Video: Every Senate BudgetCommittee Democrat Votes´No´ on Balancing the Budget

It matters HOW the budget is balanced.

Yes.. the likes of you only want others to pay more.. more taxes, there is never enough.. and keep spending on anything and everything on whim.. for if the government does it, it is ok (well, unless it is a REP sponsored plan)

You and your ilk simply cannot fathom that spending has to be slashed
Democrats have never been interested in balancing the budget, including Bill Clinton. The only reason it was balanced is because the Republicans forced it.


That's the biggest line of bullshit ever.

Keep telling yourselves that.

Math has a way of contradicting you guys.

Bar none..Republicans are the biggest bunch of spenders, ever.

Ronnie "The Traitor" Reagan is the fucking front runner on that end.
I am not going to cut and paste from this one. Should be read in entirety.

How the GOP Will Cave on a Budget Deal -

The conventional wisdom is that Republicans have a midterm election advantage because turnout will be about half of what it was in the general election. The powerful Obama grass-roots political organization could turn that wisdom upside down in 2014, especially if voters are as angry about budget cuts as I believe they will be.

This basically supports several threads I had on the topic.
I am not going to cut and paste from this one. Should be read in entirety.

How the GOP Will Cave on a Budget Deal -

The conventional wisdom is that Republicans have a midterm election advantage because turnout will be about half of what it was in the general election. The powerful Obama grass-roots political organization could turn that wisdom upside down in 2014, especially if voters are as angry about budget cuts as I believe they will be.

This basically supports several threads I had on the topic.

Well nice to see someone finally found their coffee maker. :rolleyes:

I did a search for 'budget' on google. This is starting to break hard against the Ryan budget. I have seen some on this board say, "I just don't like either." We have to do something and this is an either/or. It is going to be like ripping fabric in two.

I just hope they would hurry up and get this damn sequester out of the way. Something the Ryan budget leaves in place.
Anyone got any link to anywhere that says balancing the budget in ten years is good for the country?

You mean you can't decide if it's good or not unless some pompous self-appointed expert tells you it's good?
Anyone got any link to anywhere that says balancing the budget in ten years is good for the country?

so thats thew new paradigm now;

RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.
RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.

so Clinton's balanced budgets? Good, great Bush blew it etc etc Show me why a balanced budget is worth it? :lol:

the feds are going to need every $ they can effectively and safely take from the private sector to fulfill obligations we have entrenched in the system, Medicare, obamacare and SS.

And I don't think surplus's ala Clinton are any good, UNLESS, you reire debt. why take more than the fed needs to operate if we have a balanced fed budget?

The problem is, even if the dems- Patty Murray's budget plan gets by and they take another 1 trillion $$ out of the economy and let the fed spend it, it will not retire one dime of debt. they just continue to spend above the historical norm of 19% of gdp.

Now, not all debt is not bad, pragmatically when you build infrastructure one can say the future users owe a present obligation to help build it as they will when completed, have use of it......but that has been blown right out the window, as use of monies taken in one month goes right out the door to pay for things now ( and past debt. interest etc.) and we still, continue to use debt financing to carry basic obligations in the present.

When and they will the interest rates start to return to historical norms, this cheap money we think we are borrowing now ....we spend 230Bn to pay interest ( not retire principal), wait till that inches up to 400, 500 Bn.....Armageddon, plain and simple.

Democrats have never been interested in balancing the budget, including Bill Clinton. The only reason it was balanced is because the Republicans forced it.


That's the biggest line of bullshit ever.

Keep telling yourselves that.

Math has a way of contradicting you guys.

Bar none..Republicans are the biggest bunch of spenders, ever.

Ronnie "The Traitor" Reagan is the fucking front runner on that end.

god you're such a hack......

so to sum up you idiotic position;

-when there is a demcoratic president and an opposition house and/or senate, anything positive is the Presidents to claim.....

-when there is a democratic president and an opposition house and /or senate, anything negative is the oppositions fault.........

I told you this was going to happen.

The radical GOP sent over a budget from the House they KNEW was dead on arrival and had no chance of ever passing the Senate. Then, when the Democrats in the Senate formulate their own version of a budget, the GOP tries to load it up with ridiculous amendments which are predictably batted down by the majority, just as they knew they would be.

Next, the Senate will pass its version of a budget along party lines and send it over to the House....where IT will be dead on arrival!

The last act in this charade will be when the GOP House leaders go on FOX and blabber on about how the Democrats in the Senate are to blame for no budget clearing the Congress. They've done this before and it always plays well with the Nutter base, most of whom do not know how Congress works. Any offers of compromise by the Democrats will be arrogantly rejected because it's either the GOP way, or the highway. Pay attention to the words Boehner and Cantor and Ryan use when they go on FOX and listen for this: "The Senate refuses to pass a legitimate budget, " which is GOP-speak for, "They won't pass OUR budget without any changes."

In the meantime, though, the nation will suffer through another year without a real budget, with spending sustained by more "continuing resolutions" to fund the government, which always includes increased spending, but the GOP is counting on their supporters not to know that.
Well said OldMan!

This is why the Legislative Branch should be eliminated. Obama could get so much more done without them standing in the way of Progress.
Dems have to stop buying into the Repubs constant chicken little act over the budget. The sky is not falling and the budget will be balanced when we undo the Repubs initiatives of the Bush disaster.

You are seriously delusional. Which "Republican initiatives" are currently causing the deficit?

80% of the Bush tax cuts are still in effect, the war in Afghanistan is going on, the Medicare part D is still unfunded.
If the budgets of the Bushtarded Era had been balanced, then right wing pity parties about the deficits today would have a lot more legitimacy. But they were not balanced, and so Americans see right through the GOP sob stories about deficits. No wonder President Obama easily defeated the Panamanian-born McCain and the Non-Christian Mexican Anchor Baby, Mitt Romney.

you know someone has no facts and are only spewing hyperbole they have heard when they include in their response such words are Bushtarded...
Video: Every Senate BudgetCommittee Democrat Votes´No´ on Balancing the Budget

If ‘balancing the budget’ means balancing it on the backs of retired Americans, the elderly, children, the disabled, and working Americans, one should hope so.
Do you ever have anything to add other than slogans and talking points?

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