Video emerges of Georgia jogger attack; case headed to grand jury

Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)

Das rite! You don't want help, until you need help. Than you demand it, or you'll cry racism.

View attachment 333619
What white supremacist site did you get that off of?

That's your life story.
Hardly. I grew up. I'm not afraid of people different than myself.
That's because you were fat enough to beat them up no doubt (if you could catch them).
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.
Idk, but I tend to run away from people pointing guns at me.
Truth be told, you run if someone looks at you sternly. Some people are not afraid of guns and it pisses them off when someone points one at them.
Yeah, they're dead and I'm not. How ya like them apples? You ever been shot at, dork? I have, it's not a good feeling. If you're not afraid of having a gun pointed at you, you're a retard.
I've been shot at twice and had a gun pointed in my face as well. The guy that pointed it at me is no longer with us. If I die then that is what was meant to be. I've never been afraid to die.

View attachment 333429
Not really. Some people are passive. I just happen to be one thats not. Doesnt make me tough but it does make me a fucking problem if you are not fast.
It could make you dead if you're not as fast as the squeeze of a trigger. You got to know when to hold and when to fold. Lemme guess, you don't play poker, huh?
I'm good with that. Hazard of being wired like I am and totally acceptable to me. I dont gamble or do anything that could be addictive.
You take the risk of attacking someone with a gun pointed in your face? Odds are 9/1 you're gonna die.
It's a reaction so there is no calculation of odds. You piss me off and youre going to have a problem to deal with so you better be fast. I already said I have no fear of death when I am angry. Lots of people are the same way.
So if you're made angry..what?

You'd charge somebody with a pistol or shotgun on you? :cuckoo:
If so, well, you're derper than I thought you a smidgen.
Well now, comparing sizes are we?
when might you reach that size?
I'm not some small handed beta male.
We know, you're Big Bo-Pete, the plywood magnate.
What does that even mean?
It means your useless posts need no rational response.
Well, that's right up your wheel house, isn't it? "no rational response".
the "jogger" was clearly trying to #WalkAway
You only think that because you're black. Your racist brain can't think any other way.
The hirky jerky video says otherwise.
Interesting..."you only think that way because you're: ___________"

It's a con-spiracy!!!!
yeah....i'm a racist because you're gay and can't function in America.
I'm not surprised that you are looking to put the blame on others....particularly gay Americans. It's something that CRCs do a lot of. Blame the gays for 9/11. Blame the gays for an earthquake. Blame the gays for hurricanes. Blame the gays for the corona virus.
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.

Wait. Are all of is stupid? Or just the ones who are defending the murderers?
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)

Das rite! You don't want help, until you need help. Than you demand it, or you'll cry racism.

View attachment 333619
What white supremacist site did you get that off of?

That's your life story.
Hardly. I grew up. I'm not afraid of people different than myself.
That's because you were fat enough to beat them up no doubt (if you could catch them).
Chubby, Chubby, really need to not fixate so much on your weight issue, projecting it on others like that. If Adele lost weight, you can too.
So, it turns out somebody caught it on video. It is clear from the video that the jogger was ambushed. The truck stopped in the road ahead of him, waiting on him to run by, and when he went around the truck, the driver jumped him while the other man, standing in the back of the truck, either shot the jogger, or was aiming and ready to shoot.

These men were not in fear of their lives. They ambushed the jogger plain and simple. Try them, and if convicted, give them the maximum sentence possible.

Thug attacked 2 men, was "jogging" in boots and a hammer is seen on the road in the video so he was actually out looking for homes to rob. Hopefully these 2 men are found not guilty as they should be for defending themselves from a violent thug.
"in boots and a hammer"..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.

Wait. Are all of is stupid? Or just the ones who are defending the murderers?
All of us “is” stupid or “are” stupid. All of you are because you’re not arguing the points saliently. ALL!!!! Everyone single one of you. Stupid idiots. Unless you like my post and 100% agree with me of course.
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.
not everyone can be as intelligent, mature and manly as you.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)

Das rite! You don't want help, until you need help. Than you demand it, or you'll cry racism.

View attachment 333619
What white supremacist site did you get that off of?

That's your life story.
Hardly. I grew up. I'm not afraid of people different than myself.
Where do you live again lol
Honey, stop hitting on me. I know INCELs are desperate, but pul-leeze. Besides, you are too short for my tastes.
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.
not everyone can be as intelligent, mature and manly as you.
You definitely cannot refute that post can you? You know why? You’re a fat cowardly fuck.
the "jogger" was clearly trying to #WalkAway
You only think that because you're black. Your racist brain can't think any other way.
The hirky jerky video says otherwise.
Interesting..."you only think that way because you're: ___________"

It's a con-spiracy!!!!
yeah....i'm a racist because you're gay and can't function in America.
I'm not surprised that you are looking to put the blame on others....particularly gay Americans. It's something that CRCs do a lot of. Blame the gays for 9/11. Blame the gays for an earthquake. Blame the gays for hurricanes. Blame the gays for the corona virus.
Replace “gays” with “Jews” and your statement will be accurate. People blame my people for everything. And I think it’s because they are stupid. Like Ilhan Omar stupid.
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.
not everyone can be as intelligent, mature and manly as you.
We know you can’t
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)

Das rite! You don't want help, until you need help. Than you demand it, or you'll cry racism.

View attachment 333619
What white supremacist site did you get that off of?

That's your life story.
Hardly. I grew up. I'm not afraid of people different than myself.
That's because you were fat enough to beat them up no doubt (if you could catch them).
Chubby, Chubby, really need to not fixate so much on your weight issue, projecting it on others like that. If Adele lost weight, you can too.
Who's Adele and what does she have to do with your being a porker? Everybody says you are. I am not making this up.
Who is running toward somebody the black or the white guy?

Arbery runs around the truck to be confronted by a man holding a rifle. It's not hard to believe Arbery was in fear for his life. Neither of these guys are police and neither of them had any reason to confront him.

Your opinion is irrelevant as you are a known racist.

Jits and Asclepias are two sides of the same racist coin. Neither can be taken very seriously when logic is required.
I’m typing what the video shows
Then we are seeing two vastly different encounters. Does your video show the man to be larger and faster than a typical truck?
do you see a truck chasing the jogger? again, post the time from the video showing that. I'll wait.
No. This is an assumption I am making. Need more facts than the 35 second video but people have yet to explain why the persons in the truck did not drive away. If more of the story comes out and there is a credible reason, I will gladly retract what I said. My intuition has been great so far in my life so I will continue to trust it. Hopefully more details come out regarding this homicide.
you don't know if that black man threatened someone prior to the incident, you don't know if he was a home invader, maybe he keyed their truck. No one fking knows. dude you jumped into hanging without one piece of evidence. wow. again, isn't like you at all.
Don't know and don't care anymore. TBH. I would have called the police and taken his picture but thats me. If people like Assfaceias see me as an equal to those men then I'll play the part and just bad for actually caring initially. He, IM2, MarcATL all assholes.

I find it interesting that you can’t seem to discuss white conservative racist assholes without adding the names of some black guys who you believe are racists too.

What’s up with that?
Because Assfaceias blatantly said that because I am white he does not want my help or opinion. IM2 and Marc have made similar statements before. Me being white makes me the enemy. So now, I'll just shrug. When you tell me to "fuck off" and you don't need or want my help then you reap what you sow. What morons like them and likely you don't comprehend is that racists hate Jews more than blacks and I have seen racism more frequently than any of those jokes, I would wager, but they don't care because I am "white".

What you don't get, Lone Leftist, is that racism is not only a white disease. Blacks may be racist too and those three I mentioned are case in point.
I must have really hurt your feelings. You still talking about me? Dont be mad bro. Like I told you before, I dont need nor did I ask for your help. Not because youre white. Because youre white and you assume I need your help. If you have to be convinced that Black people shouldnt be killed by racists then youre a racist.
I am responding to Lone Leftist's question. To me all lives are equal, I don't play the race game. But you don't want to hear that. In actuality, I don't care what you want or think. You're an idiot and a coward, by your own self admission. Not sure why you keep responding to my posts? You lonely hiding under that bed?
Bullshit. You specifically said Black people have to get you on their side. Like I said then I will say now. Fuck you. I dont want or need your type of help. Dont be mad about that bro. :)

Das rite! You don't want help, until you need help. Than you demand it, or you'll cry racism.

View attachment 333619
What white supremacist site did you get that off of?

That's your life story.
Hardly. I grew up. I'm not afraid of people different than myself.
That's because you were fat enough to beat them up no doubt (if you could catch them).
Chubby, Chubby, really need to not fixate so much on your weight issue, projecting it on others like that. If Adele lost weight, you can too.
Who's Adele and what does she have to do with your being a porker? Everybody says you are. I am not making this up.
Bode, you a porker? Settle this. Adele is Rolling in the Deep.
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.
not everyone can be as intelligent, mature and manly as you.
You definitely cannot refute that post can you? You know why? You’re a fat cowardly fuck.
Wow. moar intelligence, maturity, and manliness. i am stumped.
Now, a trial.
QUESTION: Why are they protesting in front of the court house (I heard on the radio) when the two men have been arrested and charged with murder?
Are they not allowed to?
I'm not saying they shouldn't, I am wondering what they are protesting. Seems that so far things have gone their way.
Well.....this is an indictment on all white people.
That's the entire focus of the story after all.

Nevermind the fact that just about every black person in America will vote for a black candidate even if they know he or she is a total degenerate. A perfect example is that degenerate that is running Chicago

...yet over 40% of whites will vote for a black candidate.
Hmmm. You seem jealous that a black degenerate can get more of the black vote that the white degenerate that currently sits in the white house.

You really think most black folks would trust a white man over a black man?
Also, here’s a picture of one of the attackers with Georgia governor Kemp. Notice his shirt.

View attachment 333128

Some of those "fine" Americans Trump talks about so much.
Why don’t any of you’d ever talk like this about dead black men in Chicago? That’s fking odd. Blackman life only important when a White guys involved? Got it. So you all don’t really consider blacks life important.
Listen all of you stupid idiots. And listen well. Anyone who gets in the car and stops in the middle of the fucking street to confront anyone is a stupid asshole. If I jogged by, I would go for the gun too and more than likely that racist fat ass and his stupid dad would be dead. The fat fucks should have used a cell phone to take a picture and call the police not confront someone fucking jogging. The fact that we have 50 pages of debate on this shows how fucking stupid all of you are.
not everyone can be as intelligent, mature and manly as you.
You definitely cannot refute that post can you? You know why? You’re a fat cowardly fuck.
Wow. moar intelligence, maturity, and manliness. i am stumped.
“Moar Intelligence”?! LMAO!!!

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