Vice President Cheney is right. Obama wrong on Terror Prisoners.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I must say that Vice President Dick Cheney is right , with regards to "Enhanced interrogation techniques" being utilized on Terrorist suspects. We can not ask them nicely
about when they are going to attack us again, or their Terror plans.

President Obama feels that they have rights, but does not realize that these suicidal dead enders do not give Americans any rights what so ever. These Terrorists have declared war on all Americans, and are willing to commit suicide in order to kill as many of us as they can. This is not a regular War that we find ourselves in .This war calls for unusual
acts to combat an unusual opponent.
"Enhanced interrogation techniques"

Now there's a phrase which typifies our times, isn't it?

The word Cheyney was searching for was torture.
I must say that Vice President Dick Cheney is right , with regards to "Enhanced interrogation techniques" being utilized on Terrorist suspects. We can not ask them nicely
about when they are going to attack us again, or their Terror plans.

President Obama feels that they have rights, but does not realize that these suicidal dead enders do not give Americans any rights what so ever. These Terrorists have declared war on all Americans, and are willing to commit suicide in order to kill as many of us as they can. This is not a regular War that we find ourselves in .This war calls for unusual
acts to combat an unusual opponent.

The election says that Dick Cheney is wrong and he should disappear. The law says you are wrong too.

Since October 7, 2001, when the current war in Afghanistan began, 775 detainees have been brought to Guantánamo. Of these, approximately 420 have been released without charge. As of January 2009, approximately 245 detainees remain.[11]

Three have been convicted of various charges:

David Hicks was found guilty under retrospective legislation introduced in 2006 of providing material support to terrorists in 2001.[12][13]
Salim Hamdan took a job as chauffeur driving Osama bin Laden.[14]
Ali al-Bahlul made a video celebrating the attack on the USS Cole (DDG-67).
Of those still incarcerated, U.S. officials said they intend to eventually put 60 to 80 on trial and free the rest.

So how many "terrorists" do we have there anyways? Not many. Was it worth the billions? What a sucker you are.
I guess this message board could be considered torture under today's definition... It definitely causes some people mental anguish...
This is one thing I agree with Obama on. We lose credibility with those that would be our friends by torturing, and we incite more to hatred against the United States by torturing. Now if only Obama would have the sense to bring all of our troops home.
We do need to bring the troops home to help obama decide he should leave the country peacefully.
His supporter's too.

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