Video: A regular black woman tells a white male BLM protestor why she disagrees with BLM.

I really like this video. She tells it like it is.

Skip to 0:57 and watch until the end:

Poor Soy Boy. These fucking meth head white homosexual liberals telling blacks to go riot and loot, many of these looters are being rounded up by police now since half of them live streamed their antics. Are all these black communities in this big cities better off now after all these riots and looting? Are businesses going to want to open back up in those smoking shit holes? How did listening to these soy boys work out for blacks?
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I really like this video. She tells it like it is.

Skip to 0:57 and watch until the end:

What's funny, is that we are actually witnessing a black female who see's through the usery of the Antifa group attaching itself to the black struggle. Good for her that she isn't fooled by the usery that is attempting to co-opt the black struggle in order to gain government power for themselves in the future, otherwise by way of trying to highjack the black struggle as their own. She sure outed him as an infiltrator into the black struggle.

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