Video: Every Senate BudgetCommittee Democrat Votes´No´ on Balancing the Budget


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Guy Benson

Their own plan doesn´t even come close to balancing, of course, and they´re not interested in other ideas to get there. The first Republican amendment they torpedoed yesterday called for increasing federal spending at a clip of "only" 3.4 percent per year over the next decade, rather than the major acceleration that Democrats have advanced. The second proposed making it more procedurally difficult to pass a budget that does not balance with ten years. Watch as each Democrat-aligned committee member votes in lockstep against these provisions. Make no mistake, they are explicitly rejecting a balanced federal budget:

[ame=]Dem Senators On Budget Committee Unanimously Oppose Balancing The Federal Budget - YouTube[/ame]​


Read more:
Video: Every Senate Budget Committee Democrat Votes 'No' on Balancing the Budget - Guy Benson
Leave it to Dems to filibuster anything not put up by a Democrat... Thanks Dems for holding the country hostage again Dems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It matters HOW the budget is balanced.

Your dear leader said he has no interest in balancing the budget. Funny when you look back where he called 10 trillion unpatriotic, now he insist on a course that will give us about a 21 trillion debt by the time he leaves office. I wonder what happened for his concern about future generations. Just more proof that liberal policies deliver results that are exactly the opposite of their stated intent.
Democrats have never been interested in balancing the budget, including Bill Clinton. The only reason it was balanced is because the Republicans forced it.
The only reason that the budget is out of balance is that the Repubs cut taxes on the wealthy and started two unnecessary wars - reducing revenue to the treasury and increasing expenditures, therefore the only way that the budget should be brought back into balance is by raising those taxes back up and finish getting out of Afghanistan.

As the Repubs try to hold the country hostage to their far right extreme agenda our infrastructure is crumbling, our future is under-educated and our productive capacity under-utilized.

Money has never been cheaper to borrow than it is right now, we should be investing in ourselves. We need modern transportation systems, computerized classrooms and full employment. If you think that can be accomplished by giving even more tax cuts to the wealthy and waiting for them to "create jobs" it's time to put on the dunce cap and sit in the corner because you haven't been paying attention for the last thirty years. Repub economic "theory" has taken America from the greatest credited nation in the world to the greatest debter nation in the world. From the greatest producer of finished good to the greatest importer of finished goods. Our standard of living has fallen for the vast majority while the "Romney" crowd has been lavished in the lap of luxury.

It's time for the Repubs to snap out of their delusions, tax cuts don't pay for themselves they reduce revenue (do I really have to say it?) and wars really have to be paid for.
Yeah like starting two wars, that won't cost anything, in fact they'll pay for themselves!
I told you this was going to happen.

The radical GOP sent over a budget from the House they KNEW was dead on arrival and had no chance of ever passing the Senate. Then, when the Democrats in the Senate formulate their own version of a budget, the GOP tries to load it up with ridiculous amendments which are predictably batted down by the majority, just as they knew they would be.

Next, the Senate will pass its version of a budget along party lines and send it over to the House....where IT will be dead on arrival!

The last act in this charade will be when the GOP House leaders go on FOX and blabber on about how the Democrats in the Senate are to blame for no budget clearing the Congress. They've done this before and it always plays well with the Nutter base, most of whom do not know how Congress works. Any offers of compromise by the Democrats will be arrogantly rejected because it's either the GOP way, or the highway. Pay attention to the words Boehner and Cantor and Ryan use when they go on FOX and listen for this: "The Senate refuses to pass a legitimate budget, " which is GOP-speak for, "They won't pass OUR budget without any changes."

In the meantime, though, the nation will suffer through another year without a real budget, with spending sustained by more "continuing resolutions" to fund the government, which always includes increased spending, but the GOP is counting on their supporters not to know that.
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Dems have to stop buying into the Repubs constant chicken little act over the budget. The sky is not falling and the budget will be balanced when we undo the Repubs initiatives of the Bush disaster.
Dems have to stop buying into the Repubs constant chicken little act over the budget. The sky is not falling and the budget will be balanced when we undo the Repubs initiatives of the Bush disaster.

You are seriously delusional. Which "Republican initiatives" are currently causing the deficit?
If the budgets of the Bushtarded Era had been balanced, then right wing pity parties about the deficits today would have a lot more legitimacy. But they were not balanced, and so Americans see right through the GOP sob stories about deficits. No wonder President Obama easily defeated the Panamanian-born McCain and the Non-Christian Mexican Anchor Baby, Mitt Romney.
It's too early to balance the budget in one shot. We need to move there over a period of years That is what we have been doing
When that moron Sessions says 'a little change to balance the budget', I'm paraphrasing with quotation marks there, Ryan's budget does not even balance in 10 years. Although I don't know if Sessions is suggesting taking 5.7 trillion out of the budget for tax cuts.

You didn't include the clip where every one of those same Republicans vote against an amendment to stop corporates from being able to pay zero taxes by putting their money if offshore banks. That includes corporations who got a bailout.

When you say we will do without a single dime of money from major corporations but you want to balance the budget you lose all credibility whatsoever. If they were consistent that is one thing but the only consistency they show is not for the American people.
Anyone got any link to anywhere that says balancing the budget in ten years is good for the country?
Rut ro rorge. Ryan the sheep dog is losing his flock.

Ryan explains ?why? of balancing budget in weekly address ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
And on Friday, a fellow Republican questioned the single-minded focus on budgets, telling a crowd of conservative activists the attention on number crunching was a "sideshow."

"Today's conservatism is in love with zeroes," Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said at the Conservative Political Action Conference. "We seem to have an obsession with government bookkeeping. I'm here to tell you, it's a rigged game. It's the wrong game for us to be playing."
I am not going to cut and paste from this one. Should be read in entirety.

How the GOP Will Cave on a Budget Deal -

When it comes right down to it, all the GOP's grandstanding and showboating is just that: A Potemkin Village designed to fool not their adversaries, but their SUPPORTERS!

If I were a Republican voter, I'd have to wonder just WHY my own party is conning ME, and not them?
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I am not going to cut and paste from this one. Should be read in entirety.

How the GOP Will Cave on a Budget Deal -

When it comes right down to it, all the GOP's grandstanding and showboating is just that: A Potemkin Village designed to fool not their adversaries, but their SUPPORTERS!

If I were a Republican voter, I'd have to wonder just WHY my own party is conning ME, and not them?

It's not that they are for balancing the budget. It is that they are against balancing the economy.

[edit] I still think that idea about the Marines was nuts. :D [/edit]
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