Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false improisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.

They made no attempt to make a citizens arrest......the blacks guys freedom of movement was never restricted.
because he was trespassing on a white-only road, eh?
If we’re going to rely on the media to give us proper information forget about it. It could come out of this guy was the robber we could be audio of him saying fucking white boy motherfuckers.. And it won’t release it and they won’t give us any information

The media will lie, twist, spin etc etc always when it comes to black the medias narrative all blacks are innocent and all whites are evil racists.
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
If we’re going to rely on the media to give us proper information forget about it. It could come out of this guy was the robber we could be audio of him saying fucking white boy motherfuckers.. And it won’t release it and they won’t give us any information

The media will lie, twist, spin etc etc always when it comes to black the medias narrative all blacks are innocent and all whites are evil racists.
yeah, white people loot food, and black people find food. that's it, right?
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false improisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.

They made no attempt to make a citizens arrest......the blacks guys freedom of movement was never restricted.
They pulled a car in front of his path and the boy with the gun attempted to block him, first on the driver's side and then on the passenger side when Arbery changed path to avoid him.
again, they are illegally detaining/hindering him.....unless he just committed a crime ....did he?

They are not detaining the all times the black guy had freedom of movement.....there was absolutely nothing to prevent him from jogging on down the street as he should have.

There was no excuse for him to attack the white guy with the gun.

They are detaining him. According to the fathers own words the incident in the video is at least the 3rd time they attempted to cut Ahmaud off. They went above and beyond what Georgia law allows for a citizens arrest. Ahmaud is under no obligation to talk to them. The father and son needed to let him got and just dial 911 after the first attempt to stop him. Instead they followed him and cut him off 2 more times. This was harassment and not a citizens arrest. It seems clear Ahmaud is trying to avoid them in the video (which is at last the 3rd time they cut him off) by swerving and running around the right side of the truck. But Travis moves to the front of the truck and cuts him off. I'm wondering what was going through Ahmaud's mind at that point knowing these guys weren't going to let him go. IMO he had a right to assume a defensive posture. A jury will decide.

I'm a Trump supporter and big defender of the 2nd Amendment. But this type of vigilante justice is NOT why we have the right to own weapons. The father and son had a right to open carry. They had a right to request Ahmaud stop to talk to them. But once Ahmaud made it clear he did not want to talk to them, they did not have a right to cut him off 3 times and block his path with a show of intimidating force. The poor decisions made by the father and son led to this incident. Under Georgia law this looks like involuntary manslaughter at least.
..they can request to talk to him, but they don't have a right to.....if fact, that can be seen as harassment
harassment especially if they are holding firearms......I talk to people everyday--but they don't have firearms
Lookie here this nation anyone has a right to talk or try to talk to anyone...not complicated at all. you know the law regarding harassment?
And anyone in this nation has the right to not be harassed by strangers without being shot. Boy.
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.
etc etc
The lawyers for the white guys should make this all about race expose the hypocrisy and the media mainstream media and liberal Democrat corners
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
....if you go after someone--who is not committing a crime--and you think you need a firearm--that's just plain stupid--call the police ...that's why they are in trouble --for being stupid
Here is what a sane person would have done in this situation.....when the white guy told the black guy they needed to talk to him....he would have stopped and asked what about? Just common sense. After a little chit chat back and forth that would most likely have been the end of the matter....or perhaps they could have asked the guy to wait till the cops arrived to clear up the matter since they had already called the cops.

Either way...nothing of significance would have happened.

The last thing any sane person black or white would have done would have been to attack the guy with the shotgun ...which is what the black guy did....but the liberals want to overlook that....which is the most important fact of this case.
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
....if you go after someone--who is not committing a crime--and you think you need a firearm--that's just plain stupid--call the police ...that's why they are in trouble --for being stupid
Black men commits 55% of the violent crimes in America yet they make up 6% of the population, 90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites. You should be arrested for not having a gun for stupidity when approaching a black man
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
....if you go after someone--who is not committing a crime--and you think you need a firearm--that's just plain stupid--call the police ...that's why they are in trouble --for being stupid

They did call the police....they had every right to carry weapons as everyone in Georgia does....the prudent thing to do when you are going to confront a criminal suspect....they had no way of knowing whether the suspect was armed or not....they are in trouble only because the media has stirred up a lot of unrest and politicians have gotten involved.

They just like George Zimmerman were cleared by the initial investigation.
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
....if you go after someone--who is not committing a crime--and you think you need a firearm--that's just plain stupid--call the police ...that's why they are in trouble --for being stupid
Black man commits 55% of the violent crimes in America get their make up 6% of the population, 90% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites. You should be arrested for not having a gun for stupidity when approaching a black man
why are you approaching him???????!!!!!!!! this is what Zimmerman did also = they are STUPID
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

We cannot see what happens out of the camera view. They claim they thought he was a burglar. But certainly at a minimum 2nd degree murder seems applicable. We also cannot know if it was racially motivated.
As you say we cant see the beginning of the struggle

but odds are the black guy attacked the white kid and attempted to take the shotgun away

which he failed to do
These guys were in a truck and obviously cut off this jogger, who was on foot. If they "thought" that he "might" be a burglar, they always had the option to call the police, so I want to hear the recording of their 911 call and what the dispatcher instructed them to do. Certainly they have no claim to self defense.

The picture of one of the alleged murderers with the governor and wearing a shirt that insults religion gives the impression that he is not credible and trustworthy.
Lot of unanswered questions. We cannot deterime if this was racially motivated at all. What's happening outside the camera view? Why is someone videoing this incident? Surely the DA would have brought charges sooner if this was an open shut case of murder. 2nd degree or manslaughter seems the likely charges then Al Sharpton and AOC can have something to protest.
It looks like premeditated murder, which is first degree.
Thats silly

what I see are three, thats right I said THREE, knuckleheads that collided with tragic consequences
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

I support the death penalty for there any information on why they murdered this guy?
I support self defense, and the video in the OP shows the jogger kid attacked the truck driver. didn't you watch? We know nothing more. And, why was the jogger being followed with a video camera? that's odd.

No, it doesn't clearly show that. The truck blocks the view.

But agree, what was the deal with the video? Who shot it and why? What did they see?
It looks like another setup to bring back the black vote.... ala Michael Brown or Trayvon.
Just like clockwork during an election cycle the media digs up a 2 month old incident that eventually proves to be totally different from what they first reported.
1 question for the side of the black guy.

Was he trying to take the whites guys gun yes or no?
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
....if you go after someone--who is not committing a crime--and you think you need a firearm--that's just plain stupid--call the police ...that's why they are in trouble --for being stupid

They did call the police....they had every right to carry weapons as everyone in Georgia does....the prudent thing to do when you are going to confront a criminal suspect....they had no way of knowing whether the suspect was armed or not....they are in trouble only because the media has stirred up a lot of unrest and politicians have gotten involved.

They just like George Zimmerman were cleared by the initial investigation.
hahahahhahahahahhahahahaha--you made an irrevocable and fatal error:
he was NOT a criminal suspect
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
....if you go after someone--who is not committing a crime--and you think you need a firearm--that's just plain stupid--call the police ...that's why they are in trouble --for being stupid

They did call the police....they had every right to carry weapons as everyone in Georgia does....the prudent thing to do when you are going to confront a criminal suspect....they had no way of knowing whether the suspect was armed or not....they are in trouble only because the media has stirred up a lot of unrest and politicians have gotten involved.

They just like George Zimmerman were cleared by the initial investigation.
Well if they called the cops then they would be released,, all they were doing was trying to hold a suspect until the police got there and the suspect violently attacked him and try to take the gun.
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.

There are laws against false imprisonment, however. At gunpoint, no less.

But that's not gonna fly anyway, you guys don't get to change the terms of controversy.

Those two clearly tried to make a citizen arrest. And they clearly didn't know how a citizen arrest is supposed to go down.

You can't just watch a video of a black guy breaking into a place and then when you see a black guy out jogging say, hey, there goes a black guy, lets get our gurns and go giteem and then call 911 while enroute and when asked what crime has been established, say he's a black feller runnin down our road.

That's not how things work.
That’s not how frontier justice works a lot of these towns don’t have a lot of police.. I’m sure these guys just want to question them in when you see the violence coming out of black man in America of course you need a fucking gun
....if you go after someone--who is not committing a crime--and you think you need a firearm--that's just plain stupid--call the police ...that's why they are in trouble --for being stupid

They did call the police....they had every right to carry weapons as everyone in Georgia does....the prudent thing to do when you are going to confront a criminal suspect....they had no way of knowing whether the suspect was armed or not....they are in trouble only because the media has stirred up a lot of unrest and politicians have gotten involved.

They just like George Zimmerman were cleared by the initial investigation.
again, they are illegally detaining/hindering him.....unless he just committed a crime ....did he?

They are not detaining the all times the black guy had freedom of movement.....there was absolutely nothing to prevent him from jogging on down the street as he should have.

There was no excuse for him to attack the white guy with the gun.

They are detaining him. According to the fathers own words the incident in the video is at least the 3rd time they attempted to cut Ahmaud off. They went above and beyond what Georgia law allows for a citizens arrest. Ahmaud is under no obligation to talk to them. The father and son needed to let him got and just dial 911 after the first attempt to stop him. Instead they followed him and cut him off 2 more times. This was harassment and not a citizens arrest. It seems clear Ahmaud is trying to avoid them in the video (which is at last the 3rd time they cut him off) by swerving and running around the right side of the truck. But Travis moves to the front of the truck and cuts him off. I'm wondering what was going through Ahmaud's mind at that point knowing these guys weren't going to let him go. IMO he had a right to assume a defensive posture. A jury will decide.

I'm a Trump supporter and big defender of the 2nd Amendment. But this type of vigilante justice is NOT why we have the right to own weapons. The father and son had a right to open carry. They had a right to request Ahmaud stop to talk to them. But once Ahmaud made it clear he did not want to talk to them, they did not have a right to cut him off 3 times and block his path with a show of intimidating force. The poor decisions made by the father and son led to this incident. Under Georgia law this looks like involuntary manslaughter at least.
..they can request to talk to him, but they don't have a right to.....if fact, that can be seen as harassment
harassment especially if they are holding firearms......I talk to people everyday--but they don't have firearms
Lookie here this nation anyone has a right to talk or try to talk to anyone...not complicated at all. you know the law regarding harassment?
And anyone in this nation has the right to not be harassed by strangers without being shot. Boy.
Nope, there is no right not to be harrassed. you're in error.
etc etc

If you can read law competently you will see none of those laws apply in this case....if you think one does....then post the part you see applicable....and we will go from there. I just did a cursory check of the laws you posted...I saw nothing applicable to this case.

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