Victims' Families Want To Air New 9/11 Truth Ad

:lol: Aww.... poor fucktard Jones STILL can't show where Robertson "contradicted" himself.

For the record, the towers BOTH withstood an impact far greater than the one that was calculated as has been shown to you numerous times.

So once again you fail on an epic scale.

Anyone surprised?


Aw what's the matter Parrot, not getting enough attention at home? You don't bother to educate yourself on thread topics, and make an ass out of yourself like always....Fucking hilarious!
You are one pathetic fuck, you're now stooping to panhandling for attention and following me around the different threads :lol::lol:
Again you have nothing of relevance to say, and you are resorting to your usual job of POS troll :lol:
My post proves that Robertson is full of contradiction, if you would have read the post you would have noticed this, but you would of course pretend you didn't.
I don't have time to contribute to trolls, as I have many times embarrassed you by getting you to expose the sorry fuck you are, to yourself and to others. This time you did it all by yourself..
Have fun arguing by yourself. Maybe your dominant hand will be your friend, you have none here :lol: :lol:
Bye bye now, you sorry little whiny bitch :lol:
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:lol: Aww.... poor fucktard Jones STILL can't show where Robertson "contradicted" himself.

For the record, the towers BOTH withstood an impact far greater than the one that was calculated as has been shown to you numerous times.

So once again you fail on an epic scale.

Anyone surprised?


Aw what's the matter Parrot, not getting enough attention at home? You don't bother to educate yourself on thread topics, and make an ass out of yourself like always....Fucking hilarious!
You are one pathetic fuck, you're now stooping to panhandling for attention and following me around the different threads :lol::lol:
Again you have nothing of relevance to say, and you are resorting to your usual job of POS troll :lol:
My post proves that Robertson is full of contradiction, if you would have read the post you would have noticed this, but you would of course pretend you didn't.
I don't have time to contribute to trolls, as I have many times embarrassed you by getting you to expose the sorry fuck you are, to yourself and to others. This time you did it all by yourself..
Have fun arguing by yourself. Maybe your dominant hand will be your friend, you have none here :lol: :lol:
Bye bye now, you sorry little whiny bitch :lol:

:lol: You still haven't quoted Robertson as claiming he did the fire calculations on the airline crash. You making claims you can't back up aren't going to cut it. Not now. Not ever.

Regardless, Robertson is still FAR more credible than all your other sources who are known, proven liars, yet you continue to treat their every word as though God himself came down and handed it to you.
parrot9/11 is a proven liar with zero credibility

Coming from you that is a compliment given your reputation. Don't have anything to add? Don't want to try and pretend Robertson is a liar like Jones is trying to do? :lol: I know truthtards hate it when true experts speak up on the matter and shred any remaining credibility of the truthtard bowel movement.
parrot9/11 is a proven liar with zero credibility

Coming from you that is a compliment given your reputation. Don't have anything to add? Don't want to try and pretend Robertson is a liar like Jones is trying to do? :lol: I know truthtards hate it when true experts speak up on the matter and shred any remaining credibility of the truthtard bowel movement.

you are a crude ,foul individual, a proven liar and have no credibility,there is little more to be said
parrot9/11 is a proven liar with zero credibility

Coming from you that is a compliment given your reputation. Don't have anything to add? Don't want to try and pretend Robertson is a liar like Jones is trying to do? :lol: I know truthtards hate it when true experts speak up on the matter and shred any remaining credibility of the truthtard bowel movement.

you are a crude ,foul individual, a proven liar and have no credibility,there is little more to be said

Good thing I don't give a shit what you think! :lol: Still can't actually address the topic at hand? Not surprised. One note wonders can rarely hang with the people who know what is going on.

So what.... you're hoping everyone is so ignorant they try to answer the twisted questions of the video that doesn't actually CLAIM anything? It just asks a bunch of lame questions in the hopes people won't bother to learn the truth! :lol:

Only thing keeping you truthtards going is people too stupid and ignorant to understand you're all just lying your asses off. :lol: Unfortunately for you, people aren't buying the bullshit you're selling. Almost ten years now and you truthtards STILL haven't been able to produce a single piece of real evidence or get anyone to actually act on your silly claims.

Of course, it would help if all you nuts could actually agree on what happened, who did it, how they did it, or any other facet of 9/11 other than your pathetic excuses as to why Al Qaeda didn't do it. Funny how you all try to exhonerate the terrorists who would gladly gut you and dance in your blood.
:lol: Aww.... poor fucktard Jones STILL can't show where Robertson "contradicted" himself.

For the record, the towers BOTH withstood an impact far greater than the one that was calculated as has been shown to you numerous times.

So once again you fail on an epic scale.

Anyone surprised?


Aw what's the matter Parrot, not getting enough attention at home? You don't bother to educate yourself on thread topics, and make an ass out of yourself like always....Fucking hilarious!
You are one pathetic fuck, you're now stooping to panhandling for attention and following me around the different threads :lol::lol:
Again you have nothing of relevance to say, and you are resorting to your usual job of POS troll :lol:
My post proves that Robertson is full of contradiction, if you would have read the post you would have noticed this, but you would of course pretend you didn't.
I don't have time to contribute to trolls, as I have many times embarrassed you by getting you to expose the sorry fuck you are, to yourself and to others. This time you did it all by yourself..
Have fun arguing by yourself. Maybe your dominant hand will be your friend, you have none here :lol: :lol:
Bye bye now, you sorry little whiny bitch :lol:

should be no surprise to you,after all he sticks together with his bed buddy fellow attention seeker troll ,Candyfag. the biggest attention seeking troll of them all on any message board and defends him to no end.

So what.... you're hoping everyone is so ignorant they try to answer the twisted questions of the video that doesn't actually CLAIM anything? It just asks a bunch of lame questions in the hopes people won't bother to learn the truth! :lol:

Only thing keeping you truthtards going is people too stupid and ignorant to understand you're all just lying your asses off. :lol: Unfortunately for you, people aren't buying the bullshit you're selling. Almost ten years now and you truthtards STILL haven't been able to produce a single piece of real evidence or get anyone to actually act on your silly claims.

Of course, it would help if all you nuts could actually agree on what happened, who did it, how they did it, or any other facet of 9/11 other than your pathetic excuses as to why Al Qaeda didn't do it. Funny how you all try to exhonerate the terrorists who would gladly gut you and dance in your blood.

LMAO :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

So what.... you're hoping everyone is so ignorant they try to answer the twisted questions of the video that doesn't actually CLAIM anything? It just asks a bunch of lame questions in the hopes people won't bother to learn the truth! :lol:

Only thing keeping you truthtards going is people too stupid and ignorant to understand you're all just lying your asses off. :lol: Unfortunately for you, people aren't buying the bullshit you're selling. Almost ten years now and you truthtards STILL haven't been able to produce a single piece of real evidence or get anyone to actually act on your silly claims.

Of course, it would help if all you nuts could actually agree on what happened, who did it, how they did it, or any other facet of 9/11 other than your pathetic excuses as to why Al Qaeda didn't do it. Funny how you all try to exhonerate the terrorists who would gladly gut you and dance in your blood.

LMAO :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I've asked you repeatedly to produce some of the evidence you claim to have. To date you have not produced a single piece of real evidence that would hold up in a court of law. The fact all you can do is sit there and laugh at your own failure speaks volumes as to just how low the TBM has sunk.
So what.... you're hoping everyone is so ignorant they try to answer the twisted questions of the video that doesn't actually CLAIM anything? It just asks a bunch of lame questions in the hopes people won't bother to learn the truth! :lol:

Only thing keeping you truthtards going is people too stupid and ignorant to understand you're all just lying your asses off. :lol: Unfortunately for you, people aren't buying the bullshit you're selling. Almost ten years now and you truthtards STILL haven't been able to produce a single piece of real evidence or get anyone to actually act on your silly claims.

Of course, it would help if all you nuts could actually agree on what happened, who did it, how they did it, or any other facet of 9/11 other than your pathetic excuses as to why Al Qaeda didn't do it. Funny how you all try to exhonerate the terrorists who would gladly gut you and dance in your blood.

LMAO :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I've asked you repeatedly to produce some of the evidence you claim to have. To date you have not produced a single piece of real evidence that would hold up in a court of law. The fact all you can do is sit there and laugh at your own failure speaks volumes as to just how low the TBM has sunk.

If what you say is true...why are you here ?
If what you say is true...why are you here ?
What Ollie said. Why should I stand by and let schmucks like you use the deaths of 3000 Americans to spread your lies, deceit and discontent? I know it probably boggles your little mind that there are people with integrity out there that will stand up for what they believe in and without the paranoid delusions as seen from the conspiratard crowd.

I've also noticed you have failed time and time again to produce a single shred of evidence that would hold up in a court of law that the bull you spread is anything but bull. Why is that? Don't you think it makes you and your movement look like a bunch of fools when you can't back up your claims with actual evidence, especially when you claim to have so much of it? Here is a hint. Nod your head up and down. That's a good boy!
If what you say is true...why are you here ?
What Ollie said. Why should I stand by and let schmucks like you use the deaths of 3000 Americans to spread your lies, deceit and discontent? I know it probably boggles your little mind that there are people with integrity out there that will stand up for what they believe in and without the paranoid delusions as seen from the conspiratard crowd.

I've also noticed you have failed time and time again to produce a single shred of evidence that would hold up in a court of law that the bull you spread is anything but bull. Why is that? Don't you think it makes you and your movement look like a bunch of fools when you can't back up your claims with actual evidence, especially when you claim to have so much of it? Here is a hint. Nod your head up and down. That's a good boy!

but you said EVERYONE laughs at one believes it...we look like a bunch of fools...there is no why the concern ?
Someone has to try to keep you smucks honest.

you mean like how you like to explain the collapse of the wtc 7 by parroting the old popular mechanics line about how a third of the building was" scooped out"[ yes you actually use the word "scooped" the exact word used by popular mechanics) and how' a 110 story building fell on it...even though the NIST report says other than igniting fires damage played no significant role in the collapse ?
that kind of" honesty" ?...come to think of it you clowns always parrot the popular mechanics line about how fires' raged" 7 hours...when by historical building fire standards the fires were relatively small and contained to several floors
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Someone has to try to keep you smucks honest.

you mean like how you like to explain the collapse of the wtc 7 by parroting the old popular mechanics line about how a third of the building was" scooped out"[ yes you actually use the word "scooped" the exact word used by popular mechanics) and how' a 110 story building fell on it...even though the NIST report says other than igniting fires damage played no significant role in the collapse ?
that kind of" honesty" ?...come to think of it you clowns always parrot the popular mechanics line about how fires' raged" 7 hours...when by historical building fire standards the fires were relatively small and contained to several floors

Um, scooped out was how one of the Firemen described it. You may ask them about the words they used. Or don't the witnesses who disagree with you count?

Please show us where anyone who actually would have even a clue said that the fires in WTC7 were contained.

And we can see the fires and the smoke, there is nothing relatively small about them.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪fires WTC7, CBS-Net Dub7 14.avi‬‏[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪CCTV/TVCC fire in Beijing (HD version)[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bad Ass Skyscraper Fires and Destruction!! Awesome!!‬‏[/ame]
Why do we always have to compare to buildings that were constructed differently?

And you still want to go with relatively small while all you can see behind some windows is flame?

And this from the side of the building that wasn't damaged.

Unfortunately the other side of the building is conveniently hidden by massive clouds of smoke, you cannot even tell how much damage was done or how bad the fires are. But you know all this and dismiss it.

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