardsmen for certain duties because of their political views then the above oath means precisely shit. There would be no use for an oath to defend the country if the country itself is going to prevent them from honoring it because they voted for the wrong guy. Who the fuck wants to defend a country like that? I sure wouldn't.

This is a dangerous precedent and a dangerous path and if this sort of thing continues then they deserve everything they get.
The oath would mean nothing and the personnel would be punished, for no good reason other than make some people feel good.
Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting'

Absolutely.......folks have no idea of just how bad this incoming biden regime will be....not even a lot of republicans.

Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting' |

The military is beloved by the American people and China Joe is destroying that trust.

Just one of many destructive things we will see from the bastard in the coming months.
Too funny! Trump treated the military like shit! love them. How...predictable you are.

Generals to Trump...we like Presidents who win!
Nonsense! Are ALL lefties as ignorant as you seem to be???

Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting'

Absolutely.......folks have no idea of just how bad this incoming biden regime will be....not even a lot of republicans.

Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting' |

The military is beloved by the American people and China Joe is destroying that trust.

Just one of many destructive things we will see from the bastard in the coming months.
Too funny! Trump treated the military like shit! love them. How...predictable you are.

Generals to Trump...we like Presidents who win!
Nonsense! Are ALL lefties as ignorant as you seem to be???
Hard to say..not being a 'lefty'...I do know that people who resort to personal attacks have lost their argument.

Just because I detest Trump and his ilk...does not make me anything..except sane.
No. It makes you a moron. You can't "detest" someone you obviously know nothing about and you apparently know NOTHING about President Trump.
Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting'

Absolutely.......folks have no idea of just how bad this incoming biden regime will be....not even a lot of republicans.

Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting' |

The military is beloved by the American people and China Joe is destroying that trust.

Just one of many destructive things we will see from the bastard in the coming months.
Too funny! Trump treated the military like shit! love them. How...predictable you are.

Generals to Trump...we like Presidents who win!
Nonsense! Are ALL lefties as ignorant as you seem to be???

Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting'

Absolutely.......folks have no idea of just how bad this incoming biden regime will be....not even a lot of republicans.

Rep. Waltz: Cohen's Claims Guard Might Harm Biden 'Insulting' |

The military is beloved by the American people and China Joe is destroying that trust.

Just one of many destructive things we will see from the bastard in the coming months.
Too funny! Trump treated the military like shit! love them. How...predictable you are.

Generals to Trump...we like Presidents who win!
Nonsense! Are ALL lefties as ignorant as you seem to be???
Hard to say..not being a 'lefty'...I do know that people who resort to personal attacks have lost their argument.

Just because I detest Trump and his ilk...does not make me anything..except sane.
No. It makes you a moron. You can't "detest" someone you obviously know nothing about and you apparently know NOTHING about President Trump.

The pitiful democrats still have not come to understand the obvious...they were indoctrinated into believing Pedo Joe was a nice guy who just wanted to unite America and get back to every single day it will become more obvious to them that biden is a phoney, incompetent tottering and stammering old man who should have been let out to pasture a few years back.
Vetted to be a Party Loyalist.


View attachment 445195

The SHAME, is that 1 in 5 of the insurrectionists were police, military, or ex-military. Every police force in the nation needs to be purged of white supremacists and insurrectionists. The oath they take is to the Constitution, and all who participated in the Capital takeover, broke that oath.
Vetted to be a Party Loyalist.


View attachment 445195

The SHAME, is that 1 in 5 of the insurrectionists were police, military, or ex-military. Every police force in the nation needs to be purged of white supremacists and insurrectionists. The oath they take is to the Constitution, and all who participated in the Capital takeover, broke that oath.

How do you propose to "purge" white supremacists and insurrectionists in such a way so as not to infringe on their civil and Constitutional rights?

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